#indieweb 2024-01-10

2024-01-10 UTC
what is ISSN
International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) is an identification number for periodicals that at least two IndieWeb community members have on their websites https://indieweb.org/ISSN
btrem joined the channel
[tantek] do you mean a static site generator? I use 11ty. But maybe you mean something else.
(Hmm. Normally, when I link to a single chat, Loqi helpfully inserts the text. Not this time. The link is to [tantek]'s question, "does anyone here use a static site CMS for their personal site?")
And now that I've read the further chat, in 11ty you could organize by tag, or by subdirectory. 11ty is pretty flexible when it comes to grouping content.
[preview] [aaronpk] OwnYourGram is effectively dead at this point anyway. I should just archive this repo.
[0x3b0b] joined the channel
btrem, no I mean static site CMS, see the difference in their definitions
what is a static site CMS
A static site CMS is a CMS that can be used to view, edit, and create static files used by a static site generator https://indieweb.org/static_site_CMS
what is an SSG
A static site generator or SSG is software that developers can use to setup a personal site that uses a set of text content files typically stored on a server, and transforms them into a set of static HTML files for a website https://indieweb.org/SSG
hmm the CLI dependency should be in the dfn
Ah, sorry. So is wiki software a static site CMS?
Slightly related: one thing I don't like about 11ty is that the content and the config are mixed together. It makes it hard to separate the two, and means you can't easily create a clean repo for a specific 11ty config.
depends on the wiki software. MediaWiki is not since it uses MySQL
SSG << 11ty
[tantek]: it seems like this conversation is more appropriate for #indieweb-dev (SSG)
lol yes
IOW, it's hard to share an 11ty setup that might server a specific need.
...serve a specific need.
But I guess Loqi's suggestion probably applies to my chat, too. ;-) So I'll stop now.
[tantek] Eleventy is already in the list of SSGs on that page
geoffo joined the channel
RIP ownyourgram
34,644 photos rescued from silos
aaronpk, I'm wondering if/when IG adds an "auto-post to Threads" option, and then hopefully later this year anyone will be able to opt-in to having their Threads feed followed from Mastodon etc., and then perhaps OwnYourThreads becomes a replacement for OwnYourGram!
will take the ASCII art diagram to #indieweb-dev
that'd be .... interesting
snarfed++ wow what an announcement for bridgy fed!
snarfed has 30 karma in this channel over the last year (118 in all channels)
t0nic and [jacky] joined the channel
who's going to be the first to POSSE from this? https://hu.ma.ne/aipin
lanodan, Xe, [aciccarello], benji, helveticamono, barnaby, chenghiz_, distopico, Guest1350, sivoais, bret, jan6, rvalue, sebsel, fury999io, asarandi, paulgrmn, coyote, retropikzel, srushe, vikanezrimaya, toastal, suki, sm2n, shreyasminocha, eb, darylsun, alecjonathon, capjamesg, ancarda, lojik, raghavgururajan, BigShip, victorneo, omz13, Dystopia, rjomara, krasjet, plantroon, ren, geoffo, Nonsvch, lazcorp, eb_, bterry, alecjonathon_ and vikanezrimaya_ joined the channel
raghavgururajan, victorneo, retropikzel, alecjonathon, toastal, capjamesg, darylsun, ancarda, paulgrmn, suki, lockywolf, barnaby, iamzim, a51, petermolnar, geoffo, jgee118692253458 and bterry1 joined the channel; iamzim left the channel
Join us online!
I added a countdown scheduled for 2024-01-10 7:00pm UTC (#7090)
I mean Loqi should be announcing these in #indieweb-meta anyway but that's a separate feature request 🙂
(announcing them when they go live)
a51, [bjoern], barnaby and to2ds joined the channel
"Where have all the websites gone?" - They've been here for almost two decades waiting patiently for big social to implode.
to2ds, well, i know someone with a blog that is dead since over 2 years, but his twitter isn't dead
he could have made all the various pinned tweets (changed over time) as blogpost, that would have been enough
sebbu - Seems the users don't like to venture outside the walled gardens.
well, the blog was also a walled garden (fc2)
to2ds joined the channel
Not sure what's worse. The walled gardens or the paywalled gardens. Felt like almost every link out from big social was to a paywall of some sort.
gotta pay for journalism and writers somehow. the alternative is ads, which arguably turned out worse
sorry, #indieweb-chat territory
paulgrmn joined the channel
what is business model
business models are ways to offer indieweb products and or services that users pay for both for their own benefit, and in support an open indie web https://indieweb.org/business-model
suki, victorneo, vikanezrimaya, retropikzel, shreyasminocha, eb, srushe and to2ds joined the channel
[snarfed] - True. Would be nice to have a label or similar to let us know first. It's almost like the Griswold's finally making it to Wally World and it was closed for repairs 😄
toastal, raghavgururajan, sm2n, capjamesg, darylsun, alecjonathon, geoffo, coyote and ancarda joined the channel
Does Loqi know everything?
gRegorLove_ joined the channel
everywhere except Discord 😆
[aciccarello] joined the channel
Gives Loqi knowledge of the universe
Case sensitive?
gives Loqi knowledge of the universe
Countdown set by [tantek] on 2024-01-10 at 5:04pm UTC
aciccarello you have to /me it
HWC is on now. Join us!
[Murray], bleb, wagle, benji-, njd, Nonsvch, [Joe_Crawford], chdorner, rvalue and to2ds joined the channel
It was great to meet everyone in HWC Europe/London!
to2ds has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (2 in all channels)
lazcorp joined the channel
Another really interesting HWC - thank you!
It was great to meet everyone in HWC London - thanks for your help and have a great week!
benji, barnaby and [capjamesg] joined the channel
welcome kjj_karen++
kjj_karen has 1 karma over the last year
lazcorp, chdorner, barnaby and Halian joined the channel