#indieweb 2022-11-06

2022-11-06 UTC
I'm seeing little chiclet labels like ( 🌶 Hot take ) between an author name and a tweet on Twitter, is anyone else seeing these?
like the “<3 by author” one they added recently? that’s the only one I’ve seen in the wild
Yeah they launched that a while ago
I wonder what makes something a "hot take" like are they actually doing sentiment analysis?
ok I just saw ( 🏆 Winning) also
and ( 🌞 Good Morning )
(🐶🔥 This is Fine)
[schmarty]++ yesssss
[schmarty] has 5 karma in this channel over the last year (36 in all channels)
You choose then when you tweet afaik
wait what
like LJ moods? 😂
ren joined the channel
interesting, is that a "logical" venue that shifts as you shift homes?
[tantek]1: I have lived here for more than 20 years. I'll cross that bridge when I come to it
I can always change the label.
I have more I want to do with it. But it was important I got something storing data before I left to make some data on..what did you call it, the 'best' coast?
Swarm has the ability to update / move venues, or even close them
[tantek]1: Baby steps?
GWG, it's an interesting challenge being able to update venues and yet no modify/screwup checkins to them in the past
[tantek]1: I haven't had the challenge yet.
I probably will when I start converting old checkins and creating venues for them.
I have several hundred checkins to deal with
And yes, I know it pales in comparison
You have over several orders of magnitude above that
Of course, if I had more, migrating them would be much harder
yo dawg, I hear you like status updates
Saphir, webmind, aynish, ash[m], reed, slyduda[m], distopico, Xe, Jon, AramZ-S[m], ren, KubaOrlik[m], Loqi and yar joined the channel
"that’s blogging. elon threw a hissy fit and then spent $44 billion to reinvent the blog."
that’s blogging. elon threw a hissy fit and then spent $44 billion to reinvent the blog. https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1589009644114284544
presumably for Blue users tho
Seems like he is trying to stick everything in blue
Sort of breaks the model of why people use Twitter to begin with
The ad funded model, yes
Not really. Twitter works because of the format I mean the notes inline are not particularly twitter like
if you take what makes Twitter unique and turn it into everything else... what use is it?
Ah ok sure
I do have to admit though, we've complained about the bad incentives of ads funding social media for so long, I kind of love that someone's making a go of directly charging users in a major silo
(granted though, everything else they're doing seems like a mess)
yar, ren, bleb, neceve, Oclair, barnaby, neceve_ and rvalue joined the channel
AramZ-S[m]: this feels so much like what happened to freenode
The Guy suddenly takes ovrr and starts to Innovate Everything
neceve_, Oclair, Saphir, coleman, neceve, Oclair_, [davidmead], Nuve, nertzy, geoffo, ren and [davidmead]1 joined the channel
[indienews] New post: "A photo stream for my site" https://dri.es/a-photo-stream-for-my-site
Any #activitypub developers, this looks like a key open source effort to help….
Developers only. Do you know enough about ActivityPub to help document it? I'll write the docs. I'm good at it. I'll ask the questions to get the info from you. I want to put up a simple chat app on the AP network. Open source of course. Node.js. https://github.com/scripting/reallySimpleActivityPub
except AP isn't a chat protocol
also solidly #indieweb-dev
Thanks - you'd think I'd get the hang of what should be news versus what should be #indieweb-dev by now. Will be careful about that, thanks...
mro, nertzy, geoffo, Nuve, gRegor and nertzy_ joined the channel
The cross cultural explanations are fascinating https://twitter.com/PlushCakes/status/1588987816469745666
Everyone moving to tumblr from twitter; please for the love of god read this.
i still think the exodus will be smaller than most people make it out to be, just like the last few times mastodon got trending
bigger this time around than last for sure
Interesting... isn't Tumblr allowing NSFW stuff now
adult material, but not porn
gRegorLove_, geoffo and Nuve joined the channel
good posts
barnaby, geoffo and [eddie] joined the channel