#indieweb 2022-11-09

2022-11-09 UTC
[Dan Hon] Webrings would be hashtag indices now.
[keithjgrant] joined the channel
so… it’s been a while for me. What are the options for micropub posting on a static site these days? I used webpage-micropub-to-github for ages, but it all fell apart when the free Heroku hosting stopped 😞
the quickest one I can think of is IndieKit
what is IndieKit
Indiekit (GitHub repo) is “a small but powerful server that acts as the go-between your website and the wider independent web” https://indieweb.org/Indiekit
I think it's optimized for Jekyll as well
ooh I’ll look into that. thanks!
netlify would be great since I’m already using them for hosting
oh cool, nice find 🙂 I've added to the Netlify page so I don't forget where that lives 😄
angelo joined the channel
I keep meaning to get an indiekit server up and running so I can have micropub
Hi all. Finally setting up my personal website (after years of having a simple WP blog and more years of a “coming soon” homepage) and I’m trying to syndicate content to silos (or fetch from silos when POSSE isn’t possible). I’m trying to use Bridgy and starting with syndicating to (and backfeeding from) Mastodon. Initial doubt: is there a way to backfeed my replies (posted from Mastodon) to other to other toots? (ie, c
be stored as posts in WP?)
welcome [Dinis_Correia]! sounds like you're looking for https://indieweb.org/PESOS? Bridgy isn't designed to do that, but there are other options
[snarfed] thanks (and thank you for the work on Bridgy)! By the way, to publish to Mastodon using Bridgy (I’m publishing with webmentions) is it just necessary to have the link to `https://brid.gy/publish/mastodon` somewhere on the post? What’s usually the workflow used to add it (in case I don’t want to publish every post, for instance)
yup, you do need that link to confirm your intent to publish it. workflow depends on your web site!
oh sorry, that's only if you want to trigger the publish with webmention
ah, you're doing this for Mastodon. right now webmention trigger is the only option for Mastodon
(due to a long standing bug of theirs)
Will be using Wordpress, just wondering if most poeple will just paste the empty link on the source code of the post 😅
By the way, noticed the Syndicated Links plugin also has an option to syndicate using Bridgy… that might be an option, I guess
right, that plugin works. paste also works
Perfect, thank you so much!
[snarfed]: I still want to switch to Micropub
GWG why? out of curiosity
[snarfed]: More reliable than parsing the mf2 in an inconsistent mf2 world?
GWG: it looks like this conversation is getting pretty technical (Micropub, mf2), can you take it to #indieweb-dev?
GWG ah interesting, maybe so
That's all I'm going to say for now... will experiment
I'm on vacation making venues till Sunday
[snarfed] by the way, just curious: in your WP site how to get your replies here? https://snarfed.org/responses#replies
capjamesg1 joined the channel
The Discord bridge is down petermolnar.
geoffo joined the channel
[Dinis_Correia] that's https://github.com/snarfed/ownyourresponses . I don't run it as a public service like I do with Bridgy, but you're welcome to host your own instance!
[snarfed] ownyourresponses: Creates posts on your web site for your likes, replies, reshares, and event RSVPs on social networks.
yar, geoffo, ren and mro joined the channel
re discord bridge: I'm having some issues with the vps under it, I'll see what I can do. (summary: digitalocean discontinued FreeBSD images so when I rebooted it for upgrade, it decided not to come back)
martinratinaud[d, IWIRCGateway[d], _[d], Favicon[d], corenominal[d], Jeremiah[d], connorthemiller[, YimingWu[d], Silicon[d], tracydurnell[d], _DiscordBridge, shaunix[d], bozo, barnaby, LordNibbler and gxt joined the channel
[Cory Doctorow] Pluralistic: 09 Nov 2022 Delegating trust is really, really, really hard (infosec edition)
n8chz and gxt joined the channel
Well. As of this morning I'm seeing blue ticks that now also have the white 'official', and ones (like me) that don't. And I know a lot of y'all don't care because it was a terrible system already, but...
AramZS, jacky, LordNibbler and geoffo joined the channel
↩️ Thanks [snarfed]! Had just stumbled on it on the Indieweb wiki 🙂 Any planned support for Mastodon responses?
↩️ And one last thing: what’s your setup for the PESOS with your twitter account? Sorry about all the questions, but really curious about your setup, being all Wordpress
↩️ no Mastodon planned right now, but PRs are welcome!
↩️ setup on my site was just installing the Micropub plugin and generating a token. a few more details in https://github.com/snarfed/ownyourresponses/#readme
↩️ (oh btw [Dinis_Correia] we generally don't use threads here, since the chat is bridged to IRC Matrix Discord etc)
ehmry joined the channel
mro, jacky, geoffo, [jeremycherfas], gRegor and jonnybarnes joined the channel
[Thib] I set up a homepage, just to to verify my mastodon accounthttps://ergaster.org
need more people to do this
if I could, I would do some sort of "auto-approval" of follows if people had verified rel-mes
actually #indieweb-dev
mro joined the channel
A linktree competitor that does rel=me
s/linktree/about.me but yeah 🙂
Cerins and mro joined the channel
I refer you to my about me profile
Also, I did ship this as Google Profiles in 2007
KevinMarks has 9 karma in this channel over the last year (50 in all channels)
jacky joined the channel
I... I think I'm finished styling my site.
I've spent like...five days messing around with Gimp and CSS
a site is completed?
For now
I need to improve the mf2 support for microblog.pub
But the visual style is done
Which matters a lot to me.
ooh wow you really went for the steampunk look, huh! nice
One of my favourite things about being self-hosted is being able to make my social network experience look like a weird old machine inside my browser
is splitting comments and “webmentions” into separate UI categories a microblog.pub thing? “webmention” is plumbing, ideally responses from webmentions should be integrated with other responses, not segregated based on protocol
Yeah. I've got a ticket open for it in todo
Mbp is fediverse first so I've got a few indieweb tickets lying around
Oh, it looks like old Fallout games. This is pretty cool!
Dunno how easy it would be to fix, but you shhould add links to your list of games. The Republic and Amygdala both just link to the homepage
tbbrown joined the channel
ash++ for microblog.pub
ash has 1 karma over the last year
It isn't too bad tho, I (rightly) assumed I could just go to your Itch and already picked up a copy of The Republic. I'm a big fan of FITD games and it looks like my jam.
Oh dope!
I'm fixing up the portfolio content next
janboddez, ermahgerddavid[m, gxt, jacky and [Ed_Beck] joined the channel