#indieweb 2022-12-18

2022-12-18 UTC
geoffo joined the channel
Welcome, Starwulfe! Yep, the Homebrew Website Club meetups are a great place to ask questions. Nice to see you have a site already. What's the next thing you would like to do with your site or add to it?
Starrwulfe joined the channel
Well I really like how you, Aaron and a few others have made your sites into a hub of sorts. I'm always getting into interesting conversations about tech and transport and am a recovering full-time journalist so I tend to strike up impromptu conversations all over the place.
I've had my own sites over the years but as social media kinda crept into the picture, most of these conversations kept happening in silos. At one point I cobbled together a relay that would funnel comments into Disqus from Twitter, Facebook and Google+ (yeah, that long ago!) but then it kinda fell off
So I gradually just stuck with Instagram as a "main SNS" point of contact and just kept rudimentary silos around I'd check ever so often -- also since my job would invariably involve maintaining the social media accounts of some large news outlets you've no doubt watched/read, I was in no mood to deal with my own stuff.
angelo joined the channel
I learned about IndieWeb in 2017 around the same time as I was learning about activity web/Diaspora/Zot etc... been playing with the tech in fits and starts but thanks to "current events" I kinda got really re-interested again lately.
angelo joined the channel
Nice, well welcome aboard. We have a friendly bot Loqi that will respond to "what is ___" by searching the wiki, which can be handy. We also have a few different chat channels for different purposes: https://indieweb.org/discuss#Chat_Channels_Purposes
what is Loqi?
Loqi is a friendly and useful bot/digital therapist present in the IndieWeb discussion channels https://indieweb.org/Loqi
geoffo joined the channel
Heya Starrwulfe!
what is so obscure 20 people use it
It looks like we don't have a page for "so obscure 20 people use it" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "so obscure 20 people use it is ____", a sentence describing the term)
so obscure 20 people use it is /projects
^ that's for you snarfed 🙂
ren joined the channel
I've seen a few people asking how to do it and one or two posts about it this past month, but I'm curious for the home archivists, what is the easiest way for them to download their Twitter archive and display it on a domain they own? (preferably with the t.co links replaced)
Do we have a name for this archival copy pattern for Twitter?
I'll add some links the the /Twitter page shortly.
Who is John Mastodon?
they could be related to John Dark Souls?
what is tweetback?
It looks like we don't have a page for "tweetback" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "tweetback is ____", a sentence describing the term)
Probably doesn't need a page, just checking. Zach released https://www.zachleat.com/web/tweetback/ for archiving tweets
The previous archive that @benward worked on could be dragged straight onto a server
Twitter << The Internet Archive is accepting your downloadable Twitter Archive for uploading to their site: https://help.archive.org/help/how-to-archive-your-tweets-with-the-wayback-machine/
ok, I added "The Internet Archive is accepting your downloadable Twitter Archive for uploading to their site: https://help.archive.org/help/how-to-archive-your-tweets-with-the-wayback-machine/" to the "See Also" section of /Twitter https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=85132&oldid=85083
I don't know about "easiest" though, definitely seems like dev "In your terminal..."
whoa, that's neat
Oh, true, the archive I got around September was a full HTML+JS set of pages you could open, so uploading that somewhere is probably the easiest
last time I looked the archives were js;dr, but you could upload them to a server as-is and they would work. I think they include private content like DMs though
good to see that IA is requesting a specific file with public contents in rather than the entire archive
It's been a while since I've done that ^^, but I suspect it would still work, though the raw archive may now have more material as barnaby indicates, so be careful dragging everything over.
just looking into my archive from 2022-11-19, it has tonnes of public data in, so it’s absolutely not advisable to drop it onto a public server as-is
tonnes of private data, sorry
sebbu, sebbu2, sebbu3, Seirdy and gRegor joined the channel
If I'm not wholly mistaken, would I be correct in saying that Bridgy publish takes `<abbr>` tags in original posts and turns them into "footnotes" when publishing to Mastodon?! https://hcommons.social/@chrisaldrich/109533400207775829
[preview] [Chris Aldrich] After a bit of experimentation and tinkering tonight, it appears that one can use their #WordPress website to create threaded conversations on #Mastodon (and likely other portions of the #Fediverse) using the IndieWeb syndication strategy of POSSE wi...
That's odd. From the Bridgy Logs it does not appear it was sent that way, so maybe Mastodon did it/
oh, neat way of doing the conversion
Hm, or maybe Bridgy did. The ActivityStreams object in there doesn't have the footnote, but further down in the log it does have the footnote
Yup, looks like that's evidently how html2text converts abbrs to plain text
mro joined the channel
html2text has 1 karma over the last year
html2text++ bridgy++
bridgy has 6 karma in this channel over the last year (12 in all channels)
tiim, mro, rvalue, barnaby, lqdev and n8chz joined the channel
wait really? wow that's worth documenting even if it is a side-effect of the underlying implementation
this is a new level of "nearly anything can get you banned" https://taylorlorenz.substack.com/p/elon-musk-banned-me-from-twitter
what are the odds that Elon demanded the devs hook up the account suspension logic to his personal account’s block button for convenience
mro joined the channel
twitter.com is effectively his personal site now, everyone else is allowed to post comments there at his discretion
Free Speech now costs billions?
