[timothy_chambe]↩️ Yep that was it. I admin that if any questions or anything I can do to help. The original idea for it was born in this discussion group trying to bring together indieweb development community with the fediverse community - as they have many shared goals are are somewhat cousins as endeavors.
bterry1, asatree, jacky_ and gRegor joined the channel
ash[m]well that was interesting. Tried to upload a post with two photos from my phone to microblog.pub and it maxed out my server so that the machine went unresponsive for five minutes and then didn't complete creating the post.
barnabycapjamesg: it looks like there are image size reduction share actions you can download for iOS now, maybe something like that would help without requiring an entirely separate app?
IWDiscordRelay<Lunarequest#0122> Is there a spec of what endpoints to add to a website to make it indieweb complaint? I'd like to make my blog hook up to it
Loqisnarfed has 22 karma in this channel over the last year (65 in all channels)
mro, IWSlackGateway1, [keithjgrant], geoffo, [manton], bozo, slyduda, gRegor, jonnybarnes, n8chz, Nuve, [eddie], AramZS, apk_test and apk_test_2 joined the channel; siinamon left the channel
[tantek]snarfed++ wow that was a lot more than I expected. Interesting to see that many people actively making enough of a switch to reach out beyond Mastodon-native accounts
[tantek]capjamesg, that article has some serious misleading details problems that should be corrected, e.g. "the German software developer who first created the Mastodon protocol" wat
[jacky]that detail re: Eugene making it does seem like the only issue (and IIRC Mastodon _does_ have its own schema on top of AS - that could be deemed something different since so many clients have to work _with_ it)
ash[m]<ash[m]> "well that was interesting. Tried..." <- ok so that weird lockup and crash was from the exif stripping code readingandwriting all the image data, I think raw.