#indieweb 2022-11-08

2022-11-08 UTC
gRegorLove_, lanodan, jacky, Seirdy, geoffo, cygnoir, webmind and [aciccarello] joined the channel
what are stories
A story is a singular (one per profile) time stream collection post, that consists of ephemeral photo and video posts that are shown in sequence one at a time and disappear from the collection some time after being added, usually 24 hours https://indieweb.org/stories
gerben and krjst joined the channel
Don’t want stories? That’s fine. You can turn off stories entirely by going to Settings → Stories. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fg-vEu5WAAUxsaY.jpg
timdream, [aciccarello]1, geoffo, mro, Nuve and cambridgeport90 joined the channel
odnes and mro joined the channel
welcome to hotel #indieweb cambridgeport90
[MiaCrow], jonnybarnes, barnaby, gRegorLove_, n8chz, [pfefferle], [Murray], bterry1, jacky, [Murray]1, AramZS and geoffo joined the channel
My first public venue autocreated this morning....need to tweak presentation and some other stuff, but progress
apparently I setup a xoxo.zone Mastodon account and by the likes of the email notifications, it's getting followers. how do I after the fact set it up to "forward" to my personal site @-@ account so those folks trying to follow me follow my @-@ personal site account instead?
(I think I set this xoxo account up years ago)
You could try the account migration/redirect thing in Mastodon settings, but it may be Mastodon specific
yeah there's a setting in the mastodon UI somewhere, i think i did that for my own xoxo.zone account too
that's probably worth writing up on the wiki as a how to for folks who setup their personal sites with Bridgy Fed
Let's see if it works first
presumably aaronpk did it and it works for him?
i don't think we need to duplicate the documentation https://docs.joinmastodon.org/user/moving/#migration
Could document that BF doesn't (yet) support the Move activity
snarfed, do you mean moving *from* BF?
or receiving of forwards?
aaronpk, that's a good resource to link to. may be worth documenting Bridgy Fed specific aspects
I'll chat what I'm doing here
After logging in, I clicked on "⚙ Preferences" which took me to https://xoxo.zone/settings/preferences/appearance
jacky joined the channel
Evidently there's a specific Move AP activity that maybe Mastodon invented. See aaronpk's link ^
in the left column I clicked on "🔒 Account" which took me to https://xoxo.zone/auth/edit
under the heading "Move to a different account" I clicked on "configure it here." which took me to https://xoxo.zone/settings/migration
(note: this is already different from the instructions on docs.joinmastodon)
(this is why I'm doing it explicitly and taking notes)
mro joined the channel
in the form field "Handle of the new account *" I typed in my domain@domain, and Mastodon pw in the "Current password *" field, and clicked the ( MOVE FOLLOWERS ) button
I got the red error message: " Something isn't quite right yet! Please review the error below ", the input label "Handle of the new account *" turned red with a red message under the field "is not an alias of this account"
I took a screenshot
yeah this may be the Mastodon-specific part
looks like I have to first tell Bridgy Fed (somehow) to "back-reference" this account. Per the instruction: "The new account must first be configured to back-reference this one"
and there you go, currently it doesn't work
so at a minimum we can document that you can't (yet) migrate from a Mastodon account to a Bridgy Fed setup, so if you plan to "eventually" use your own site, you should just do that up front, rather than creating a Mastodon account first.
[tantek] I had the same thing happen with mastodon.social and indieweb.social, so just ended up setting my indieweb.social account to redirect to mastodon.social
I clicked the "only put up a redirect on your profile." which took me to https://xoxo.zone/settings/migration/redirect/new
So even migrating between Mastodon instances is broken, not just Bridgy Fed
in the form field "Handle of the new account *" I typed in my domain@domain, and Mastodon pw in the "Current password *" field, and clicked the ( SET REDIRECT ) button
and got an error page saying "We're sorry, but something went wrong on our end." with an animated cartoon elephant pounding on a desk with a computer with ERROR on its display
Thus ends that attempt to setup redirecting from an existing Mastodon Account to Bridgy Fed.
