#indieweb 2022-01-09

2022-01-09 UTC
What an epoch becomes fashionable is cyclical. And it goes in 20-year cycles. Now it's the 90s, a decade ago it was the 80s.
My theory is that 15-year-olds 20 years from now will be 40, and will be nostalgic for their teenage years, pre-maturity.
And most importantly, they will already have enough money to consume revival products and other things.
n8chz joined the channel
Another curious thing is that the just preceding decades are reviled. I remember in the 90's, elephant leg pants were a horrible thing, but in the 00's they became fashionable again.
The same thing will happen now with skinny pants. You can't buy anything else, but in a few years they will look ugly, and in another 20 years they will be in fashion again.
n8chz joined the channel
People follow the herd consciously and unconsciously.
What I don't like and following this thread, that the indieweb is nostalgic for 90's designs. Horrible and tacky stuff. By definition, the indieweb should follow the minimalist, white, flat design trend, just the way it is today! (well, late last decade).
Those star backgrounds, those spinning mail icons... and on top of that the Ally Mcbeal dancing baby :-O
I'm still waiting for Parker Lewis Can't Lose to come back into fashion
I'm talking about the midi music from Titanic that I put on my first web page, and a blue unicorn.
^ I don't know that IndieWeb leans overly '90s design. A bit, maybe, but there's a huge spectrum of styles across IndieWeb sites. I love that IndieWeb encourages us to do whatever we want on their own sites, style wise but also features, post types, etc
in short, have legitimate fun with your website, even if it looks "horrible"
people don't have personal websites any more
it's all marketing/business driving websites
and then social media profiles for those who just don't "need" a site
There was some good stuff, but 90% of it was garbage. Made by amateurs. The real designers came later. I'm talking about good taste. And I'm not talking about scroll with parallax, or bells and whistles. I mean that there are people who study Fine Arts, and that they know something about design. There are people with very good taste and a few are super cool.
It's great for personal sites to have good taste and good design, but lots won't, and that's ok too. We're here more to encourage personal web sites of all shapes and styles than to overly judge design
But agreed, I like your framing of celebrating the good designs more than criticizing the bad ones!
i'll argue that the amateur are what made it initially great
it being the general internet in the mid 90s
Of course, people already do what they want. Just an opinion. That nostalgia is sometimes irremediable, that any time in the past was better. But it is necessary to analyze it without sentimentalism.
what fun is that? πŸ˜› jk
I have been surfing https://districts.neocities.org/ today to see some personal sites, and the design range is very wide. Very fun :D
I think the difference is that districts.neocities.org mostly lists sites that are still active. So they are today’s personal sites, and not just 20 year old sites :D It also shows how some of the designs are almost indistinguishable. Whether it is poeple learning HTML on geocities or on neocities
ahh, good distinction
used siliconvalley/heights . the numbers at siliconvalley were just very high by that time
Seirdy, darkkirb, [James_Van_Dyne], nertzy_ and justIrresolute joined the channel
People seem to be redefining Web 2.0 as Facebook, etc, that own data, but Web 2.0 at the time was platforms like WordPress, Odeo, Six Apart, Flickr, Technorati, and http://del.icio.us that had open data and interoperated. https://www.flickr.com/photos/ross/49490304 https://twitter.com/brian_armstrong/status/1479636522282455042 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FIoBOQ1UYAQEooV.jpg
Seirdy, justIrresolute, vj--, frittro and Garystu[d] joined the channel
I think gaudy web design looks fun. I agree that there are other 90s-00s web design trends which go kinda underrated in the discussion of how the old web looked. For example, websites built entirely in Flash. Or Metalheart aesthetic (as I think it's called) (this was more a mid 00s thing in my experience, tbf).
cygnoir[d], Sadale, boxframes, sebbu2, justIrresolute and jgee joined the channel
wow i never knew that had a name but gosh does that bring back memories
jessealama joined the channel
[indienews] New post: "Happy 10th Birthday, Bridgy!" https://snarfed.org/2022-01-08_happy-10th-birthday-bridgy
jessealama, Sadale, Sadale_ and justIrresolute joined the channel
juanchipro[m]: " Made by amateurs. " that's a feature, not a bug.
tetov-irc, boxframes, gxt, rvalue- and Sadale joined the channel
bridgy++ snarfed++
bridgy has 8 karma over the last year
snarfed has 31 karma in this channel over the last year (66 in all channels)
KartikPrabhu, KartikPrabhu1, jeremycherfas and Sadale joined the channel
this is very well structured per audience: https://sadgrl.online/newoldweb/yourownsite/htmlcsshelp.html (plus it's useful)
angelo, Bitweasil and [Joe_Crawford] joined the channel
Any chance of a meetup Club like this in Spanish?
Pacific even meetups. But not in Spanish. It's frustrating. Spanish is the second most spoken language in the world after Chinese (but not the most important).
It's not a complaint, it's an observation request hehe
What happens is that the rest of the countries of the world, not having a popular or strong language, learn English. But in terms of powerful languages the native people have a pathetic level of English.
I mean, that's my case, hehe.
I hate it when people laugh at my accent or ignore me.
You're very welcome to set one up - we've found it's easier to get started with 2 or 3 people if you can arrange that.
No, I'll pass, I just got here. I'm a complete newbie.
Some of the wiki has been translated into Spanish https://indieweb.org/Main_Page-es - you could contact people involved with that
Too complicated, I think. And too much responsibility. I'm not ready yet.
> Some of the wiki has been translated into Spanish https://indieweb.org/Main_Page-es - you could contact people involved with that
Oh, I see.
cygnoir[d], rattroupe[d], hoenir, balupton[d], hans63us[d], edburns[d], jackdaw[d], shaunix[d], tracydurnell[d], Seb[d], wackycity[d], petermolnar, Myst[d] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
bridgy++ πŸŽ‚ 🍾 🍸 πŸŽ‰ snarfed++
bridgy has 9 karma over the last year
snarfed has 32 karma in this channel over the last year (67 in all channels)
marksuth[d], tetov-irc and Billbennettnz joined the channel
I'm here for "made by amateurs"
PK[d] joined the channel
Amateur means "made with more love than money"
Describes my entire working life ;)
in my read, amateur is "I choose to do this"
It's a bit deep and philosophical, but much of today's centralised web is about first crowding out, then taking control of amateurs