#indieweb 2024-01-20

2024-01-20 UTC
That might be a better topic for #indieweb-dev
yeah, was just curious
[snarfed], reading now, good post so far. Would it be fair to say the value of Bridgy Fed letting people follow any site is they can see the posts in Mastodon (or whichever service) instead of subscribing in a reader?
Trying to fully wrap my head around the use cases
If I was not set up with BF already, I think I would be pretty surprised to find my posts appearing there, like the fromjason.xyz discussion you linked.
geoffo joined the channel
[snarfed] the post is a solid discussion with a lot of good links. The challenge is always the tension between "did anyone see my post?" and "who are all these people shit-talking me?"
It's very hard to tell when the context has collapsed in code.
what is context collapse
Context collapse refers to when a social media user who belongs to a specific peer or social group shares a post publicly but with the expectation that the audience understands the social norms and practices of the group creating a “private” post in public https://indieweb.org/context_collapse
[schmarty] joined the channel
thanks [KevinMarks] gRegor!
gRegor for web sites that haven't explicitly opted in? I guess I'd see the use case as just as much for web site owners themselves, to have an automatic default presence in the fediverse
but yeah, for existing fediverse users, it's following them, but also replying, liking, reposting, etc
all the full bidirectional interactivity
I'm thinking of sites that have never heard of BF and maybe don't support interactivity like some of our building blocks. If people start following example.com via BF and liking/replying, those interactions are just out there and the site owner has no idea.
The challenge with a default open system is that you end up complicit in abuse and spam, and filtering that becomes a big part of your day.
[snarfed] I agree with the comment that there's no reason to give N**is any more airtime even "brand" mentions than actually necessary for specific real world examples
jacky and [tw2113] joined the channel; r4dhexe_ left the channel
gRegor true! just the same as if a site doesn't support webmentions and someone replies on their own site
[tantek] sure! will update
[KevinMarks] true! hence "My primary goal is to empower each network's existing moderation ecosystem" https://fed.brid.gy/docs#moderation-policy
CRISPR joined the channel
Hmm. If they reply on their site, though, they're looking at my site which I control, not a profile that appears to be me and maybe has my photo
again though, lines get fuzzy fast. feed readers arguably do the same thing, right?
jacky joined the channel
Good morning, IndieWeb!
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
Another one bites the dust: ://waxy.org/2024/01/the-quiet-death-of-ellos-big-dreams/
[lifeofpablo] joined the channel
Good morning capjamesg[d]
yar joined the channel
Not sure, the feed is also something the publisher controls, and doesn't have the interactive layer on top of it that federation adds.
I'm not super opposed, just thinking through it. The main advantage seems to be letting people subscribe to a feed, but in a federated social app instead of a reader
hey gRegor, I don't mean to be a bother, but federation, federated seems like a better conversation for #indieweb-dev
ah, I tried :)
CRISPR and rainystorm joined the channel
tPoltergeist, Nonsvch and [Murray] joined the channel
[gRegorLove] just a thought on whether the author controls the feed: I feel like this is increasingly not necessarily the case. The feed reader I use (and they're far from alone here) uses explicit feeds (e.g. RSS) for initial discovery and then as a fallback. Most of the content I see has actually been scraped by their bots. I don't love this strategy, but I do understand why it exists. And it also very much adds an interactive layer on top,
too, with note taking and other "social" features; social readers would do this even more, right?
(also dammit, I tried just @ing "gRegor" there and apparently Slack autocorrected it 😒
tPoltergeist, Oclair and geoffo joined the channel
even non-IndieWeb social readers have their own social layers, including commenting etc, eg NewsBlur and others
rainystorm, tPoltergeist, gxt and jonnybarnes joined the channel
A great speech.
Or, rather, letter.
gRegor ironically I think Loqi's nudge is good indirect feedback for [snarfed]'s post, depending on what audience it's directed at
gRegor joined the channel
[snarfed] the use of the informalism "I'd kill for a" is IMO unnecessarily violent, especially in today's both global wars context and frankly local-to-the-US mass shootings trends :( (from your blog post, context: "First off, I’d kill for a thorough, "). Can you rephrase to use a non-violent method of emphasis?
Clarifying: by "interactivity" I mean a narrower social media type interaction. None of those readers are creating a *public* profile that appears to be the person. Posting a reply on your site, social media, or a commenting system the reader has isn't the same as what I was thinking.
Probably poor phrasing, it's not the interaction itself that I'm concerned about, but mainly the appearance of a public profile in an app where largely an account means "a person set this account up"
[tantek] great point, will fix
gRegor you're definitely not alone in that concern, eg https://mastodon.social/@fromjason/111737319152217700
[preview] [fromjason.xyz 🖤] Someone set up a bridge account for my blog and has been spamming links on #Mastodon of all my posts, every couple of hours or so since yesterday. Of course, this gives server admins a big incentive to block my domain. The way the bridge account is s... https://files.mastodon.social/media_attachments/files/111/737/316/562/475/231/original/fbb918d8f2b7718d.jpeg
Yeah, I saw that. Glad it seemed to resolve well, too
I feel like the fediverse has had a bit of a double standard there. a bunch of RSS-to-fediverse bridges have been around forever, none have required web site owner opt in, and fediverse people have generally liked them. everyone _loved_ https://rss-parrot.net/ 's launch recently because it had nice UX. no one complained about the lack of opt in
I suspect this is because it was bringing _other_ stuff _into_ the fediverse, and web sites generally weren't seen as "people," or as the in-group worth protecting
Yeah, that's interesting. Honestly I didn't realize before this there were multiple things like that
(obviously just my speculation though)
Is that one always showing posts in the timeline with the RSS Parrot name and icon like their screenshot?
hey [snarfed], gRegor, we try to keep dev talk (RSS) out of this channel, can you move to #indieweb-dev?
this isn't dev, RSS is part of that product's name. happy to stay here)
gRegor I think yes
So that's a key difference for my concern and (speculating) fromjason's.
barnaby joined the channel
the profile picture?
