#indieweb 2024-02-02

2024-02-02 UTC
rvalue, gRegorLove_, jacky, cambridgeport90, geoffo, rrix, [tantek], gRegor, tPoltergeist, [Al_Abut] and Game joined the channel
I got it working. Thank you! I just wanted to follow up.
antranigv, rainystorm, vhbelvadi, timdream, antranigv_, [pfefferle], indieweb-visitor, gRegor, tPoltergeist and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
antranigv, rainystorm, Guest6 and BIC joined the channel
Good morning (afternoon, night)!
wondering if there are any website creators in here that would follow POSSE rules, could create a blog and website following web 1.0 principles for reasonable price?
dadofapollo and antranigv joined the channel
Welcome BIC. Have you looked at offerings like micro.blog?
tPoltergeist, [Jo], antranigv and BIC joined the channel
yeah. I have messed around with that, but it veers a little too social for my taste. Really just want a website where I can house my projects and a blog (with a few programmed bells and whistles which I utilize for my blogging often)
Understood. I'm told WordPress is becoming more IndieWeb friendly but I don't use it that way myself.
BIC joined the channel
I have spent a good portion of my life using Wordpress and kind of want to avoid it like the plague unless I absolutely have to. Haha.
Understood completely :)
appreciate the help though
antranigv, tPoltergeist, rvalue and [snarfed] joined the channel
antranigv and jacky joined the channel
All the way back to Bartle
antranigv joined the channel
[KevinMarks] has 6 karma in this channel over the last year (32 in all channels)
[snarfed] I like Elizabeth Lopatto’s writing, she’s hilarious on other platforms. The Verge has surprisingly useful author pages with a mix of inline short updates and links to long form articles:
yup, looks like their homepage feed filtered by author
Guest6 and antranigv joined the channel
I need to update the Troll Taxonomy at some point for social media. It was written largely in the context of email.
[tantek] has 19 karma in this channel over the last year (102 in all channels)
hello, i've been working on a few pages on Neocities which has been a really inspiring return to having a website of my own 😄 https://tsxyz.neocities.org
I like your website _tommys[d] !
The book club page is really readable.
thank you 😄
i was really excited to do that one. the other 2 were more of a curiosity project, doing it just to do it yknow, but the book club page has a real utility because it serves as a permanent record, and it's easy to lookup whose turn it is next to pick a book - so i'm really pleased about that 😄
What is a book?
📚 A book is a written work typically longer than an article, on the indieweb, there are examples of publishing whole books on IndieWeb sites, as well as collections of their personal library of books both physical and electronic https://indieweb.org/book
Wrong page.
What is a personal library?
📚 A personal library is an online collection of books and other media that reflects either physical or digital items one owns, wants to acquire, has bookmarked to read/watch/listen to, is currently doing so, or has in the past https://indieweb.org/personal_library
You might find that page interesting _tommys[d] ^
There are lots of people who publish the books they have read as a list on their website!
ah great idea!
If you say "what is ____"?, our bot will jump in to try and help.
the 'what is' term as it relates to Indieweb?
or anything?
Yes indeed.
The IndieWeb.
that's cool, what a great idea!
The wiki is a great place to look for inspiration (and to share what you have made, too, so other people can be inspired!).
What is fun?
😄 fun is one of the IndieWeb principles and a key motivation for the IndieWeb — making and using your own website should be fun, otherwise what’s the point? https://indieweb.org/fun
what is neocities?
Oh... aaronpk[d] the what is might not work for all Discord users 😬
What is Neocities?
NeoCities is a free website hosting silo in the spirit of defunct silo GeoCities (Yahoo shutdown in 2009) that looks like a stepping stone to getting started on the IndieWeb https://indieweb.org/NeoCities
yeah it's still not perfect
haha sorry aaronpk, another one for the todo list lol
what's your take on Neocities? it doesn't seem to comply with your 1st principle
I love it.
The principles are a rough guide; you can take the ones that matter to you.
cool 🙂
There are a lot of fun sites on Neocities! And it's easier to get started than it is on other platforms.
it feels like less commitment than buying a domain and hosting, which then feels like an 'ought to' cos i'm spending money, rather than a 'want to' because it's fun
at least that's how my brain works lol
sorry to so many questions lol, i am intrigued: how do you square 'longevity' with the need to pay for hosting?
