#indieweb 2024-01-11

2024-01-11 UTC
bterry and to2ds joined the channel
Rooting for you kjj_karen++
kjj_karen has 2 karma over the last year
ShinyCyril, geoffo, gRegorLove_ and gxt joined the channel
https://op3.dev/ looks interesting
omg I hate everything about this
to2ds joined the channel
Have no clue what a prefix analytics service is 😳
geoffo, ren, Maxpm, [tantek], [Jo], Nonsvch, Halian, chdorner and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
it's a logging proxy
When your introduction starts with β€œIn advertising technology, data is everything.” … (from https://soundsprofitable.com/article/podcast-prefix-analytics-explained/)
I think the interesting part of OP3 is that you can run it yourself. So if you opt to use a third-party hosting platform for your podcast, you can still have (a copy of) the statistics yourself
there's plenty of self-hostable analytics systems already, though, and it seems most creators really don't care one bit about the privacy of their userbase
they just want simplicity for them, no matter the cost to anyone else
(and generally the analytics arent even telling them anything new, its just very hip to have metrics)
looks like t.co or any other tracker
ok, I added "https://joanwestenberg.com/blog/curation-is-the-last-best-hope-of-intelligent-discourse" to the "See Also" section of /social_reader https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=92161&oldid=88938
lazcorp, eb, suki, paulgrmn, vikanezrimaya, victorneo, darylsun, srushe, ancarda, sm2n, capjamesg, shreyasminocha, raghavgururajan, retropikzel, toastal, alecjonathon, coyote and [campegg] joined the channel
[preview] [Norman Walsh] You can’t follow me
lazcorp joined the channel
[campegg] I'm trying to do exactly the same, and that at least makes me less worried if I fail
lazcorp, yeah, me too. I think it's a pretty common story… but it's always nice to know we're not the only ones with a problem πŸ™‚
Nonsvch joined the channel
[indienews] New post: "Enshittification and user domestication" https://seirdy.one/notes/2024/01/11/enshittification-and-user-domestication/
rainystorm, Guest3385 and [jeffpaul] joined the channel
Interesting that they are trying to test from a local mastodon instance. Seems like an extra burden.
[pfefferle], a51, to2ds and lazcorp joined the channel
[aciccarello] yes, I'm just doing it the easy way and uploading my code to production and seeing what's broken :)
Haha, I mean opening a test account on an existing server.
I'm guessing that if they have their static site with the activity pub code on their local machine then a real Mastodon server wouldn't be able to access it, so they need a local Mastodon server that can communicate with their local site development environment
Creating your own ActivityPub server is definitely a learning experience
I've got my website ActivityPub profile displaying when checking from Mastodon now, which is weirdly satisfying. My next step is the more difficult bit of setting up the inbox and outbox
to2ds joined the channel
Very cool. Can't remember the post ATM, but it focused on creating a presence with static files only. No inbox capabilities though.
Tiptoeing here so Loqi won't shoo me to dev chat 😁
Probably is getting more dev
gRegor, lazcorp, to2ds, gRegorLove_, [snarfed], [jacky], rrix and Nonsvch joined the channel
to2ds I believe it's on the /Mastodon page (that post about creating a presence with static files only)
I think we discussed it at IWC SD in fact! When we were coming up with a way to replace / obvious the need for some of the poorly designed discovery stuff that Mastodon and others are using (for legacy or other reasons)
Nonsvch, jarkad and to2ds joined the channel
Thank you [tantek]
Is webfinger problematic for discovery?
Thank you. Loved the comic BTW!
maars joined the channel
yes, and to not mention that jargon term again I suggest #indieweb-dev for more discussion of it
btw some of us were chatting informally about domain renewal rent-hikes and I found this: https://www.reddit.com/r/web_design/comments/8vu9ck/godaddy_asks_for_2000year_for_the_domain_name_i/
to2ds and lazcorp joined the channel
Definitely a term for #indieweb-dev 😊
gxt, [schmarty], lazcorp and to2ds joined the channel
That's a lot of money for a domain.
[James_Van_Dyne] and ren joined the channel