[fluffy]wow twitter notes look awful. I wonder what the timeline UX will be like, and if it’ll be any different than people just like. linking to their blog entries from their tweets like what most bloggers have been doing since approximately 2007.
[snarfed][fluffy] agreed, I'm surprised they aren't integrated into timelines etc more natively. "tweet note" indeed. still early, maybe they will be eventually
Zegnat"downranked by the algorithm for off-site links", I wish the silos would stop with that. Seems like all of them do it now? Even on LinkedIn I see people talk about "the link in the comments".
[tantek]Oooh I wonder if that could be something to automate as part of POSSEing to Twitter, post a reply to your POSSE tweet with the “Original post: link”
[KevinMarks]1[aaronpk] there was someone in the UK who became a top ranked politics tweeter by posting headlines from real news sites, with the link in the reply post
[KevinMarks]1I've also noticed uk journalists doing it with their paywalled stories - post a screen grab of a paragraph then link to the paywalled article subsequently
AramZ-S[m]Amusingly, when I worked at Salon dot com we had a social media person who brought a ton of traffic to the site from Tumblr by just posting Salon Headlines as screenshots to our Tumblr account.