LoqiBeaker is a browser supporting the Hypercore protocol, and notable as an example of making non-HTTP "distributed" protocols more user-friendly https://indieweb.org/Beaker
[KevinMarks]1Do we have a name for the problem when a company hires indie developers and stops them keeping the indie projects going? It's looking like a pattern.
[schmarty]in this case my understanding is that pfrazee kind of hit a wall with Beaker and wanted to change an underlying approach with the way the hyper-ecosystem works. the hyper folks have been working on a big rewrite to enable "multi-writer", breaking backwards-compatibility.
[schmarty]Mauve's Agregore has been filling in some of the gaps from the perspective of letting folks build "web apps that can publish and be published on and read from decentralized networks" and it's very powerful but i feel a bit rough in terms of churn and documentation.
[KevinMarks]1That sounds like the problem with scuttlebutt. Making everything private key based is a different kind of fragile from domains, and less mature at recovery
[tantek]agreed [KevinMarks] we need a term like acquihire that captures that essence of being hired either directly (legally) or indirectly (by taking up more time&attention i.e. opportunity cost) stopping indie projects. I feel some of that happened to [benatwork] and [kylewm] as well
tetov-irc, nertzy and jacky joined the channel; jacky left the channel