#indieweb 2022-11-17

2022-11-17 UTC
bterry joined the channel
[Tim_Nolte] has 2 karma over the last year
nertzy and [Tim_Nolte] joined the channel
[pfefferle] has 3 karma in this channel over the last year (12 in all channels)
lanodan, tbbrown, geoffo, gxt, [tw2113_Slack_], gRegor, Guest43, caustic and gerben joined the channel
Seirdy, CrowderSoup, Dystopia, ehmry and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
Newsblur is good at training the kinds of posts you see, and has some ability to respond in different ways, but has so far resisted all requests to enable Micropub.
mro, mro_, gRegorLove_, jamietanna, n8chz, tbbrown, Loqi, bterry1 and geoffo joined the channel
I’ve been wanting to write a blog post about why I dislike the term “fediverse”… It implies some kind of special layer above the web instead of using the actual web as intended. Maybe I’m being too nitpicky about it?
mro joined the channel
not too nitpicky
and it is something other than the web
so at least it's accurate 🤷‍♂️
I think it's a fair criticism in some respects. Still, I think there's some benefit to the "branding" of saying that something works with ActivityPub.
geoffo joined the channel
Do you think "fediverse" is more user centric than "ActivityPub"? Is there something better?
[aciccarello]: it looks like this conversation is getting pretty technical (ActivityPub), can you take it to #indieweb-dev?
Kinda my point Loqi
haha yeah
don't forget about the twitterverse
and blogosphere
Hmm, good point.
Although blogosphere is more about how web sites are used than the technical bits.
Yeah, that one feels more cultural than technical
i think in all cases the terms refer more to the community than the technology
Is it a community or people that happen to use similar tools? (which does not make you a “community”, despite what marketers believe & sell)
“Brands” have abused/diluted the word “community” like this for at least a decade, ever since hiring a “community manager” became a thing. Maybe early 2000s?
ehmry joined the channel
fediverse predates AP, it was the gnusocial network originally
https://axbom.com/fediverse/ was shared quite a bit recently
tbbrown joined the channel
Diagrams are powerful. They can help illustrate (as it were) abstract concepts and even jargon
Are there any parallels to draw for IndieWeb protocols? I'm hesitant to use the term "Webmention" heavily on my site because I don't expect people to know what that means.
aciccarello, yeah, there should be no need to use "Webmention" in any UI text, because it's better to name the specific things like comments, likes, etc.
what is a diagram
Visual representation, sketch notes from talks, building block logos, images, and slide deck templates you can use in your talks https://indieweb.org/diagram
that said, anecdotally a lot of us have found that "Webmention" is very quickly understood when described as "@-mentions for the whole web!"
The webmention wiki page feels very technical. Is there a page to point less-technical people to as an explanation of "What is a webmention?"
i think this is one of the big differences between the fediverse and indieweb tools, "fediverse" tends to imply a complete end-to-end experience that is similar to how people expect twitter to work. "indieweb" is much more building blocks choose your own adventure
Right, IndieWeb is definitely a collection of blocks the community uses.
it's also much clearer to answer the question "am i on the fediverse" vs "am i on the indieweb" because of that
indiewebify.me could (should?) clearly answer the question of "am I on the indieweb"
[tantek]: agreed, I have plans for this once I have time for working on community projects again
I began to collect additional ideas and issues at https://github.com/indieweb/indiewebify-me/issues so feel free to add to that if there are specific things you think would be useful
but, "am i on the indieweb" is everything from "i have a website and i put things on it" to "i can receive comments via webmention" etc
The must inclusive but still meaningful answer is probably, do you have a personal web site on a pay-level domain
I want to expand on the atomic feature-specific tests which it already does, and additionally add a mode where you put your homepage URL in and it scans your site for everything it can find, listing things it detected and suggesting next steps
[timothy_chambe] joined the channel
I imagine there’s a range of different support for low-level features which is considered “on the fediverse” e.g. from a minimum of sending content to followers all the way up to supporting everything including obscure details like mastodon’s custom Move activity for changing instances
but I expect most people would define it as something like “can be followed+sends content to followers, can read incoming content from other people”
which on the indieweb is: have h-feed or ATOM, send webmentions, handle incoming responses, have a feed reader
(very good convo and I have to go to a call 😭)
wagle, gRegor, slyduda, jarkad, tbbrown, [Dinis_Correia], gRegorLove_, mro, bterry2, barnaby, timdream, jjuran, mikeputnam1, mlncn and slyduda1 joined the channel