#hans63us[d][tantek]: got it... well, if Jack "regrets" what he did, that's a start... but he didn't say he's sorry... and from what I can tell, he's doing more to continue the problem rather than to solve it
mro, Sadale, Nuve2, tetov-irc and Nuve1 joined the channel
#[KevinMarks]twitter has a new page that is like the original homepage - it's a timeline of the people that you have notifications turned on for https://twitter.com/i/timeline
cybi, Nuve, Christian_Olivie, jacky, nertzy_, n8chz, P1000[d], mro, nertzy, chenghiz_, ShinyCyril, mro_, ehmry, rvalue-, adstew, Moosadee, walkah, wagle, tetov-irc and [fluffy] joined the channel