#indieweb 2022-12-17

2022-12-17 UTC
for posts from my site to ActivityPub, I do the whole kit and kaboodle presuming that folks who subscribe to that stream that way are opting in for all of it. For stand alone Mastodon sites I explicitly take an audience into account and selectively cross post as necessary.
[fluffy], Seirdy, lqdev, geoffo and Mike[m]123456 joined the channel
<aaronpk> "for those who have set up bridgy..." <- My "thing that turns my website into a mastodon-followable profile" is that my website natively operates as...I guess it's basically a microformat-enhanced webmention-capable single-user ActivityPub server, so there isn't really a destination that *isn't* activitypub. Because I also have a fe.disroot profile, I reposted my `#introduction` (because it's effectively that profile's as well)
I've set up bridgy with the intent to syndicate some things to, and in those cases backfeed from, Twitter; which now sounds like it might be more exciting than I anticipated.
and my first article (for reasons I don't remember) with it, but I don't think that's quite the same thing.
...So my understanding is that this chat is natively IRC and bridged every which way and back. Does the fact that I posted that as a reply in Matrix actually attach it to the person or message I was responding to at all anywhere else?
(out of curiosity)
M0x3b0b[m]: it starts with “<aaronpk>”, which might have been automatically added by the bridge, unless you typed it yourself?
[preview] [M0x3b0b[m]] <aaronpk> "for those who have set up bridgy..." <- My "thing that turns my website into a mastodon-followable profile" is that my website natively operates as...I guess it's basically a microformat-enhanced webmention-capable single-user ActivityPub ...
re: this chat, more of a #indieweb-meta topic, however, "replies" in services that support them (Slack, Matrix) get flattened into in-stream chats in IRC. You can always check the archives to see the "canonical" view of chat: https://chat.indieweb.org/
Yeah, I'd've taken it to -meta except it was directly relevant to my previous message and I figured the answer would be short. Thanks, and sorry for the divergence.
lqdev joined the channel
looks like Twitter may be blocking the Internet Archive. Recent attempts to archive tweet permalinks have eventually returned a "Sorry / Job failed" page from IA
gerben joined the channel
M0x3b0b[m]: that sounds similar to my site, where the activitypub stuff is just built in to it. but at some point there is code somewhere that decides to blast out all the messages. that's what I just changed to be behind a button today
aaronpk: I agree that it sounds a little similar, but a button like that wouldn't really make sense in my context. `Microblog.pub` pitches itself as "A self-hosted, single-user, ActivityPub powered microblog" (although since it supports writing articles, the "micro" part is more a focus than a limitation) with IndieAuth, Microformats, Micropub, and Webmentions; and it really is ActivityPub first, and therefore not really *optionally* - as
far as I know it doesn't really support posting something without it being "blasted."
hm yeah. does it support also posting to twitter or elsewhere? I forget
Not directly. I am looking into if and how I want to do that - or rather, I probably will again after I catch up on some other stuff and get some progress in Advent of Code and Kringlecon. It might end up being something I only do manually, something I do through Bridgy or a similar service, or something I do with a Micropub client that supports it.
friendly reminder M0x3b0b[m], it seems like this conversation is more appropriate for #indieweb-dev (ActivityPub, Microformats, Micropub)
geoffo, nertzy, bozo, blahblah441, jeremycherfas, Burger, gRegor, silverwhitefish, mro, barnaby, gaussianblue, jjuran, kloenk and bterry joined the channel; Burger left the channel
mro joined the channel; barnaby left the channel
I was going to post this
I think he's onto something and I'm even considering remaking my site to embrace this more
I think that this is something that'd be _way_ more appealing of a service to my immediate peers
geoffo, mro, [aciccarello], kloenk, kloenk_, Seirdy and gaussianblue joined the channel
What is pronunciation?
pronunciation is an online means using text or audio to indicate how to say a person's name https://indieweb.org/pronunciation
pronunciation << https://namedrop.io/, a service for posting the pronunciation of your [[name]]
ok, I added "https://namedrop.io/, a service for posting the pronunciation of your [[name]]" to a new "See Also" section of /pronunciation https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=85127&oldid=82128
geoffo and tiim joined the channel
<c​apjamesg#4492> I'm starting to feel better about my new blog search engine:
Seirdy joined the channel
geoffo and timdream joined the channel
"so obscure 20 people use it" sounds like solid adoption for many IndieWeb tools 😆
I hope to reach 20 users someday
mro joined the channel
heh same
geoffo, nertzy, mro, gRegor, barnaby and Starrwulfe joined the channel
Hello everyone. If I join the Zoom call next week, will it be possible to get some help trying to start an IndieWeb capable site for myself? I kinda wish there was a howto step-by-step for dummies to get started...
BTW, you can find out about me here --> https://Jason.Gatewood.xyz
We are usually happy to help
welcome Starrwulfe!
Mix of skills show up
Also sorry if my handle has been popping up across some of your sites as I was testing webmentions and other things and I couldn't really figure some of the coding out. >_<
Thanks for the warm welcome; feel free to follow me too-- @starrwulfe@public.garden (until I can get my site going of course.)
<c​apjamesg#4492> Welcome Starrwulfe!