[keithjgrant]so… it’s been a while for me. What are the options for micropub posting on a static site these days? I used webpage-micropub-to-github for ages, but it all fell apart when the free Heroku hosting stopped 😞
LoqiIndiekit (GitHub repo) is “a small but powerful server that acts as the go-between your website and the wider independent web” https://indieweb.org/Indiekit
[Dinis_Correia]Hi all. Finally setting up my personal website (after years of having a simple WP blog and more years of a “coming soon” homepage) and I’m trying to syndicate content to silos (or fetch from silos when POSSE isn’t possible). I’m trying to use Bridgy and starting with syndicating to (and backfeeding from) Mastodon. Initial doubt: is there a way to backfeed my replies (posted from Mastodon) to other to other toots? (ie, c
[snarfed]welcome [Dinis_Correia]! sounds like you're looking for https://indieweb.org/PESOS? Bridgy isn't designed to do that, but there are other options
[Dinis_Correia][snarfed] thanks (and thank you for the work on Bridgy)! By the way, to publish to Mastodon using Bridgy (I’m publishing with webmentions) is it just necessary to have the link to `https://brid.gy/publish/mastodon` somewhere on the post? What’s usually the workflow used to add it (in case I don’t want to publish every post, for instance)
petermolnarre discord bridge: I'm having some issues with the vps under it, I'll see what I can do. (summary: digitalocean discontinued FreeBSD images so when I rebooted it for upgrade, it decided not to come back)
martinratinaud[d, IWIRCGateway[d], _[d], Favicon[d], corenominal[d], Jeremiah[d], connorthemiller[, YimingWu[d], Silicon[d], tracydurnell[d], _DiscordBridge, shaunix[d], bozo, barnaby, LordNibbler and gxt joined the channel
@belledejour_ukWell. As of this morning I'm seeing blue ticks that now also have the white 'official', and ones (like me) that don't. And I know a lot of y'all don't care because it was a terrible system already, but... (twitter.com/_/status/1590348502349262848)
AramZS, jacky, LordNibbler and geoffo joined the channel
[Dinis_Correia]↩️ And one last thing: what’s your setup for the PESOS with your twitter account? Sorry about all the questions, but really curious about your setup, being all Wordpress
ash[m]One of my favourite things about being self-hosted is being able to make my social network experience look like a weird old machine inside my browser
barnabyis splitting comments and “webmentions” into separate UI categories a microblog.pub thing? “webmention” is plumbing, ideally responses from webmentions should be integrated with other responses, not segregated based on protocol
AramZ-S[m]It isn't too bad tho, I (rightly) assumed I could just go to your Itch and already picked up a copy of The Republic. I'm a big fan of FITD games and it looks like my jam.