#indieweb 2024-01-08

2024-01-08 UTC
yes though that's a better discussion for #indieweb-dev
what is a featured section
It looks like we don't have a page for "featured section" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "featured section is ____", a sentence describing the term)
gRegor, to2ds, bterry, [tantek], rainystorm, bterry1, [fluffy], antranigv, fabricsheet, ren, [pfefferle], petermolnar, Oclair, a51 and jacky joined the channel
this reminds me (to a degree) of yours truly (lol) https://archive.org/details/iwc-west-2020-opening-a-restaurant
petermolnar joined the channel
> Why not build static website generators that people can just unzip, upload to the shared hosting they’ve just paid for, and start using via a browser?
Not sure that's an SSG
A user friendly SSG would be a desktop application that exports a site... there's quite a few of those
hey rubenwardy: it looks like this conversation is getting pretty technical (SSG), can you take it to #indieweb-dev?
petermolnar joined the channel
You could have a web service for making sites that uploads them via FTP or scp
petermolnar joined the channel
But then you're getting quite close to just paying for a host like wordpress or wix
AramZS joined the channel
How can I get comments from Mastodon posts that mention a link to appear on my website?
yewscion, rvalue and [manton] joined the channel
capjamesg no easy answer there, since there's no single global index of fediverse posts
are Mastodon posts even in Google any more now that they're js;dr?
you could try https://telegraph.p3k.io/superfeedr . that would only get you a small fraction of Mastodon posts, since most Mastodon accounts' RSS feeds probably aren't in Superfeedr, but it's still one idea
on a related note, happy 12th birthday Bridgy! 🎂 🎈 https://brid.gy/about#history
I feel old
[snarfed] has 28 karma in this channel over the last year (112 in all channels)
You are still young.
bterry and to2ds joined the channel
Happy B-Day Bridgy! 🎂🎉
[snarfed]: You always seem very energetic to me
[snarfed]++ happy birthday Bridgy++
Bridgy has 3 karma in this channel over the last year (6 in all channels)
[snarfed] has 29 karma in this channel over the last year (113 in all channels)
thanks all!
lazcorp, yewscion and to2ds joined the channel
That graphic looks like PNA
[Murray] joined the channel
Oooh I like that, useful little resource 👀
a51, yewscion, to2ds and bterry joined the channel
PWA definitely looks cool!
a51, yewscion, lazcorp and [Joe_Crawford] joined the channel
James you asked "How can I get comments from Mastodon posts that mention a link to appear on my website?" - this is a great question. I've had luck searching inside my own instance for a domain plus maybe a url slug. But it's dependent (uh, I think?) on my Instance having a user who follows the user, and it also seems like there's a time window that limits what comes up. All this has to be a result of the resource considerations but
probably much more the decision for Mastodon to not allow full text search as the outset. It's kind of the limitation of Mastodon but also it reads to me like they consider it a feature.
gRegor and t0nic joined the channel
^ yup, that all tracks
lazcorp and [nsmsn] joined the channel
"How the internet reshaped itself around Google’s search algorithms — and into a world where websites look the same." https://www.theverge.com/c/23998379/google-search-seo-algorithm-webpage-optimization
How do I filter out such content from my searches?
wow, horrible scrolling effects on that site. I assume it’s much easier to read without js?
[nsmsn] joined the channel
barnaby, yeah Firefox's reader mode makes this a little less queasy
lazcorp and [schmarty] joined the channel
The premise is false. Cargo culting of inefficient js;dr AF libs/frameworks has resulted in sites on average being very slow and bad for "SEO"
[nsmsn] joined the channel
I don't disagree with that. I was more interested in their argument about content: writing for incentives (search results, featured snippets, generated AI results, etc.) makes your words sound less human. Also how large newsrooms like the Guardian and New York Times in turn adjust their own content and design decisions to better accomodate Google's search algorithm. I'm not in the SEO world, so its interesting to read why both large publishers and
independent content farmers are making these choices.
geoffo joined the channel
yeah that was my takeaway from that article too (most of which I already knew, but there were some interesting specific examples), nothing about js frameworks
[aciccarello] and Halian joined the channel
what are independent content farmers?
It looks like we don't have a page for "independent content farmers" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "independent content farmers is ____", a sentence describing the term)
independent content farmers are /spam
barnaby that verge article looks wacky broken w/o JS
heh, sounds about right. I’m happy for whoever presumably got paid a lot of money to make the fancy scroll effects but I aint gonna read them
I think the article was supposed to make me feel bad for the “professional blogger” who maintains a bunch of blogs about all kinds of stuff and has to keep up with google’s algorithm changing, but those website are all so vapid and superficial, the opposite of what I’d ever want to find in search results. definitely agree with categorising them as /spam
I'm bringing the diagrams from the old Bridgy Fed home page back into BF's and Bridgy's docs. feedback is welcome! https://brid.gy/about#bridgy-fed , cc [tantek], thx for the nudge!
bterry joined the channel
I now have that fantasy, too &
[preview] [Blake Watson :prami:] I have this fantasy where I live in this small village town where everyone is friendly and takes care of each other and my day job is the village web designer and one of my responsibilities is the local news website but it’s just stuff like Bob’s...
Halian and bret joined the channel
so you're saying you want to run a Mastodon instance for your small village town? 😂
Not quite haha.
Halian and AramZS joined the channel