#indieweb 2023-01-16

2023-01-16 UTC
Breakfast and Coffee will soon support images.
(note same author)
He didn’t have to lump MySpace in the same category like that in the end 😆
Everyone on myspace literally grew up and had to move out of their parents basement and get day jobs and couldn’t afford to be on there endlessly anymore!
Quite different scenario from current avian place events
indeed, MySpace was a well managed sunset as compared to the 🔥 we are witnessing
[indienews] New post: "Understanding blogs" https://tracydurnell.com/2023/01/15/understanding-blogs/
TracyDurnell++ nice post!
TracyDurnell has 4 karma in this channel over the last year (15 in all channels)
gxt, starrwulfe and ren joined the channel
<k​aeldra#8403> Thanks Tantek!
gxt, geoffo, [aciccarello], RayManD, mro, gRegor, kloenk, [chrisbergr], yar, starrwulfe, tiim1 and n8chz joined the channel
Haven't posted a watch in ages. https://david.shanske.com/2023/01/16/6762/
Needs style work
mro joined the channel
If I'd post all my YouTube-watches on my page, I'd have about 30 posts per day... Pretty good idea actually 😄
starrwulfe, mro and gRegor joined the channel
[chrisbergr]: You could put them outside your main feed.
Some people set them all to private
Yes, indeed. But for myself I don't see a benefit of saving all my watches on my site. Rather I'd post some explicit selected videos I'd like to remember. But this would be rather be a type bookmark or type like. Instead I'm looking for a solution of PESOS my comments made on youtube. But I guess I have to do it manualy.
took me a second to parse that you are not talking clocks :P
Oh, I see 😄
sknebel: I look forward to your clock watch posts
[chrisbergr]: if you find a good way to get YouTube watch data out, keep me informed :D
starrwulfe joined the channel
Zegnat: I thought you had a line on that
[Murray] joined the channel
I did a couple of tries, but nothing really stuck. The only thing I could get to somewhat work is parsing with a browser extension. But I use too many different machines for that to reliably work :(
I'm sure you'll crack it someday
All YouTube needs to do is add history back in the API. I already have a service that goes against that setup to sync YouTube subscriptions into my feed reader :)
^ more #indieweb-dev 🙂
ren, geoffo, [chrisbergr]1, angelo and starrwulfe joined the channel
Breakfast and Coffee should now have support for adding images to a wiki page.
If I ever open a cafe, I shall call it Breakfast and Coffee.
(I wanted that on the record.)
at least it will already have its own website
Eek. Am I opening myself up to another IndieAuth IndieAuth issue?
"Are you the website or the coffee shop?"
starrwulfe, [chrisaldrich], rektide, geoffo, bterry, nertzy and sp1ff joined the channel
I'd really like to view *only* someone’s original posts on their profile. I'm finding that A LOT of Masto profiles are mostly boosts
and there's no options for it
[preview] [hexagontruth] #21418 Ability to filter boosts and replies from profile feeds
yeah one of the first things I’d want from a Social Reader that followed Masto feeds is the ability to mute reposts
yup, I have that as a per-channel setting https://media.aaronpk.com/2023/01/16145918-6759.png
is that Monocle?
also, why "Exclude" rather than "Mute:"
hmm, I think because I was thinking "mute" was for muting specific users
yes! twitter-atom (and *-atom) support this, it was a pretty common request. I think it's been requested on BF too
aaronpk, on Twitter yes mute means "all posts", however on IG, "mute" means per post kind (posts, or stories)
arlighty, let's see if a multi-reply works properly with an @-domain mention that just happens to match the person’s Twitter username
hah yes! presentation is a bit wonky because Twitter 🙄 but yes it threaded! https://twitter.com/t/status/1615126788266676226
@dariusdunlap.com thanks for the kind words! Agreed that https://micro.blog/ is currently the best option for getting started with #IndieWeb / #fediverse, and for #TwitterMigration: https://indieweb.org/How_to_transition_from_Twitter https://tantek.com/t5Nt1
^ me taking advantage of Twitter’s auto-linker not supporting @-domain 😄
nertzy joined the channel
Whoa, I didn't know about that aperture setting, cool!
n8chz joined the channel
Exclude wordle. Priceless