(also there's no link or way to "escape" that error page back to your home page or preferences or anything)
(it's a navigational deadend)
[campegg] migrating between Mastodon instances works, I did it recently, worked fine
I manually went back to https://xoxo.zone/settings/
you have to set up an alias on the destination account first
but yeah the alias thing seems maybe Mastodon-specific
[snarfed] the "only put up a redirect on your profile" should work without setting up the alias on the destination, odd that that's broken too
LMK if you saw anything 'weird' on your end in Bridgy Fed logs
yeah needing the destination alias is a UX question, I'm guessing they had reasons, would be nice to find those
i think the theory is that you want the bidirectional verification like RelMeAuth
i'm sure it was discussed
one attack vector of not having the bidirectional link is i could set up an account on some shady instance and redirect it to your account, then go around telling people "look tantek had an account at X see?"
Alex Stamos has been looking at related account migration concerns, eg https://twitter.com/alexstamos/status/1589695471425294336
One of the interesting security issues with the federated namespace is that you can force your followers to come over to a new server you control. I seem to be running into a caching issue with http://mastodon.social but we'll see if I can surprise folks. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fg-7dQJVIAUVE63.jpg
that's... misleading
"come over to" is doing a lot of heavy lifting there
[hach-que] #177 Support account migration
[snarfed] 🤔 I went through much the same process as Tantek did above, with much the same result
it’s a complicated problem
I edited my "Bio" field of my profile to put: "t has moved to tantek.com@tantek.com / Or follow https://tantek.com/ in your Social Reader", added a "Website" metadata item with link https://tantek.com/ and clicked ( SAVE CHANGES )
Tantek Çelik
I posted "Follow my real account at @tantek.com@tantek.com"
[campegg] did you set up the alias on the destination account?
[Tantek Çelik] Follow my real account at @tantek.com
note the difference in previews ^
it changed the text "@tantek.com@tantek.com" to "@tantek.com" and auto-linked it to https://fed.brid.gy/r/http://tantek.com/
however, clicking on "@tantek.com" in that toot then takes you to https://xoxo.zone/web/@tantek.com@tantek.com
Tantek Çelik
after a few seconds/minutes, that URL ^ starts redirecting to tantek.com
as it does now
(Mastodon behavior I don't fully understand yet)
[snarfed], maybe minutes? haven't seen it redirect yet. at the bottom of that page it links "Browse more on the original profile" to https://fed.brid.gy/r/http://tantek.com/ which then redirects to http://tantek.com/. Any chance of setting that up to redirect to https://tantek.com/ instead? I don't think I did anything on Bridgy Fed to pick http: explicitly.
[snarfed] Yep, did all that. Might try again later, but for now, am just going to settle for the redirect
also looks like my reply to myself was not "federated" to that profile, will have to check my code
Tantek Çelik
the https://fed.brid.gy/r/http://tantek.com/ link includes http scheme in it. I think I generate that from AP activites that only have @-@, which doesn't have scheme, so I have to default to http
hmm, looks like I did include the Bridgy Fed link and webmentioned it from my most recent post https://tantek.com/2022/311/t1/sf-ca-election-issues-update
can look more
[Tantek Çelik] SF&CA 2022 election issues update Voting no on M, poorly structured vacancy tax, we need a better one. See @SPUR_Urbanist analysis: https://www.spur.org/voter-guide/2022-11/sf-prop-m-vacant-homes Also SF Chronicle: https://www.sfchronicle.com/opini...
