#indieweb 2022-11-04

2022-11-04 UTC
bterry3, geoffo and strugee joined the channel
with this big shakeup with twitter verification, I almost think "vouch" would be better off as a way to do p2p profile verification rather than vouching for webmentions
n8chz1 joined the channel
everyone is so concerned about what twitter verification will mean once you can just pay for it
aaronpk: Do you have a good idea about implementing it? We always have trouble getting past theory?
tbbrown joined the channel
<jacky> A simple one could be leaning on a back link from "reputable" domains (to the verifier)
<jacky> Like if you have some sort of bidirectional linking to one's Wikipedia page, or Indieweb profile that's queryable without auth (IIRC)
<jacky> Could be as simple as a rel-me back link on both pages
<jacky> At least to start, I know someone out there will see a need for additional cryptographical usage like verifying the signature of said vouch in either direction
depending on the notion of a "reputable" domain is both a restatement of the need for vouching in the first place, and sounds like it could/would be potentially centralized
heh re: "additional cryptographical usage", like a spice to mix in
GWG-, doug[m], ren, rrix_, mro, rvalue and odnes joined the channel
Should we pick an emoji to put in twitter name to link to our personal sites?
mro and petermolnar joined the channel
Are there other emoji that are used in Twitter names for something else?
aaronpk joined the channel
Thanks Snarfed. I would have taken ages to discover that on my own
geoffo and mro joined the channel
snarfed, lol yeah at some point we gave up namesmithing the AP verbs
AS1 was a bit more focused, but AS2 we let Snell drive it more
Pretty sure it was "share" in AS1
cambridgeport90 joined the channel
What is IndieWeb CLI?
It looks like we don't have a page for "IndieWeb CLI" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "IndieWeb CLI is ____", a sentence describing the term)
I'm not going to have that page created yet... because I think that term belongs to somebody's project up here... (it was in the list of commitments for 2023), so I'll let creators explain.
[campegg] and jacky joined the channel
“Blockchain protocols may be good for some things but they’re not good for Solid,” a web decentralization project led by Berners-Lee, he said. “They’re too slow too expensive and too public. Personal data stores have to be fast, cheap and private.” “Ignore the Web3 stuff, random Web3 that was built on blockchain,” he added. “We’re not using that for Solid.”
friendly reminder [timothy_chambe], it seems like this conversation is more appropriate for #indieweb-dev (blockchain, web3)
lol yes [timothy_chambe]++
[timothy_chambe] has 4 karma in this channel over the last year (5 in all channels)
gxt joined the channel
Interesting thread (revealed by the tweet in #indieweb-meta) https://twitter.com/JacobyDave/status/1588551014034321408
mro joined the channel
Image captured with a potato
I wonder if anyone ever made a pinhole camera by hollowing out a potato
[fluffy]++ for https://beesbuzz.biz/blog/3449-The-Dangers-of-Context-Collapse — superbly written
[fluffy] has 8 karma in this channel over the last year (23 in all channels)
[fluffy] joined the channel
Thanks! I was considering whether to post it to IndieNews or at least link to it from an appropriate page on the wiki.
handled the latter, I support IndieNewsing it
the examples (so many!) are 🙌🙌🙌
[indienews] New post: "The Dangers of Context Collapse" https://beesbuzz.biz/blog/3449-The-Dangers-of-Context-Collapse
Nuve joined the channel
do we have a post on the wiki about mastodon's autodelete feature? I think it's fascinating because when I first started with Indieweb stuff part of the appeal was that it would stop things from disappearing, links being broken, etc. but then these days I'm quite happy to have deleted all my old posts and be starting fresh.
what is autodelete?
It looks like we don't have a page for "autodelete" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "autodelete is ____", a sentence describing the term)
what is ephemeral post
Expiring content is content that is only temporarily (ephemerally) relevant, and also part of a larger post, that can and should be (preferably automatically) removed once a particular datetime has passed (the expiration date) https://indieweb.org/ephemeral_post
autodelete is /expiring_content
ash[m] is there a Mastodon page describing its autodelete feature?
who else has "Elsewhere" sections on their personal sites?
does this box for rel=me's on my homepage count? http://mmg.re/
Marty McGuire
what is identity-elsewhere
what is identity-elsewhere
IndieWeb sites typically have a section (often labeled “Elsewhere”) on their website (typically on their home page) that links to profile pages on social network silos and other forms of identity elsewhere https://indieweb.org/identity-elsewhere
bterry1 joined the channel
I'm curious how others decide what profiles / things to point to in their "elsewhere" sections
considering splitting mine between "also follow on" and "elsewhere"
mine is pretty performative, consciously just the silos I care about, right now Twitter and GH
(there are lots more for rel-me purposes that are hidden)
gRegor and n8chz joined the channel
just decided to rewrite mine with the addition of an at-at identity
I split them into "Follow" and "Elsewhere": https://tantek.com/#follow
I was wondering how/where to link Bridgy Fed AP profiles
snarfed, I put an idea up there, interested in feedback! visual, usability etc.
oh no where to link them _to_. I guess any instance works, eg https://mastodon.social/@tantek.com@tantek.com
Tantek Çelik
not linking them is also a choice. the @-@ syntax is only necessary because mastodon etc can’t follow a plain domain. logically tantek.com@tantek.com would like back to tantek.com
*link back
yeah but for your fediverse identity in a "following" section, you probably want to link somewhere that helps people follow you there
huh https://mastodon.social/@tantek.com@tantek.com *does* just redirect back to tantek.com
for me at least
Tantek Çelik
oh wait that mastodon.social link above is now redirecting to tantek.com. before, it was showing the nice rendered AP profile
meh. will debug later
does mastodon have some sort of distributed web action support? a way of having people click “follow” on any page and it’ll get handled by their chosen server?
they have you type in your server
okay, so it’d be possible to make a UI for personal sites which redirects people to a follow UI on their home server
barnaby, yes, for more on that, let's go to #indieweb-dev