Let me see if I can actually browse some examples on Mastodon
geoffo joined the channel
(I'm still a bit salty that everyone loved this with all the other tools. only when it was suddenly seen as "happening to a fediverse person," ie part of the in group, did they suddenly flip and pull out the pitchforks, and just at BF. one of the commenters literally said "justifiable homicide." 🙁 but that may just be me overreacting)
Ok, it's midway what I was thinking: https://mastodon.social/@taiwantrailsandtales.com@rss-parrot.net it's the service's icon, the site's title, but also a warning up front in the bio.
Ouch, what an awful comment from them :/
yeah... not great
I don’t think that’s overreacting [snarfed].
It really is quite the double standard
and if we agree with gRegor that there's still context collapse and user surprise here, then that applies to backfeed too, right?
and does it also apply to the "native" fediverse federating back and forth with WordPress blogs running the plugin?
I really do get that there are user concerns and issues here, but I just don't see how to draw bright lines. and it really doesn't make sense to methat they should be drawn based on which underlying network protocols are used, or which server software
I guess that's the whole point of my post 😁
(fwiw that thread did inspire me to add a loud label to non-opted-in BF fediverse profiles, and a louder warning to their user pages on http://fed.brid.gy)
I was just noticing on the parrot one above, when I refresh it goes to a page on the service that makes it even more clear since it has their branding, etc. That's something I hadn't thought of and BF is probably doing as well.
BF goes to each site itself
I think that's what we want for opted in people, but I could reconsider it for non opted in
Makes sense
hm, i suppose i should opt my site out since my blog is already able to be followed directly
aaronpk I have your site special cased to not send wms for AP activity 😆
happy to just opt it out entirely for you if you want
i don't fully understand what that means but yes probably best
will do
a51 joined the channel
Agreed on the double-standard and good insights gRegor & [snarfed]
FWIW I think that's worth it's own follow up post [snarfed]
maybe! not sure I want to poke that hornet's nest more
The fediverse double-standard: consent for me, but not for thee
[snarfed] the Fediverse/Mastodon is all about making points with hot takes. Like Twitter before it, that's what gets the retoots
geoffo joined the channel
That’s what will have me leave Mastodon.
Needs the crying outline face meme guy
angelo, geoffo, gRegor and BigShip joined the channel
Do Fediverse folks complain about the summaries of their posts showing up in Link Previews outside of the Fediverse without their permission?
How about the summaries of their posts being indexed in search on sites/services outside of the Fediverse (eg Slack)?
my experience is that at least some of the fediverse is willfully ignorant of even Google indexing their posts
there's a widespread myth that most of the fediverse's robots.txt blocks search engines
(I've downloaded them all, or at least >25k servers' worth, and the vast majority do not block search engines)
Setting aside for the moment a somewhat baffling array of different levels of understanding throughout the fediverse of where one's posts are actually going, what robots.txt does, and so forth, I think one of the conversations you had hit the nail on the head about both the clear indication that it's a bridge and the clear path to opting out being critical.
One thing about the situations Tantek mentioned is that if _a person_ takes one of their posts and (for example) posts it in a chat where it gets link-previewed or features it in a blog post, whether they are _okay_ with that or not, it usually doesn't _look as if_ they were the one who chose for it to appear there.
yeah i agree a clear indication that this is not attempting to "steal" the content is helpful. even aside from mastodon, there are a ton of blogs that will pull in another blog's RSS feed and republish the blog posts as if they are their own, often removing the author name or even running the text through an automated thesaurus to rephrase things
and then of course since most of these get posted to wordpress blogs they will send pingbacks to the original post so it's hilarious to see the list of spam blogs that rip off your own blog posts in the list of responses below
so basically make sure you don't look like that :P
aaronpk 0x3b0b definitely agreed, thanks. I'm curious what you think of Bridgy Fed's current disclaimer? eg https://fed.brid.gy/web/nature.com
that looks great
for the logs:
> Bridgy Fed is providing nature.com a presence in the fediverse. This account was generated automatically when someone first followed it. Learn more here.
> Do you own nature.com? You can opt out or upgrade your fediverse handle from @web.brid.gy to @nature.com.
clear user-centric description, and a clear path to resolving if the person doesn't like it. I also like the "upgrade" language
I think rss-parrot, just as one example, may have had a small edge over you on how much of the audience was likely to catch on that it was a bridging service just from the name...one minor point of evidence in favor of that assessment being Jason's initially misposting it as .cy instead of .gy
hey aaronpk, [0x3b0b]: it looks like this conversation is getting pretty technical (RSS), can you take it to #indieweb-dev?
haha rss-parrot
yeah makes sense
I agree, I like how you have that set up now.
gRegor and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
Naming << when naming a user service or product (in contrast to a developer service or product), avoid the use of any [[jargon]] terms or especially acronyms, unless your goal is to limit the appeal/understanding of your service or product to only developers versed in said jargon
ok, I added "when naming a user service or product (in contrast to a developer service or product), avoid the use of any [[jargon]] terms or especially acronyms, unless your goal is to limit the appeal/understanding of your service or product to only developers versed in said jargon" to the "See Also" section of /naming https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=92495&oldid=91152
gRegorLove_ joined the channel
stares into webmention.io and indieauth.com 🤦‍♂️
tho to be fair, webmention.io did start out intending to be a developer service