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#[Simon_Gray]1What do people here think about Solid? I found this page, but it doesn’t go into much detail. I saw a talk on Solid at a conference in 2018 by Tim Berner’s Lee and he was very excited by it. However, I haven’t really seen or heard much about it since.
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#petermolnarit's complicated, as in both ways: SOLID itself is complicated and I find my stance around it complicated.
#petermolnarfrom one perspective, it's a nice idea, but it started out as a standard, with nothing usable or actively using it on the web; now there are things built around it ( see ) but it's lacking wider adoptation.
#petermolnarI seriously dislike that most implementations are JS only or JS heavy
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#petermolnarpersonally I think that the complexity of it is deterring a lot away from it