jmacHi everyone! It's been a while. My life has changed a lot over the last couple of years, and I drifted out of IndieWeb stuff. You'll be unsurprised to learn that very recent events have been making me start to drift back again.
jmacAnd I"m curious if anyone's running a one-user Mastodon server? I know that "the fediverse" is merely IndieWeb-adjacent, but since the month began I have come to understand how specific technologies like Mastodon and work a lot better than I used t o.
aaronpki know a few people who are running their own full mastodon server, or renting one from, but like you said there are other good options now too :)
jmacIt feels like A Moment that is different from earlier ones. A real wildfire which... honestly sucks for a lot of reasons but is also clearing out a lot of land? There isn't any metaphor that doesn't make me sound excited to see people's real and valuable communities getting capriciously destroyed by a rich idiot
Loqilife happens is a summary expression of numerous things that people experience in their actual physical lives that suddenly take higher priority than nearly anything else (like participation in volunteer-based communities), and the IndieWeb community is here to acknowledge, accept, and be supportive of community members experiencing this
jmacMy short L.H. story is that I got a full-time job (shortly before the last time I say [schmarty] iRL, IIRC) and I needed a year to figure out how that works. It had been a while.
jmacNow I'm tryna decide whether I wanna go full (since [manton] fixed the ActivityPub bug I barked out on the forums!! thanks!!), or jump on the mastodon server that a tech nonprofit I'm affiliated with is setting up, or set up my own. Or do all three and let em fight it out
jmacMy day job is documenting a cloud-based PostgreSQL service, and it hit me yesterday I can try to set up a mastodon instance using it for storage and be all THIS IS FOR WORK
jmacI gotta say that even as I've been reading and enjoying RSS feeds again (which is part of why IndieWeb came back to mind so readily!) Mastodon is *fun* to use right now. It feels so hopeful, and its non-silo-ness feels *good*. I know I wanna be part of it, one way or another.
[snarfed]I can't wait for someone to run a single-user Mastodon instance that they fork and hack the rel-me validation and then impersonate someone with a green checked website field
[snarfed]there's only a short list of known ways to implement trust at scale. Centralized, hierarchical (eg CAs), web of trust, TOFU, out of band (eg key signing parties), blockchain, ...?