#indieweb 2023-09-09

2023-09-09 UTC
bterry, [aaronpk], trwnh, x6rian, fmlatghor, sknebel, gnoo, Habi, mdemo, [schmarty], Nuve, IWSlackGateway, btrem, AramZS, AramZS_, mhoye and [tantek] joined the channel; retropikzel left the channel
Iā€™m back to manual POSSE to Twitter only due to not wanting to invest time coding to something that may/will likely break again soon(ish)
[chrisaldrich]++ great to see you! ATIH looks super cool and a parallel group of folks with a lot of overlapping values with this community. They are an actual non-profit with all the structures therein tho so that's interesting. Looks like they have an open Slack, perhaps check it out and let us know what you find in general terms?
Also their code of conduct looks quite thoughtful
[snarfed] I don't see any connection to caseorganic, and certainly lots of people / groups are championing this sort of values-based approaches to technology and innovation. https://www.humanetech.com/ is another example of such a nonprofit
[chrisaldrich] from the About page you sent, I don't know anyone listed (though they all sound awesome) except I believe I've chatted with Sara Watson in the past
x6rian, duncanbeevers, Renfyeld, khurtwilliams and [snarfed] joined the channel
oh yeah I didn't mean it was literally her, just reminded me of her
khurtwilliams, x6rian, gerben, AramZS, milkii, geoffo, btrem, [jeremycherfas], lewis and [aciccarello] joined the channel