#indieweb 2022-11-10

2022-11-10 UTC
jacky and sebbu2 joined the channel
<T​uck#7925> I am ready to jump into IndieWeb, but was getting overwhelmed with the many options on the Getting Started Wiki. If I am willing to get a personal domain and pay a small monthly fee for hosting, which web hosting service is IndieWeb ready, and will allow myself and my kids plenty of learning opportunities on how to make a website, create pages, and start to link blogs and social media. The wiki said ask friends and colleagues wh
just owning your own domain puts you in the indieweb community
greetings Tuck! if you’re mostly interested in learning to make web pages yourself, then pretty much any web host will do
although those are only “indieweb ready” in the sense that they let you host stuff at a domain
<T​uck#7925> Thanks tw2113_Slack_ and barnaby. The getting started page said Wordpress makes some thing difficult. Is there a CMS that makes the Indieweb tools easier to install and use?
in terms of installation, you’re unlikely to find anything easier than wordpress, although to get indieweb features running you’ll need to install some plugins and tweak templates, etc
<T​uck#7925> barnaby: 😀
barnaby, it's been a while since I think you considered differences CMSs so I'd actually say Known makes it easier to get IndieWeb features up & running than WordPress
gRegor joined the channel
is known as easy to install as wordpress?
I believe it is just as easy to install, and comes with much more out-of-the-box IndieWeb support, defaults, etc.
<T​uck#7925> What is the durability of Known? I used it when they allowed free personal accounts on their domain, but then they ended that. I don't want to be burned again.
are you looking for a service to sign-up for or software to install and maintain? those are two very different approaches with different advantages and disadvantages
might be worth taking a look at https://indieweb.org/Getting_Started for those and other options, and reasons to choose one or another
<T​uck#7925> I guess software to install and maintain. But I would rather the web hosting service do the maintaining since that might be past my level of understanding.
Odd rel=me middleman site https://fedified.com/
<T​uck#7925> The real Kevin Marks? I listen to you on TWIG all the time. Thanks for being on that podcast.
rvalue joined the channel
did the Pacific HWC get pushed back today?
<D​J#9822> I'm waiting for it to start too.
theoretically I have the capability to start the meeting, I am trying to remember how 😉
I have figured it out! I will start the meeting momentarily
angelo joined the channel
tracydurnell[d]: Check my website... but I put someone in charge in my absence...sorr5
we got it going GWG! 🙂
tracydurnell[d]: Is this where I present all the venues I created on my site today?
tracydurnell[d]: Future step, better presentation
n8chz and slyduda joined the channel
made my own custom meeting api for caldav because no services provided the integration (that i could find), so that was fun! does anyone know of any cool projects with meetings/calendar implementations?
slyduda and Chad joined the channel; slyduda and slyduda[m] left the channel
What is meetable
Meetable is an IndieWeb friendly open source events aggregator that is used for the IndieWeb events site at https://events.indieweb.org https://indieweb.org/Meetable
odnes, fcser, rektide, sp1ff, omz13, lockywolf, Zegnat, klez, Bitweasil, push-f, sivoais, mro, Lunarequest[d], apophys_, gxt, n8chz, petermolnar, [Jamie_Tanna], Nuve, jacky, AramZS, AramZS_, geoffo, cambridgeport90 and slyduda joined the channel; petermolnar left the channel
I missed the convo yesterday, apparently, though not sure how that happened, but it looks like people are working more with microblog.pub... I'm now starting to consider it, though not sure how certain posts would render properly in it... for instance, I do a lot of check ins on applications like Swarm, and what not, so how would those translate? Looks like the use of something like that has opened a whole new discussion on post
translation between protocols.
AramZS_ joined the channel
by "working more with microblog.pub" do you mean coding with it? Asking because you mentioned protocols
paulrobertlloyd joined the channel
@keithjgrant Let me know if you have any questions about Indiekit. In active development, and very open to feedback on how I can make it easier to use and understand.
paulrobertlloyd has 2 karma over the last year
paulrobertlloyd has 3 karma over the last year
gRegor, [jeremycherfas], cambridgeport90, barnaby, AramZS, jacky, [Sam_Butler] and [benatwork] joined the channel
what is Indiekit?
Indiekit (GitHub repo) is “the little Node.js server with all the pieces needed to own your content and share it with the wider independent web” https://indieweb.org/Indiekit
mro, slyduda, AramZS_ and jacky joined the channel
Wow. Elon Musk just told Twitter employees he’s not sure how much run rate the company has and “bankruptcy isn’t out of the question.”
AramZS, jacky and [schmarty] joined the channel