[tantek]jacky, at the risk of #indieweb-dev redirection, by that intepretation, what Mastodon originally supported as a "protocol" or "schema" was a bunch of stuff on top of OStatus
[Ovi_Demetrian_]Hi all! I’ve been working on making my personal site more IndieWeb friendly: ovidem.com. I’m also working on an interface for an indie publishing platform for content creators: indieaisle.com. Here’s a post about the concept so far, I'm open to feedback on it! https://ovidem.com/blog/decentralized-twitter/
[Ovi_Demetrian_]Hi all! I’ve been working on making my personal site more IndieWeb friendly: ovidem.com. I’m also working on an interface for an indie publishing platform for content creators: indieaisle.com. Here’s a post about the concept so far, I'm open to feedback on it! https://ovidem.com/blog/decentralized-twitter/
[Ovi_Demetrian_]Hi all! I’ve been working on making my personal site more IndieWeb friendly: ovidem.com. I’m also working on an interface for an indie publishing platform for content creators: indieaisle.com. Here’s a post about the concept so far, I'm open to feedback on it! https://ovidem.com/blog/decentralized-twitter/
IWSlackGateway and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
[Ovi_Demetrian_]Hi all! I’ve been working on making my personal site more IndieWeb friendly: ovidem.com. I’m also working on an interface for an indie publishing platform for content creators: indieaisle.com. Here’s a post about the concept so far, I'm open to feedback on it! https://ovidem.com/blog/decentralized-twitter/
[aaronpk], IWSlackGateway, [tantek] and [jacky] joined the channel
[tantek]OSX machine migration completed successfully! Key things: don't create the same account name on the new machine as your primary (biggest with lots of files) account on the old machine. However, *do* setup a clean/plain admin account on the new machine first, and use that to install native versions of your commons apps *first* to the root Applications folder so that they’re used by default instead of any migrated applications.
geoffo, [tw2113_Slack_], ren, jjuran, slyduda and [jacky] joined the channel
LoqiJoin the #indieweb discussion via the web, Slack, IRC, Discord, or Matrix clients now with additional channels for dev, wordpress, and meta specific chat! https://indieweb.org/channels
[tonz]question: have you come across ActivityPub usage of the Arrive/Leave/Travel and Place activities/object in the wild? It’s in the spec. Mobilizon uses Place for its event listings. Arrive/Leave would be useful for check-ins, and Travel for Dopplr style things.
@ibogostIt’s insane to me that people are pretending Mastodon doesn’t have massive friction for sign up and use. The entire premise of the consumer-internet age, for good and ill, was based on reducing friction as much as possible—especially at signup. You are all kidding yourselves. (twitter.com/_/status/1589399381198848001)
IWDiscordRelay<radio minnesota#8264> Hello, new member here and on the Mastodon instance. Not a programmer but self taught computer enthusiast. (Linux, Raspberry Pi, Tor, IRC et al.) hope you don't mind me hanging out here to watch "behind the scenes" of my Mastodon supplier.
IWDiscordRelay<martijnvdven#0666> radio_minnesota[d] as a note: this chat is primarily for indieweb.org, not specifically the indieweb.social Mastodon server. Although [tbc], who is the admin for indieweb.social is connected to this chat too 😊
IWDiscordRelay<martijnvdven#0666> indieweb.org does not run the Mastodon instance. A community member runs it. It just happens to have the same name. It was started as a federation experiment (I think) between Indieweb specifications and Mastodon. See the short note on https://indieweb.org/indieweb.social
IWDiscordRelay<martijnvdven#0666> radio_minnesota[d]: It is no problem. Indieweb is everywhere, and we are happy to have you 😄 Whether it be on the Mastodon instance, or if you want to check out indieweb.org and learn more about the sort of thinking we have about online identities and websites. Never be afraid to ask. (Or just to lurk for the behind the scenes as you said 😉 )