[tantek]1I've decided to nearly always set "People @t follows or mentioned can reply" on my POSSE tweets because the rando spam replies are getting too annoying to bother hiding/reporting/blocking
[tantek]1you can't retroactively remove replies that are outside of the new permissions. you can "hide" them but that only works on the logged in view. the logged-out view still shows all of them
[tantek]1for anything remotely "controversial" I think I will lock down replies to those I follow immediately, and for anything else, I think I will lock down replies ~48hrs after posting (which would have been enough to block the noise on that one tweet at least)
LoqiPerformance typically refers to the speed, responsiveness, and initial load of a website; performance may also refer to the post type, performance https://indieweb.org/performance
Loqi[fuuma] Make the net weird again. Hand write sites like it’s the 90s. Pick interesting domain names and make fan sites or random knowledge known to everyone. Don’t monetize anything. Spearhead new protocols like Gemini. Make mods for games on your site. ...
[snarfed][Jamie_Tanna] it does automatically. We are seeing that a small fraction of Madison instances are having trouble verifying signatures though, this might be that, I can look
[Jamie_Tanna]Oh interesting, thanks snarfed. I've just retried a follow to https://indieweb.social/web/@www.jvt.me@www.jvt.me which shows as a follow request pending, still. Lemme know if there's anything I can do to help! (as well as probably move into #indieweb-dev)
[Dinis_Correia]Hi everyone! I’m trying to publish blog post to Mastodon/Twitter using Bridgy using webmentions (with the WP webmantion plugin) but I’m missing something in the process. Can’t really seem to figure out how to send the webmention when something is posted 😕
Loqi[anildash 🤪] When it came time to reckon with social media’s failings, nobody ran to the “web3” platforms. Nobody asked “can I get paid per message”? Nobody asked about the blockchain. The community of people who’ve been quietly doing this work for ye...
Zagura[m]Is is considered good practice to have an h-card in a sub-page, like example.com/about, but put a link in the main page (example.com) with the `h-card` class?
Zagura[m]I see an example in the official wiki, but im not sure if that means that the parsers will load the content of the link & extract the h-card from there, or just see an h-card with a single url