Loqi[Mrs. D] An IndieWeb RecipeA static site maker, for a place to begin.
A layout with markup (or just add it in!).
Host it on GitHub in public, for free
or fill up a bucket for a small monthly fee.
Webmention.io to make replies go,
Bridgy to POSSE to your old s...
jeremycherfas!tell [dianoetic_net] it was already there! I've been trying to find a canonical version at Pluralistic, but I don't think he does that for his Medium posts, only for Twitter threads.
[dmitshur]https://microformats.org/wiki/h-card describes `u-uid` property as "universally unique identifier, preferably canonical URL". Is it meant to be a unique identifier for the person the h-card describes, or for the h-card itself? Is there a way it differs from `u-url`, which is described as "home page or other URL representing the person or organization"? What benefit is there in specifying `u-uid` compared to leaving it out?
@kevinmarks@alexstamos Taking your quote at face value, do 'strangers' include Facebook (etc) employees, Advertisers paying Facebook? This is the 'Stranger Danger' FUD when most of the actual damage is coming from inside the house - or the Social Network company in this case. (twitter.com/_/status/1393970610259234818)
KartikPrabhu, trinityblade, [tantek], [fluffy], BrittSSLLC, sparseMatrix, [chee], barnabywalters and [dianoetic_net] joined the channel