You can ask as many questions as you'd like!
That's a really good insight about 'ought to' vs 'want to' _tommys++
Ironically it's the free things that disappear. Best way to make something last is to pay for it
So you "square it" with the experience and evidence to date
fair 🙂
antranigv joined the channel
oh cool
38k though, yikes lol
that's cool 🙂
i think i'd like to start documenting my processes, what i've learned, how i did x - i really like the idea of that minimalist microblogging 'twtxt' format for that, seems low friction, or maybe something that pulls in from a mastodon account
indeed, http://micro.blog is the best for that with least hassle
_tommys[d] I love reading about how people did things.
[Joe_Crawford] and gRegor joined the channel
i think i'll style on a mastodon rss feed. part of the challenge for me is seeing how much i can get done without spending a penny 😄
i have a self-hosted music streaming service my friend and i use, which was really fun to learn and setup and in the end it costs less than Spotify, and has more functionality. super proud of that
rvalue joined the channel
whoa that's an achievement! (self-hosted music streaming service) definitely curious to learn more about making that ... in #indieweb-dev
bterry1 and to2ds joined the channel
Hi _tommys - love that you’re reading Chuck Palahniuk on your club page. I read his sequel to Fight Club because it came out as a graphic novel, absolutely mind-blowing stuff.
That 100 year plan seems kind of surreal.
I'm surprised there aren't more services to do that with a static site
Seems like that could be an opportunity for some business.
alright, since no one else is adding them
ok, I added "https://wordpress.com/blog/2023/08/25/introducing-the-100-year-plan/" to the "See Also" section of /longevity https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=92842&oldid=91821
ok, I added "https://posthaven.com/pledge , https://posthaven.com/help#archive-mode" to the "See Also" section of /longevity https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=92843&oldid=92842
ok, I added "https://archiveprogram.github.com/arctic-vault/" to the "See Also" section of /longevity https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=92844&oldid=92843
barnaby and to2ds joined the channel
Wow. Personal website leading to existential crisis wasn't on the dance card for today 😄
j12t and BitSapien joined the channel
good search engine to find indie sites?
BitSapien, wiby.me
what is Wiby?
It looks like we don't have a page for "Wiby" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Wiby is ____", a sentence describing the term)
I recall seeing a few other services recently. I'll have to remember to save them.
j12t, kody, barnaby and angelo_ joined the channel
FYI, as of 8am this morning, you can schedule a free demo of the Apple Vision Pro in store for next week. We had a good discussion at Wed’s HWC about webvr, 3D and virtual spaces.
finally i can have a 3D website
lol, the 1990s VR scene called and wants their hype back
or 1993 Jurassic Park unix file system browsing UI
That was a missed humorous opportunity on Wed when we were looking at Gather and similar virtual meeting spaces
My initial reaction was horrifying but then I heard some pretty fun use cases around events and conferences
I forgot to mention at HWC but I've heard about conferences held in Minecraft
oh yeah, like Second Life was a flash in the pan for that previously too
Had no idea there was like an official Minecraft Education group, pretty cool!
j12t, dustinm` and pharalia joined the channel
[Al_Abut]: oh! i didn't know there was a sequel to fight club 😮
CRISPR joined the channel
bitsapien - can't speak to the quality but i came across this recently https://search.marginalia.nu/
block << 2024-02-02 Derek Powazek: [https://powazek.com/posts/3591 On Blocking] <blockquote>…blocking should be considered an agreement between a community member and the site itself. (I’m going to say “site” here but it could also be an app or the community leader or moderation team, etc.)</blockquote>
ok, I added "2024-02-02 Derek Powazek: [https://powazek.com/posts/3591 On Blocking] <blockquote>…blocking should be considered an agreement between a community member and the site itself. (I’m going to say “site” here but it could also be an app or the community leader or moderation team, etc.)</blockquote>" to the "See Also" section of /block https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=92865&oldid=86876
ren joined the channel
Two paragraphs in and already grappling with an unexpected premise.