#indieweb 2022-11-05

2022-11-05 UTC
sp1ff and geoffo joined the channel
[tantek] Elsewhere section toward the bottom of my homepage: https://sixtwothree.org
Jason Garber
identity-elsewhere << Example: {{jgarber}} has an Elsewhere section near the bottom of his homepage https://sixtwothree.org
ok, I added "Example: {{jgarber}} has an Elsewhere section near the bottom of his homepage https://sixtwothree.org" to the "See Also" section of /identity-elsewhere https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=84214&oldid=84211
Some of those profiles are _pretty_ dusty.
yeah mine were too, I did a reset of mine
The ol’ sixtwothree-dot-org is _pretty_ dusty, too. :melting_face:
sebsel and geoffo joined the channel
on https://seirdy.one/ I keep it really small in a "contact" section on the homepage, and I'm more exhaustive in my dedicated "about" page. Felt that putting absolutely everything right on the home page would be too much of an infodump for newcomers.
sebsel, gerben, rvalue, barnaby, angelo, bterry, bozo and jonnybarnes joined the channel
truly never a better time to make yourself a horrible little website. get a domain and put some words on it. plaintext is IN
n8chz, [Jamie_Tanna], rockorager, chimo, mro, [Jamie_Tanna]1, jamietanna, odnes, gxt, juunka[m], Nuve, [snarfed], mro_, Cerins and geoffo joined the channel; rockorager left the channel
<jacky> Seirdy: I agree. I moved mine to my about page
i also put a bunch of others in my keyoxide-compatible pubkey
i think what i'll do is put a <details> element on my about page for "even more profiles" and make that exhaustive. the goal will be "if it's not on this list, it's an imposter"
Web inventor Tim Berners-Lee wants us to 'ignore' Web3: 'Web3 is not the web at all' https://cnb.cx/3E1HYYs
<jacky> Ooh that's a good term to use
And one of the services he lists is down 🤣
<jacky> Blogoverse + fediverse + adverse
geoffo, ren, mro, [tw2113_Slack_], mro_, fuzzy_, fuzzy__, [hollie] and [hollie]1 joined the channel
Matt Mullenweg tweets out Tumblrs latest stats - about 1/10th the monthly active users as Twitter right now:
Tumblr has about 1/10th the MAUs as Twitter, the team used to be 1/37th the size, now it's about 1/17th the size. Unfortunately it makes 1/238th the revenue! We have a long way to go, especially per-user.
wow that's a lot of detailed business info
ehmry joined the channel
[Dr. Casey Fiesler] This is a recreation of a Twitter thread of my response to someone who said re: scientists moving to Mastodon: "Leaving the global community to enter a silo makes no sense."I think this represents a common misconception about Mastodon! The entire poi...
gxt joined the channel
Need some advice on how I can better style this page? https://wpdev.gwg.us/venue/laguardia-airport-lga/
Not low level advice...what would be interesting on it?
a list of all the times you've checked in?
That is planned
For now, I just want to get the usage working right so I can deploy it to production.
Trying to figure out what is minimally required
gxt joined the channel
GWG: some alt-text
Seirdy: How about some text period?
someone who isn't familiar with the indieweb wouldn't know what they're looking at. is this a page about an airport?
say something like the timestamp, and "checked into LGA"
maybe "en route to" or "arriving from"
and optionally an editorial blurb. "excited for my trip!"
Seirdy: That isn't a check-in, that's what I checked into
This is the test import from https://wpdev.gwg.us/2022/03/15/27343/
<tracydurnell> A photo of the venue if you have one?
I have the provision for that in future.
Also a canonical URL or alternative URLs
what is venue
A venue is a named location or address/geo that is typically used for checkins https://indieweb.org/venue