#indieweb 2024-01-09

2024-01-09 UTC
does anyone here use a static site CMS for their personal site?
yeah, some have come up at HWC Pacific, don't remember which ones though
/Craft.do I think is considered one, Starrwulfe uses it
the words CMS, content, and management do not appear on http://Craft.do
sounds more like a collaborative document platform
just referring to how he uses it
[lifeofpablo] joined the channel
I use /Datenstrom for my personal site.
On their site it states, "Just files and folders."
geoffo joined the channel
@tantek, here's my personal site: https://jason.gatewood.xyz running in Craft.
I'm experimenting with building some things off their API to give it webmention and other stuff at the moment.
geoffo joined the channel
starrwulfe, which Craft is the question
what is Craft
Craft is either Craft CMS, a PHP/MySQL CMS, or Craft.do, a document collaboration SaaS https://indieweb.org/Craft
niiick joined the channel
I'm looking for ideas for how to summarize a series of posts, like my 2023 100Days posts (only 48). Like do I just list them in order numbered 1-48 with an approximate label for each? Do I attempt some form of clustering of them into related topics and then list those topics? Both? Something else?
I looked at aaronpk's https://aaronparecki.com/tag/100daysofindieweb for inspiration but it's literally a feed of all the posts — whereas I'm thinking something like a table of contents might be a useful way to scan / find a post or topic of interest.
(aside: apparently a post of mine snuck into that summary of aaronpk's because I used the same tag and he liked that post 😂 )
(and his tag page shows others posts he liked that have that tag!)
anyone have any favorite resources or examples for providing summaries of collections of writings like that?
i would just do it as a blog post
although counter to my statement 15 seconds ago, i am now realizing that my 100th day project was creating a website for the _other_ 100 days project
geoffo joined the channel
Yes I will do it as a post for this years 100Posts of IndieWeb
i appreciated already having tag pages on my site because it meant I had an easy way to collect all the posts without building additional infrastructure
tho that would have also been a good project for one of the 100 days
(i can't believe that was 7 years ago 🙀)
I thought your tag pages WAS one of the 100 days
ah no, it was a couple of enhancements: sparklines and pinned posts on tag pages, days 7 and 8
Yeah that sounds right, I'm pretty sure I had tag pages in the previous version of my site
also notable that I'm pretty sure this is the longest I've gone without rewriting my whole site at this point
it mostly does things in a sustainable way that I want. Sure there are some improvements I can make, but those improvements don't involve starting the whole thing from scratch
I always enjoy your improvements, aaronpk
[tantek] I use Decap CMS which used to be called Netlify CMS before they sold it off. It's a static site CMS so it's a react web app that hits an api to save files to GitHub.
Reminds me that the wiki probably needs some updates since the project rename
what is Netlify CMS?
Netlify CMS is a content management frontend for static sites stored in GitHub, GitLab or BitBucket repos, made by Netlify https://indieweb.org/Netlify_CMS
yup, could use a renaming
and perhaps news about its former name, formerly known as in the dfn etc
Agreed, I'll try to do that tonight. Have a few things to catch up on first
geoffo joined the channel
jeremycherfas, antranigv, geoffo, oodani, antranigv_, [KevinMarks], rainystorm, ren, yewscion, ShockTohp, Nonsvch, AramZS, a51, sebbu2, [tantek], romangeeko, bterry, gxt, Saphir, Zegnat, tbbrown, nsh, [timothy_chambe], gRegor and [snarfed] joined the channel
What is Vercel?
... Loqi?
I'm not sure Loqi works properly in Discord.
what is Vercel?
It looks like we don't have a page for "Vercel" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Vercel is ____", a sentence describing the term)
t0nic joined the channel
Vercel is https://vercel.com/ , a serverless web app host
hey [snarfed]: we try to keep jargon (Vercel, serverless) out of this channel to make it more inviting to newcomers, can you move this to #indieweb-dev?
Thanx! (still missing the Matrix bridge over here. At least until I get around figuring out how to connect into IRC with my Matrix client here.)
geoffo joined the channel
What is the law around copyright on blogs if you don't have a clear content license set?
I have never set one but I don't want my content in LLMs.
countries vary, consumers can't assume any specific license or rights if you haven't specified a license, but afaik LLM access/training specifically doesn't have much (or any) precedent yet, at least in the US
check back in a few months (or later) and maybe the current cases on the docket will have made progress
What about people?
Without a set license, can someone just copy a blog post and publish it themselves?
no license means all rights reserved
so no, you they couldn't legally republish your blog post as that would be copyright infringement
but there is fair use for some things (grey area). That doesn't cover uploading an entire post, but would allow quoting parts of it
also, if you have a specific goal like "don't let LLMs train on my stuff," law/case law often isn't the most useful place to start. the big ones generally already have opt out mechanisms, probably start by finding those instead
Already done.
yeah, the LLMs are already ignoring copyright - see the lawsuits in action
"ignoring" is maybe overstated, it's arguably undetermined whether training a model on copyrighted content violates that copyright or its license
but this is tech politics so we should probably => #indieweb-chat
to2ds and lazcorp joined the channel
Does anyone have an ISSN for their website?
[tantek] You might like the charts on https://norvig.com/mayzner.html
what is an ISSN
It looks like we don't have a page for "ISSN" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "ISSN is ____", a sentence describing the term)
capjamesg, if you're willing to create a page for it, here's an IndieWeb Example of someone who has an ISSN for their personal site: https://www.zeldman.com/about/
The British Library hack seems to have affected the British ISSN registration page: https://www.bl.uk/bibliographic/issn.html
https://isni.bl.uk/ doesn't work 😦
The ISSN website has some helpful information in it's FAQ https://portal.issn.org/faq8
anyway, if you want to create the /ISSN page please go for it since there is at least one real world IndieWeb Example!
There are two!
See the footer ^
[preview] Terence Eden’s Blog
Apparently ISSNs are free in the US https://www.loc.gov/issn/faq/
I'm still trying to determine what the requirements are for websites: "ISSN assignment to websites must meet criteria outlined in the ISSN Manual."
if you figure out what that is, definitely worth adding to a "How to" section on /ISSN!
gRegorLove_ joined the channel
[preview] The Watchmaker's Approach to Web Development
Looks like personal sites are specifically excluded from ISSN registration.
hmm, http://zeldman.com notwithstanding
I wonder when those were registered
> Exclusion criteria: 1. Personal resources (personal web sites and web pages, online diaries)
see the citation I added to the page from Zeldman, he posts about the "recent" problem of "indie web publishers" getting ISSNs
Adding this to the wiki
Oh wow.
Well I will not be getting an ISSN.