[snarfed] I'm still not seeing the redirect, e.g. at https://xoxo.zone/web/@tantek.com@tantek.com/with_replies
Tantek Çelik
it redirects for me
still, I setup the rel-me verification thing: https://xoxo.zone/web/@t — I think I've done about as much as I can there to "forward" people to my own site for following
I am with curl
Tantek Çelik
aaronpk, perhaps because I'm logged in
yup that was it
aaronpk, are you logged into xoxo.zone? Try logging in and seeing if it still redirects or not
yep still redirects
fascinating. perhaps only because I am logged in as the account owner it doesn't redirect
alright this is about as "migrated" as I can make it look: https://xoxo.zone/@t
Tantek Çelik
suggestions for improvements welcome
[snarfed] since the @-@ scheme came after LetsEncrypt, WDYT of defaulting @-@ ids to https?
the "downside" of having the link "break" or not be able to authenticate if the destination server lacks https seems like not a horrible thing to give users a heads-up about
since @-@ assumes account ownership, login, etc. all things that really should be behind https
assumptions we can't make about "naked" domains like example.com
maybe? I don't know? https sites often/usually redirect http to https, but that's not true of http sites, so I'd mildly worry about UX
there's no real authentication or creds in band anywhere in Bridgy Fed's interactions specifically, and just linking to http vs https isn't a vulnerability, so I'm not really worried security wise
ShoesNSocks joined the channel
(s/that's not true of http sites/the reverse isn't true of http sites/)
jgee118 joined the channel
I meant semantically, @-@ implies more (identity, ownership, login forms) than a plain domain, and thus it's appropriate to use a different default
does bridgy fetch the domain from the @-@ at any point in the process? if so it could check the effective URL scheme and use that. If not, it’d be one extra request
I remember the #177 issue conversation as it started when they were still using websub so 301 redirection would work, but you still needed a 2 way commit (which I think was part of the original rel=me conversation there)
[benatwork] joined the channel
That, and http://micro.blog should be getting some ❤️ here too. They have a feature I wish Masto had too — inbound RSS.
Weirdly, the Daily Mail had a pretty good factual coverage of Mastodon today. I assume that condemning it as woke will be in a follow up.
t0nic joined the channel
[tantek] I don't actually see that BF @-@ accounts imply identity or login, at least not on the domain itself. eg fully static sites work
barnaby yes! BF could remember each site's scheme. I just haven't seen it as high priority, esp since https sites generally redirect http
CrimsonKinda joined the channel
ok I looked through most of the BF users and haven't found any sites that are still live and http-only. so maybe based on that I can switch to https default
AramZS and [benatwork] joined the channel; CrimsonKinda left the channel
yay! thanks for looking into that [snarfed]++
[snarfed] has 21 karma in this channel over the last year (61 in all channels)
[snarfed], remember to check how many use outdated browsers and/or os, which means they might only support old versions of tls, and might not support the latest crypto algorithms
true! that varies per site though. definitely more user research and data collection than I can justify personally here
AramZS joined the channel
i remember trying to get an A+ on my localhost, then i tried to access it from my NAS and it didn't worked, so i had to switch back to a more permissive cipherlist
iirc, you can't get anything better than C on sslabs test if you want to keep compatibility with some old os/browsers
maybe! this is largely out of my control here though. it's the SSL on user's own sites, not Bridgy Fed's SSL, and they already pretty much all redirect http to https
yeah, there’s not a lot BF could/should do about specific TLS ciphers in this case
(also this is veering into -dev territory :P)
I’m surprised Loqi didn’t pick up on all the SSL/TLS/cipher talk already
hey barnaby, it looks like this conversation is getting pretty technical (TLS), can you take it to #indieweb-dev?
geoffo joined the channel
[indienews] New post: "New IndieAuth Client PHP Release" https://gregorlove.com/2022/11/new-indieauth-client-php-release/
[jacky] joined the channel
Interesting silo quit https://evanp.me/2022/10/29/enough-with-twitter/
barnaby joined the channel
Might be a Slack thing, but what's with the missing words in the article preview above ^ e.g. "a Web service called . It was..."
geoffo joined the channel
slack unfurling bug, evidently missing his links