#indieweb 2023-08-29

2023-08-29 UTC
shadowkyogre, geoffo, Xe, gRegor and sp1ff joined the channel; shadowkyogre left the channel
[indienews] New post: "Blocking certain bots" https://seirdy.one/notes/2023/07/06/blocking-certain-bots/
[schmarty], geoffo, fLaMEd and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
I have been on the edge about saving more.
[preview] [ingve] A note to young folks: download the things you love
I found an anime series that is now only available on the Internet Archive in the UK.
It is pretty old.
And k a really thankful that the person chose to archive it.
*I am
bterry joined the channel
don't depend on greedy companies to keep things around for you, this isn't news to many I hope
same will go for discord given a few years, it'll decay and you'll lose access to all the things you uploaded or otherwise shared there
agnessa, antranigv and ren joined the channel; agnessa left the channel
[indienews] New post: "My Kind of Weather" https://www.jeremycherfas.net/blog/my-kind-of-weather
TIL: Micropub is a thing. Gotta add it to my todo list now 😅
Not sure if this is the right room/channel for this question, but if I want to use a micropub client to publish an article. What format would I be expected to write the content in, markdown, html, mdx, etc? Would that be up to the server to handle different types of formats?
friendly reminder IWDiscord, it seems like this conversation is more appropriate for #indieweb-dev (Micropub)
Loqi has 4 karma in this channel over the last year (14 in all channels)
sisoma Micropub supports playing text and HTML content, https://micropub.spec.indieweb.org/#new-article-with-html
er pain text
(#indieweb-dev is a good place for follow-ups)
Argh sorry, I see you're already discussing there
[Murray], AramZS, IWSlackGateway, geoffo, [aciccarello], btrem, Nuve, rvalue and [tantek] joined the channel
capjamesg, if you mean saving more things that you bookmark/like, I believe we have a page about that
what is a local archive
It looks like we don't have a page for "local archive" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "local archive is ____", a sentence describing the term)
huh I thought we did
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
close enough for now
bret, [capjamesg], rvalue, sp1ff and [benatwork] joined the channel
HWC Edinburgh / London / Europe is starting 30 mins earlier than usual tomorrow.
Event page has been updated accordingly.
"It’s time to move beyond the flawed idea of a global conversation platform."
this is what i've been saying
i've also noticed my own behavior changing pretty dramatically in the last few months, posting a lot more in private/contextual spaces like indieweb chat and other community slacks/discords rather than sharing stuff on my own site
concrete example from last week: instead of posting a photo from the event I was at on my website, I posted it in the "pictures" channel in the event slack
and now i am sad that I am missing those photos on my website when I go look back at it
so clearly I need to at least prioritize making it easy to make private posts on my site for only me to see. later I can figure out how to make them audience-restricted
private or audience-only posts
true, you can make them private for now on your own site, and note somewhere in the POSSE / u-syndication link to elsewhere that it's an audience-restricted destination
I think that's an area worthy of some experimentation (with posting patterns) to see how it "feels" to you
like does it remove that feeling of "sad that I am missing those photos on my website" ?
because that sounds like enough incentive to make that work
yeah, it seems like an easy enough first step to experiment
There's a lot of blah in that new yorker piece. Twitter's strength was always the semi-overlapping publics, and the excessive bleed through broke that. Later twitter effectively recreated smaller publics in the "for you" feed by clustering users so they saw a more homophilic flow.
I have never had a "for you" tab because I stopped updating the iOS native app upon acquisition
I see it in the web view so rarely because I don't really visit the home page
[preview] [henry ✷] the coolness of the url is inversely proportional to the coolness of the web project. the best website you'll ever find is gonna be something like libra.v2.progrecali.​edu/oct2023/dept/manifesto.html, but going to etherzone​.ooo or, say, x.​com...
Search "San Francisco" on twitter
Nuve and btrem joined the channel
it shows a narrow but not inaccurate view 😞