#indieweb 2021-05-15

2021-05-15 UTC
[jacky] joined the channel
I haven't put them anywhere yet tbh!
I wanted to do it on my site but refactoring it live doesn't help with that lol
I might make it a page on the Wiki and link it from there [chrisaldrich]
alex11, [tantek], [fluffy] and wolftune joined the channel
I have some scattered feed reader brainstorming blog posts that I should add to /reader#Brainstorming
although I”m not sure how much my ideas are unique 🙂
http://beesbuzz.biz/blog/?tag=subl are the ones I can find offhand.
although I guess I don’t agree with most of that anymore.
[snarfed], [tw2113_Slack_] and tomlarkworthy joined the channel
!tell chrisaldrich you can login to https://observablehq.com/@endpointservices/storage with IndieAuth, but you need your observable profile (e.g. https://observablehq.com/@tomlarkworthy) backlinked to your homepage for you to do admin actions on cloud storage. I am not part of Observable so you need to use its traditional approach to get an account on the Observable platform. I have created a login system in 'userspace' and used relmeauth to
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
connect to Observable's silo.
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
thanks tomlarkworthy, that's the piece of context I had been missing.
[chrisaldrich]: tomlarkworthy left you a message 28 minutes ago: you can login to https://observablehq.com/@endpointservices/storage with IndieAuth, but you need your observable profile (e.g. https://observablehq.com/@tomlarkworthy) backlinked to your homepage for you to do admin actions on cloud storage. I am not part of Observable so you need to use its traditional approach to get an account on the Observable platform. I have created a login system in 'userspace' and used relmeauth to
tomlarkworthy, [chrisaldrich], [KevinMarks], Caleb[m]1 and dhanesh joined the channel
marcusr, [fluffy], dhanesh, alex11 and [dianoetic_net] joined the channel
True name on the Internet is overrated imo
sparseMatrix, a_chou, [snarfed], kensp, barnabywalters and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
That quote from Stamos at the end is dodgy
How so?
The implication that Facebook is using the graph only for good, but that other people gathering graphs are always malicious.
Ah, you misspelled "biased" 😆
Oh, us? We're just trying to help you find your friends!
wolftune, shoesNsocks, [chrisaldrich], seekr, Seirdy and trinityblade joined the channel
That same sort of apologist argument for corporate social silos ("but _we_ mean well" ) is underlined in the essay Kevin highlighted a week or so back: https://librarianshipwreck.wordpress.com/2021/04/28/they-meant-well-or-why-it-matters-who-gets-to-be-seen-as-a-tech-critic/
Seirdy and [snarfed] joined the channel
to be fair, Stamos didn’t mention Facebook once in the quote [KevinMarks] referred to, and I didn’t read it as implying anything about Facebook either. he seemed to address all social apps/functionality equally
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
Maybe I'm being too sensitive, but it seems like an implied defence of the biggest roach motel.
understood! i just didn’t get that from it myself
BrittSSLLC joined the channel
Stamos doesn't mention Facebook, but as the former Facebook chief security officer, he's providing an implied defense of Facebook (and most of big tech in general) while simultaneously throwing a firebomb in the direction of Strava with implications relating to fear, uncertainty, and doubt about national security for an American audience). It's all just being done with a wink and a nod and requires more context and background which isn't in
that graph.
Some of this is also being done in light of congressional testimony within the last two weeks (see the librarianshipwreck article above) which has serious implications for government oversight of social media. Stamos' comment underlines fears for national security >>> social media regulation for the unstudied congressmen/senators/president he's subtly lobbying here.
Not mentioned there is the same sort of massive data collection done by foreign governments in an attempt to out operatives/spies. That statement is talking about not sharing data with strangers, but the bigger target might be a company like Facebook itself which could employ a foreign national with access to its database for custom queries about potential spies and targets.
If you take the argument a tad further, if it's not okay for strangers to have that data, why should Facebook or other companies? What steps are they taking to prevent it at the next level up?
[jacky] joined the channel
And to circle it back around 😉, a future president might ask themselves, "Would I post this data publicly on my personal website instead of this social app?"
=> #indieweb-chat
BrittSSLLC joined the channel
[girrodocus] joined the channel
[Ana_Rodrigues] joined the channel
I will join in an hour :)
gRegorLove, ColinWalker and [fluffy] joined the channel
there’s like three things called webmention.js right now
shoesNsocks and Seirdy joined the channel
mine also wasn’t even the first
"stop calling projects webmention.*"
In my defense, I had only written it as a quick hack for my own site and then other people were interested enough that I moved it into its own repo.
two problems in computing and all that
wolftune joined the channel
webmention is a very good name, so it becomes an attractor
[schmarty] joined the channel
jamietanna thanks for your article (the social reader one). We talked about it lots in our HWC London last Wednesday and I learned quite a few things!
jamietanna has 4 karma in this channel over the last year (14 in all channels)
jamietanna joined the channel
Thanks [Ana_Rodrigues] glad it made some good conversations - is there anything interesting to share back / for me to read on i.e. an Etherpad?
Seirdy joined the channel
[w3c] webmention: Webmention spec
i have to scoot. thanks all for a fun webmentions popup! i am now chasing down rabbit holes for how to use silly static site tricks to make single-tenant webmention.io sites as like a netlify site 😂
sparseMatrix and jeremycherfas joined the channel
maxwelljoslyn joined the channel
ed balls indeed
jeremycherfas and trinityblade joined the channel
jacky++ great session
jacky has 19 karma in this channel over the last year (116 in all channels)
lahacker joined the channel
thank you!
Thank you all! It will be light years until I can even think about hosting my own webmentions so this was insightful. I was feeling a bit shy but I think one day I’d like to chat a bit more about receiving especially on blocklists / muted people and safety.
jacky++ thanks for hosting!!
jacky has 20 karma in this channel over the last year (117 in all channels)
[Ana_Rodrigues]: def something on my personal roadmap!
thank you!
I'm interested in those topics too
posted this in #indieweb-dev but i've opened https://github.com/indieweb/webmention-ecosystem/issues/1 + https://github.com/indieweb/webmention-ecosystem/issues/2 to begin chatting about how to do retrieval and normalizing the response of that
[jalcine] #1 Defining the Retrieval Format for Webmentions
Oh cool!
The other I received a webmention from an account I have muted everywhere I can (but I can’t block for reasons) and oof
I’m interested in webmention abuse and spam prevention too, especially all the community web-of-trust possibilities
e.g. being able to subscribe to the block lists of trusted friends, and use those to automatically filter out spam and blocked content
the biggest hurdle I can think of there is potential dangers of publishing a list of people you don’t like
tbh I'm falling into the camp of thought that [tantek] mentioned some time ago - flipping it such that you invite people you know to your site and everyone else can be put under a different 'view'
like how I think Twitter for verified people has two notification tabs for viewing replies from other verified people and then one for everything
Yeah I think the see also on /blocklist has some criticism of the subscribable list thing
on the indieweb, you can give yourself a blue tick
ha right
orrr, a green one :)
yep, you even get to choose the colour!
indieweb: any type of verified badge you want
[dmitshur], jeremycherfas and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
You can give yourself a green tick on mastodon with rel=me
[dianoetic_net] joined the channel
I like validation
what wsa that classic format for these tiny badges/banners? 11x83? someone make a "verified" one of those? (or "100% real human")
barnabywalters, timculverhouse and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
For [dianoetic_net] and anyone else that needs verification: https://boffosocko.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/IWC-Verified.png