[chrisaldrich]They never gave me a notice but way reply, but I was able to finally log back in. Mostly I was worried that their first message was that if I didn't comply within 30 days they would delete my account.
mlncn, [manton], n8chz, lqdev, strugee_, ren, gaussianblue, mro, gRegor, Phoenix1 and tiim joined the channel; btrem left the channel
[tw2113_Slack_]and you know, the internet police wouldn’t track me down if I registered a .coffee and it wasn’t about a commercial coffee supplier of some sort
M0x3b0b[m]It's kind of a shame that .science domains, because they're cheap and have no requirements at all, apparently became so popular for scammers and spammers that a lot of mail servers have just marked the entire TLD as either spam or "discard completely"
[jacky]_but_ that's also a side-effect of having a semantic thing fused with identity in a place where it's picked by the pickee and not just randomly assigned