jan6anyone else can also yell if they want to steal either of the ideas, or want their name stylized, or something (fun fact: the amber one is inspired by the amber CRTs, as good as i managed to get it )
sarahd[d], capjamesg[d], antrdnv[d], Myst[d], indieweb-irc-bri and [Zeina] joined the channel
[Zeina]Saw earlier talk of static site generators; Following, because recently I've been thinking about how difficult they are (or can be) for people with little development experience
[Zeina]I'd love to recommend them to more people I know (esp artist friends) but I'm cautious because I had a harder time than I anticipated just wrangling my site
[snarfed]1[Zeina] more importantly though, if you want to help non-technical friends make web sites, specific plumbing (eg SSG) may not be the most important criteria
[Adnan_Onart]↩️ I organized my online photography exhibit for a cultural association using SquareSpace. It was extremely easy to do and they have a good support team. https://www.againstthedark.org/
Murray[d]there are some pretty useful 11ty plugins as well that gets you a lot out-of-the-box, but yes, it's a lot more dev-centered than, say, WordPress (which I'd still argue is a great setup for people without a huge amount of technical knowledge or interest)
Murray[d]In terms of static CMS, there's also Netlify CMS https://www.netlifycms.org/, which has the added bonus of working on Netlify's free hosting (plus anywhere else, but you can be sure of that support lasting for a while :D) and has a pretty quick installation setup. You still need a static site generator under the hood, but they have templates for Hugo, 11ty, NextJS, and quite a few others
[jgmac1106]I am liking micro.blog for my more professional stuff where I don't have the tinker nor can afford the down time. I do a bit of a review of it as an "Othello" option for folks in the review above
angelo, IntriguedWow[d] and [tantek] joined the channel
jan6https://redbean.dev/ seems pretty dang great for making easily hostable and easily backup-able static, or mostly-static sites (does allow lua scripting)
AndersHey all. Is there a microformat for directory listings? For example, Apache, Nginx, Caddy, etc all have a built-in way to present filesystems as simple HTML pages. It would be nice if there was a standard they could adopt to make those listings machine-parseable.