#indieweb 2022-11-28

2022-11-28 UTC
geoffo joined the channel
Here's a graph of Bridgy webmentions by silo. Basically all Twitter 6w ago, but Mastodon has now grown to maybe as much as half. https://snarfed.org/bridgy-twitter-mastodon.png
jacky_ joined the channel
[indienews] New post: "notes on indieweb 🔛 Xanadu design patterns" https://www.enderverse.org/notes/indiexanadu.html
jacky_, gRegor, sp1ff, geoffo, gRegorLove_, gRegorLove__, n8chz and timdream joined the channel
though digitalgardening++
digitalgardening has 1 karma over the last year
hmm POSSE is all about making copies so I'm not sure I get the first analogy
mro, gRegor, rvalue and kloenk joined the channel
Well, it's a caching approach. Xanadu was a "one big database" model, like twitter's microservices approach to constructing a timeline. Both are tricky at scale in different ways (cf Mastodon queue explosion)
Not that many approaches could cope with this: https://mastodon.world/@ruud/109420858153488199
[Ruud] These are the number of statuses (posts) on Mastodon.world per month, since the beginning in August 2021. :mastodonworld:#statistics #mastodon #mastodonworld https://s3.eu-central-2.wasabisys.com/mastodonworld/media_attachments/files/109/420/848/394/256/895/original/8892e6a8544d4173.png
Moving to dev for more technical notes
bozo, jacky, [manton], geoffo, chenghiz_, n8chz and gRegor joined the channel
jacky and [jacky] joined the channel
that's quite good
algorithmic feed << [https://www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/202x/2022/11/28/On-Algorithms Tim BRay: On Algorithms] <blockquote>So let’s stop saying “No algorithms!” because that’s just wrong, and figure out how to get <i>nice</i> algorithms built, ones that primarily are there to serve humanity’s best interests.</blockquote>
ok, I added "[https://www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/202x/2022/11/28/On-Algorithms Tim BRay: On Algorithms] <blockquote>So let’s stop saying “No algorithms!” because that’s just wrong, and figure out how to get <i>nice</i> algorithms built, ones that primarily are there to serve humanity’s best interests.</blockquote>" to the "See Also" section of /algorithmic_feed https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=84703&oldid=83693
silo quits << [https://doctorow.medium.com/social-quitting-1ce85b67b456 Cory Doctorow: Social Quitting] <blockquote>As I type these words, there is a mass exodus underway from Twitter and Facebook. After decades of eye-popping growth, these social media sites are contracting at an alarming rate. […]And then…Stuff happened. Mark Zuckerberg got worried about losing users and decided we were all going to live as legless low-polygon
cartoons in a metaverse that no one wanted to use, not even the Facebook employees who built it. Twitter got bought out by a low-attention-span, overconfident billionaire who started pulling out Jenga blocks to see whether the system would fall over, and when it did, we all got crushed by the falling blocks.
These services had been shaved down to the point where most of us were only a hair’s breadth away from quitting, because all the surplus had been transferred from us and from business users to the companies.
Once things got just a <i>little</i> worse, advertisers and users started to quit, and the long-delayed MySpacing of Facebook and Beboizing of Twitter began.</blockquote>
ok, I added "[https://doctorow.medium.com/social-quitting-1ce85b67b456 Cory Doctorow: Social Quitting] <blockquote>As I type these words, there is a mass exodus underway from Twitter and Facebook. After decades of eye-popping growth, these social media sites are contracting at an alarming rate. […]And then…Stuff happened. Mark Zuckerberg got worried about losing users and decided we were all going to live as legless low-polygon" to the "See Also" section of /silo-quits https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=84705&oldid=84560
mro, neceve and guysoft[m] joined the channel
Hey all, so I host the second largest Fediverse instance in the country here in my house, and just found out IndeWeb was a thing
neceve joined the channel
Hi guysoft, that's great. How's the hosting going?
neceve joined the channel
<c​apjamesg#4492> Welcome!