#indieweb 2022-11-14
2022-11-14 UTC
[keithjgrant] joined the channel
[jacky] itch.io is supporting blogging now https://itch.io/blog/451398/video-game-blogging-at-the-end-of-the-world-hello-world

GWG I keep iterating on my checkins and venues. https://david.shanske.com/kind/checkin/
gxt joined the channel
IWDiscordRelay <capjamesg#4492> How was your trip to JFK GWG?
jjuran, slyduda, mro, odnes, voidcontext[m], barnaby, n8chz and rvalue joined the channel
gxt joined the channel
[KevinMarks] This is very good https://newpublic.substack.com/p/revisiting-the-public-commons

gxt and cambridgeport90 joined the channel
cambridgeport90 Only problem... is that it's written on a centralized platform that's not going to get the author anywhere when it comes to keeping their data. Could be removed at any time.
gxt joined the channel
[jacky] (or even as /backfeed)

ash[m] Anyone else doing repost with comment, ie QRT on their site?
ash[m] Ahhh
[KevinMarks] The joy of admin tax? https://cohost.org/tef/post/298638-sure-it-didn-t-work

barnaby heh, or the margins on their homepage https://cohost.org/rc/welcome

petermolnar > Sure, it didn't work for Email - erm... so let's look back at the 70s when email actually started. Sure, fidonet wasn't a thing either.

petermolnar I understand the rant, we all need to do that from time to time but saying "it didn't work for email" is extremely narrow minded. It was a lot more interesting what [KevinMarks] linked a while ago about they absurd toxicity that popped up in Usenet 30ish years ago, which stayed, and never went away.

geoffo joined the channel
[benatwork] joined the channel
mro and [campegg] joined the channel
[campegg] The thing that kind of irks me about those kind of “x didn’t work in the past, so it won’t work now” types of posts is that they all make the assumption that the conditions that caused x to fail in the past are still present and equally valid today… following that line of thought, if something doesn’t work once, we should never try to do it again. That’s some stinky thinking right there
[timothy_chambe] joined the channel
[timothy_chambe] FYI Dave Winer on "inbound rss" and [manton] if you look in the github link on this post microdotblog gets a shout out:
[timothy_chambe] "Right now micro.blog is the only blogging site that supports inbound RSS that I know of. Which makes it an incredibly interesting place for FeedLand to peer with, because we are the hotspot for feeds. We bring them in and ship em out. And in the process you can categorize stuff, push it out with the click of the Like button and we also do categories very nicely and in a functional way that you end up actually using (this is
[timothy_chambe] something I've been trying to accomplish my whole freaking career).
[timothy_chambe] I think this is the future. I call it Two-way RSS. The first way is the one we all know about, outbound. But inbound? well as far as the state of the art in 2022 is concerned, every inbound RSS app today is a feedreader. Except micro.blog. I think there will be an explosion of inbound RSS apps. I want WordPress to do it. Substack. And Mastodon. There should be a new address for a user. Here's an idea -- let DNS do it."
[timothy_chambe] https://twitter.com/davewiner/status/1592175836240699401
@davewiner I think there will be an explosion of inbound RSS apps. I want WordPress to do it. Substack. And Mastodon. There should be a new address for a user that's simply an RSS feed. Here's an idea -- let DNS do it the mapping. https://github.com/scripting/reallySimpleActivityPub/issues/1#issuecomment-1313912411 (twitter.com/_/status/1592175836240699401)
[schmarty] so he doesn't know about YARNS or basically any other https://indieweb.org/social_reader

slyduda joined the channel
[benatwork] re: tef's post, I don't understand cohost at all at all
[benatwork] like, it looks like livejournal circa 2002? is that the appeal? because dreamwidth also exists
[benatwork] and on that post: tef's an in-person friend first, internet contact second, and I have a lot of respect for him, and also I think cynicism can turn into a sort of purity test for solutions that actually holds back progress. criticisms are good, and there are valid ones there. but defeatism and the quest for perfect is the enemy of good.
[benatwork] s/him/them; I was using the wrong pronouns without realizing it.
mro and vilhalmer joined the channel
slyduda can someone link tef's post, i'm a little lost on the context of cohost. personally, i've foudn a lot of my birdsite friends advocate and enjoy the site. there really is nothing too special about it other than inline css support, some cool scs hacks that exist, and the removal of likes and reposts to decommodify engagement, whhich i personally think makes it special in its own rite

[schmarty] slyduda: kevinmarks linked it above.

[schmarty] (re: admintax)

pharalia joined the channel
[benatwork] removed all twitter links from my website. I just can't anymore.
[aciccarello] and mro joined the channel
[benatwork] oh, btw, I pledged to get my website posting directly to the fediverse last week. I worked on it but didn't quite get there (even with bridgy - not sure what's wrong). continuing to work on it.
yarrie joined the channel
[snarfed] hi [benatwork]! this is https://fed.brid.gy/user/werd.io ? looks like werd.io isn't yet redirecting the URL paths it needs to: https://fed.brid.gy/#setup
[benatwork] oh! I'll take another look at my htaccess
[benatwork] likely a dumb typo on my end
[snarfed] (and apologies, BF onboarding is pretty rough right now, I'm definitely planning on improving it, https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues/276 )
[benatwork] thanks for checking! I really appreciate it!
[schmarty] benatwork++ good idea removing twitter from homepage. just removed mine.

petermolnar Did I miss something re people removing twitter links? Or it's just the same old (dumpster) fire?

[jacky] And tbh /plurality is needed

barnaby slyduda: there were several lengthy threads about the cohost ToS, I linked one from https://indieweb.org/cohost.org

[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] snarfed++ for having Brid.gy appropriately manage to syndicate alt-text of photos to the birdsite. 🙂

[snarfed] unrelated, noticeable growth in Bridgy Mastodon webmentions over the last few weeks: https://snarfed.org/bridgy_twitter_vs_mastodon.png
timdream joined the channel
gRegor, vilhalmer, btrem and [jamietanna] joined the channel
[timothy_chambe] This site is going to be very busy: https://twitterisgoinggreat.com/
gRegorLove_ joined the channel