#indieweb 2023-12-27

2023-12-27 UTC
rvalue, [Al_Abut], CRISPR, [tantek], [aciccarello], [Caleb_Hearth], gRegor, jacky, BigShip, AramZS, [jeremycherfas], geoffo and jarkad joined the channel
Has anyone seen a reliable data extractor from Telegram?
Not just an rss-bridge for public channels, but an actual daemon which would act like a telegram client, and in real-time export arriving messages into html and store them on disk.
no, you'd probably be better off switching to a non-proprietary service if you want such control
Fisher24459951 and plantroon joined the channel
how I'd better be is not the question I asked :)
rainystorm, angelo, geoffo and rvalue joined the channel
tantek: I have my profile page hosted on omg.lol, but with my own domain: https://darylsun.page/
Is that an example you were looking for?
[edit] tantek: I have my profile page hosted on omg.lol, but with my own domain: https://darylsun.page/
Though I had to set that up using DNS records
jan6 joined the channel
Darylsun++ yes!
Darylsun has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (2 in all channels)
What is omglol
It looks like we don't have a page for "omglol" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "omglol is ____", a sentence describing the term)
Guest6 joined the channel
omglol << IndieWeb Example: https://darylsun.page/ is hosted on omg.lol
ok, I added "IndieWeb Example: https://darylsun.page/ is hosted on omg.lol" to the "See Also" section of /omg.lol https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=91661&oldid=91651
geoffo and tenshidev joined the channel
[indienews] New post: "IndieFediWebVerse" https://kiko.io/post/IndieFediWebVerse/
Hi everyone! Somehow I've just found this community in late 2023, but here I am :) currently browsing around the resources on the site, a lot of interesting designs/protocols!
Welcome tenshidev
jeremycherfas: thanks!
Welcome tenshidev!
Woodash and [Joe_Crawford] joined the channel
Welcome tenshidev!
rvalue and ovid joined the channel
oof I'm not ovid
geoffo, rvalue, jarkad, [aciccarello] and [snarfed] joined the channel
Did you undergo metamorphoses?
I've agreed to write content on a second website...how do I best link my contributions on the multi author site to my site and vice versa? Thoughts,
POSSE from your personal site to the second website, original post permalink on the copy
[tantek]: In this case, I'm the admin of both sites... wondering what else I can do.... I tried reposting on my site
The original should always go on your personal site, then syndicate it to the group / multi author site
We have done this with recent posts on http://microformats.org for example
This is fairly straightforward. What aspect are you having questions about
ok, I added "https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/dec/26/blogging-freedom-outdated-format" to the "See Also" section of /why https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=91664&oldid=89187
Lol we now have 3 citations of that in the wiki
I sent a brief email of thanks to Blackmarket Bakery for their help (particularly prompt sorting out why power was not working Sunday morning, hah, outlet was tied to the lights) with San Diego IWC and I got a nice brief email in return from Delilah the manager there: "Hi Joe!
It was our pleasure we hope to see you again soon!
Happy New Year!"
gRegor joined the channel
Wonderful! Thanks much [Joe_Crawford]++
[Joe_Crawford] has 3 karma in this channel over the last year (11 in all channels)
rjomara joined the channel
[Joe_Crawford]: Tell them I'd like a tuna melt on the menu
[tantek]: Re the syndication, Issues with the person asking me to write stuf5
federated a video post into the fediverse with Bridgy Fed just now, first time I've done that, mildly surprised (and relieved) that it worked!
bterry, jsalvia and barnaby joined the channel
GWG, are they paying you? If not, you can definitely insist on posting on your own site first, then POSSEing to the secondary site. Otherwise it's still up for negotiation. I've turned down or rather insisted on POSSEing "invited authorships" before. Some folks are ok with it, one laughed and I was like your loss, this is how we roll on the IndieWeb (and no they were not paying for it).
It just goes to show how much some "publishers" (and I use that term loosely) feel/act entitled to the free labor of your writing that they want to publish first on their own site. Ok to question their entitlement even if it makes them laugh or mad. Their loss.
Or you can put a price on it yourself. Ask for $1000 for the privilege of them posting the article first on their site (but you get to post it on your own site shortly thereafter). $10k if they make you wait at all (like an embargo). $100k if they are asking for exclusive publishing rights. See what happens. Negotiate from there.
[snarfed] uh, out of curiosity, does that mean that video got copied to every server's "cache" that has a follower following you?
[Joe_Crawford] re: GWG wanting a tuna melt, I'd settle for having them stay stocked up on their vegan options (JustEgg™ and soyrizo) for the full weekend, if they're taking feedback/requests that is
[tantek]: My brother has never paid me in years of schemes
GWG, time to start invoicing
I did install Indieweb plugins on all the sites
Maybe I can write some code for this
barnaby and dustinm` joined the channel