2022-11-06 UTC
# 01:01 [tantek]1 I'm seeing little chiclet labels like ( 🌶 Hot take ) between an author name and a tweet on Twitter, is anyone else seeing these?
# 01:03 barnaby like the “<3 by author” one they added recently? that’s the only one I’ve seen in the wild
# 01:17 [tantek]1 I wonder what makes something a "hot take" like are they actually doing sentiment analysis?
# 01:18 [tantek]1 ok I just saw ( 🏆 Winning) also
# 01:19 [tantek]1 and ( 🌞 Good Morning )
# 01:21 [schmarty]1 (🐶🔥 This is Fine)
# 01:21 [tantek]1 [schmarty]++ yesssss
# 01:21 Loqi [schmarty] has 5 karma in this channel over the last year (36 in all channels)
# 01:31 [tantek]1 like LJ moods? 😂
ren joined the channel
# 02:06 [tantek]1 interesting, is that a "logical" venue that shifts as you shift homes?
# 02:07 GWG [tantek]1: I have lived here for more than 20 years. I'll cross that bridge when I come to it
# 02:10 GWG I have more I want to do with it. But it was important I got something storing data before I left to make some data on..what did you call it, the 'best' coast?
# 02:10 [tantek]1 Swarm has the ability to update / move venues, or even close them
# 02:15 [tantek]1 GWG, it's an interesting challenge being able to update venues and yet no modify/screwup checkins to them in the past
# 02:16 GWG [tantek]1: I haven't had the challenge yet.
# 02:16 GWG I probably will when I start converting old checkins and creating venues for them.
# 02:17 GWG I have several hundred checkins to deal with
# 02:20 GWG And yes, I know it pales in comparison
# 02:20 GWG You have over several orders of magnitude above that
# 02:21 GWG Of course, if I had more, migrating them would be much harder
# 03:06 [tantek]1 yo dawg, I hear you like status updates
Saphir, webmind, aynish, ash[m], reed, slyduda[m], distopico, Xe, Jon, AramZ-S[m], ren, KubaOrlik[m], Loqi and yar joined the channel
# 04:48 [timothy_chambe] "that’s blogging. elon threw a hissy fit and then spent $44 billion to reinvent the blog."
# 04:55 [tantek]1 presumably for Blue users tho
# 04:57 AramZ-S[m] Sort of breaks the model of why people use Twitter to begin with
# 05:04 AramZ-S[m] Not really. Twitter works because of the format I mean the notes inline are not particularly twitter like
# 05:05 AramZ-S[m] if you take what makes Twitter unique and turn it into everything else... what use is it?
# 05:06 [snarfed] I do have to admit though, we've complained about the bad incentives of ads funding social media for so long, I kind of love that someone's making a go of directly charging users in a major silo
# 05:08 [snarfed] (granted though, everything else they're doing seems like a mess)
yar, ren, bleb, neceve, Oclair, barnaby, neceve_ and rvalue joined the channel
# 12:30 Saphire AramZ-S[m]: this feels so much like what happened to freenode
# 12:30 Saphire The Guy suddenly takes ovrr and starts to Innovate Everything
neceve_, Oclair, Saphir, coleman, neceve, Oclair_, [davidmead], Nuve, nertzy, geoffo, ren and [davidmead]1 joined the channel
# 17:11 [timothy_chambe] Any #activitypub developers, this looks like a key open source effort to help….
# 17:40 [timothy_chambe] Thanks - you'd think I'd get the hang of what should be news versus what should be #indieweb-dev by now. Will be careful about that, thanks...
mro, nertzy, geoffo, Nuve, gRegor and nertzy_ joined the channel
# 21:28 [tw2113_Slack_] i still think the exodus will be smaller than most people make it out to be, just like the last few times mastodon got trending
# 21:29 [tw2113_Slack_] adult material, but not porn
gRegorLove_, geoffo and Nuve joined the channel
barnaby, geoffo and [eddie] joined the channel