"free speech for me, not for thee"
smh I’m sure he could have bought elonmusk.com for less than 44B if he wanted a personal site
but not hundreds of millions of users/accounts
he didn't want to buy a stadium, he wanted to buy a stadium that was already filled with people
(un?)fortunately for him, most of the people are now yelling at him
interesting, has https://twitter.com/joinmastodon been unsuspended? I can see its tweets now (except one that "violated" — likely the one about following the Elno jet on Mastodon)
I saw some mention of a lot of the suspended accounts likely getting unsuspended after a while because of a poll, could be that?
ren, [marksuth], [arush], strugee_ and geoffo joined the channel
Specifically, we will remove accounts created solely for the purpose of promoting other social platforms and content that contains links or usernames for the following platforms: Facebook, Instagram, Mastodon, Truth Social, Tribel, Nostr and Post.
anyone else smell desperation?
What no ban on TikTok links?
Yeah this is worth some journalist writing a Why is Twitter breaking the Web? Article (banning so many hyperlink domains is pretty much that)
They also have carve-outs with absurdly blurry lines: "In general, any type of cross-posting to our platform is not in violation of this policy, even from the prohibited sites listed above.
Additionally, we allow paid advertisement/promotion for any of the prohibited social media platforms."
so feel free to keep POSSE-ing content to Twitter... unless you are also linking out to said content"
(and of course they will always accept money)
Did Twitter just endorse everyone having their own domain instead of silos?
<c​apjamesg#4492> I don't even know where to begin.
<c​apjamesg#4492> I didn't have this on my Twitter Bingo card.
hopefully they don't ban linking to personal sites in the twitter content, cause then they've effectively broken social media promotion
so is it time to set up a subdomain based linking tool, or will they nuke that too?
That's part of what I'm trying to decide how to react to. I would bet long odd that they would claim when they say "mastodon" they mean the whole fediverse. *My website* is ActivityPub driven; can I link to my website and my posts or not? How much more likely am I to get in trouble if I try to OwnMyResponses? I feel like I'm one of the greyest areas and I'm kinda digging it
[preview] [indieweb] blank-gh-site: Setup a simple new indieweb site on a domain name in mere minutes with this project.
[fluffy] joined the channel
Links to indieweb.social are now banned on Twitter
plush.city continues to fly under the radar, somehow
I would not bet on their having built something (yet) to follow links and try to identify Mastodon instances specifically, let alone AP support. The .social TLD wouldn't surprise me, but it seems more likely that so far they're handling specific domains and maybe pattern matching the @x@y.z pattern.
n8chz joined the channel
The point is not necessarily to enforce the rule automatically, but to be able to selectively enforce it against anyone they don't like.
Sly joined the channel
So does this mean we can no longer back link on our possed posts?
try it and see? 😛
Twitter has been suspending people not just for linking to webpages Musk doesn't like, but for linking to webpages that link to those. Now they're extending this to social networks and pages that link to them or imply a link. They literally just banned the entire web. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FkSBTMZXoAAmc-k.png
Sorry, I should’ve clarified, I’m sure they won’t prevent it from being posted, but rule-wise if that isn’t allowed based on what schmarty said
@kevinmarks gotcha
i wonder if 301s will be able to evade the rule or if they will be following the redirect all the way through
the domain blocks on t.co follow 301s. spacekaren.sucks is blocking their UA, but it will likely be added o the ban list anyway. They already are using the malware blocking path to block competitors
Sly joined the channel
gotcha. i forgot that description and link urls were t.co’d as well
gRegor, [denschub] and sebbu2 joined the channel
<c​apjamesg#4492> I believe I am the record holder for the longest event titles on the IndieWeb Events page over the last few years.
<c​apjamesg#4492> With that, I'm excited to announce we're doing a bonus HWC London / Europe this week with the theme "year in review" (documented on the events page):
geoffo joined the channel
[indienews] New post: "I attended IndieWeb Summit 2018" https://fogknife.com/2018-06-28-i-attended-indieweb-summit-2018.html
[indienews] New post: "A bit of IndieWeb pushback" https://fogknife.com/2018-05-07-a-bit-of-indieweb-pushback.html
[indienews] New post: "I believe in the IndieWeb. It needs to believe in itself." https://fogknife.com/2018-05-04-i-believe-in-the-indieweb-it-needs-to-believe-in-itself.html
geoffo joined the channel
I'm tinkering with my homepage, thinking about having a short "about me" card near the top similar to aaronpk's. Currently I have a short card at the bottom which is alright, but realized if you just land on my homepage, no quick "who is this?"
Which leads to the always fun "writing about yourself" and reminds me how much I need to update my longer about page too XD
geoffo and barnaby joined the channel
Sly, is your personal site a social network? If not, then original post permalinks should be fine
OTOH folks who are POSSEing from another social media site (e.g. from their Mastodon) are probably going to have a bad time
the problem is these rules are not actually consistent or equally enforced, so the rule is pretty much don't do anything to anger the muskrat and you'll be fine