#indieweb 2024-01-06

2024-01-06 UTC
Oclair and tiger1 joined the channel
Cory Doctorow's FFDWeb Digest essay is a good alternative call for data migration/credible exit. (he only mildly uses "exit," and not "credible" at all.) good new take on why and how real data migration is worth being one of the IndieWeb's two key pillars, along with your own domain. https://ffdweb.org/digest/twiddler-configurability-for-me-but-not-for-thee/
Oclair, angelo and jacky joined the channel
[snarfed] for today's article audiences, even those of us familiar with the source material, it's (1) too long, and (2) tries to make too many different points, so none of them land.
It's a bit stream of consciousness from the start. No summary of what points are going to be made and why to actually motivate the reader into reading the details.
It takes until the third to last paragraph to get to the point: "Freedom Of Exit", and by then too many people have likely closed the tab because it reads like a directionless yet articulately worded rant
geoffo joined the channel
agreed, the last third is the directly relevant part
rvalue joined the channel
just finished reading everything in the first ffdweb digest issue, and you're right, it's all pretty abstract and high level and hand wavy, but a few of them still grabbed me
the other I liked was https://ffdweb.org/digest/terminal-values-cognitive-liberty/ , [tantek] I'm curious what you think. felt like a good call for offline-first (and broader) software, from an ideological perspective
strong title and first sentence
[snarfed] I added a few things to my tinbox just earlier today along the lines of this article
[snarfed] have you read https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9518.html? It does a good job of deflating some of the hype around decentralization as a focus/ends/goal on its own IMO
[preview] Mark Nottingham
definitely! agreed, it's great
bterry, jacky_, angelo, rainystorm, gxt and rvalue joined the channel
Xandra does an excellent job of maintaining the 32 Bit Cafe. That post is terrific.
capjamesg[d]: I actually did forget a couple of things. I probably won't need them until next time I go shopping anyway.
Tech exceptionalism: When nerds who couldn't get laid in high school punish the world.
gxt joined the channel
I'm starting to understand why my posts on social media get deleted if I so much as mention my personal website. They're scared. They know the personal Web is out there. They know it's growing. They know we'll ultimately render them irrelevant.
dmowitz joined the channel
pubnix has 1 karma over the last year
I love pubnixes <3
fury999io joined the channel
[indienews] New post: "The State of the Independent Web 2022: Updated 2024" https://indieseek.xyz/2024/01/05/the-state-of-the-independent-web-2022-updated-2024/
[tantek] joined the channel
geoffo joined the channel
capjamesg[d] Funny you should mention anime hair colors. I recently bought a book on coloring anime and manga. 😄
I love anime.
I want to learn to draw manga so I can make a VTuber avatar. I found an open source, self-hosted live streaming platform this morning called Owncast that enables that.
I wanted to try VTubing.
I'll take this to #indieweb-chat since it's not about the web.
Jo1 joined the channel
thats a really good post james
Thank you 😊
lazcorp joined the channel
[Jo] - thanks for the 88x31 buttons you made - I've added some of them to my site
Jo has 9 karma in this channel over the last year (14 in all channels)
Jo1 joined the channel
thats nice!! no problem ofc
They're not quite displayed in the traditional manner: https://www.lazaruscorporation.co.uk/info/version
Omg thats so cute!! I love that. What an idea
lazcorp has 2 karma over the last year
This is a good comment (the one in grey, to which the link points): https://www.reddit.com/r/TaylorSwift/comments/18ze6iw/comment/kgkpp22/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
[edit] This is a good comment (the one in grey, to which the link points): https://www.reddit.com/r/TaylorSwift/comments/18ze6iw/comment/kgkpp22/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
> Not just about Taylor, I feel like everytime I open Instagram all I see is you're brushing your hair wrong, you're baking your cookies wrong, you're walking your dog wrong, you're using your watercolours wrong, you're wearing your shoes wrong, it's so toxic
dmowitz, [Joe_Crawford], rvalue, geoffo and jacky joined the channel
(sorry everyone else on IRC, I never miss an opportunity to post a Golden Girls gif.)
Is there anyone out here that's built their own CMS or heavily modified an 'off the shelf' one to do some unique things?
(maybe I should be asking this in dev?)
-> #dev for building.
geoffo joined the channel
That is not my experience with Instagram at all. But maybe I am using Instagram wrong ;)
it’s the fundamental question of the web: ”why wasn’t I consulted?” https://www.ftrain.com/wwic
gRegor, petermolnar, geoffo, [TMichelleMoore], ShinyCyril, bterry and lazcorp joined the channel
starrwulfe[d]: My CMS was written from scratch in PHP and JS. It's a Single Page Application. It didn't need to be, but I wanted to learn how to make one.
I had an Instagram account for two whole hours the other day. lol
lol silo tourist trip that's great real_devastatia++
real_devastatia has 1 karma over the last year
capjamesg that post is worth IndieNewsing!!
[tantek]: I went there to reach out to someone who didn't have an e-mail address. Then I deleted the account. I don't want Meta up in my business.
Oh, and Instagram said I could only add my website link to my profile from a mobile device. Yeah, I just bet Zuck would love to have my phone number. Any social media platform that won't let me promote my site is worthless to me.
to2ds joined the channel
Two hours there would feel more like detention 😄
Detention without the Breakfast Club cast at that. lol
Nuve, geoffo and [tw2113] joined the channel