#indieweb 2021-05-18

2021-05-18 UTC
sparseMatrix, wolftune, alex11, marcusr, [tw2113_Slack_], [girrodocus], a_chou, [KevinMarks] and [Ana_Rodrigues] joined the channel
This is very embarrassing to admit but only just now I unlocked the “publish” to twitter on Bridgy 😐 I just never really properly looked at that column on the right side
[Ana_Rodrigues]: of all the things one should possibly be embarrassed about, I'm not sure that qualifies :D I haven't even *looked* at Bridgy
and good morning, btw
[Ana_Rodrigues]: I'm sorry if I went all man-splainy about that img tag, btw. I didn't know you're a web dev
I was going back and forth using the built-in upload in integromat and bridgy for publishing to flickr
bridgy won by being able to upload the lat/lon as well
so yes, bridgy publish is wonderful
[snarfed] has 31 karma in this channel over the last year (61 in all channels)
doosboox don’t worry! 😄 I replied to you but I used slack threads so it might have not gone through properly! I think pointing out a mistake with context is always helpful
[Ana_Rodrigues]: 👍
barnabywalters and [Murray] joined the channel
ooh Bridgy can handle Flickr publishing 😲 that might come in handy, thanks for the tip
[chee] joined the channel
*Retroshare has Channel (post files/videos/etc, only owner posts), Forum (similar to mailing lists), Board (feed, with commenting option for subscribers)
I found a new POSSEbility (sorry): Retroshare <https://retroshare.cc/> has both a feedreader plugin that can directly publish into a Forum*, and it has a JSON API, but I'm unable to find any documentation on the latter
barnabywalters_, ShadowKyogre, reed, ytqb[m], moftasa[m], smacko[m], cromo[m], [schmarty], astralbijection[, perflyst[m], zootella, unrelentingtech, bengl, jimpick, AkyRhO, sumner6, Bitweasil-, oenone_, buirg, strugee, stacktrust_ and [snarfed] joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel
aww thanks petermolnar!
ShadowKyogre, [manton], mtinsal, wolftune, a_chou, [chee], sparseMatrix, gRegorLove, lanodan, ben_thatmustbeme, [KevinMarks], Britt001SSLLC, [snarfed], [chrisaldrich], [tw2113_Slack_], barnabywalters_, [jeremycherfas], [dianoetic_net] and maxwelljoslyn joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel
work work work on data munging. all in service of the grand transition to next version of my website. cutting big-huge pages into individual posts and stuffing them into channels...
[Murray], sparseMatrix, ShadowKyogre, [snarfed], JackyAlcin[m], cbradford[m], powellc, Matthew[m], edsu, astralbijection[, sknebel[m], moftasa[m], csr, fredcy_, BinyaminGreen[m], drmr, astrojl_matrix and kolaente joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel