#indieweb 2024-02-03

2024-02-03 UTC
the part I quoted? I think it's a useful insight
No, paragraph before that.
My concept of "blocking" originates from forum and chat contexts, and I still think of "user A blocking user B also means user B cannot see user A's content" as a new and unusual thing some social spaces do, not as an expected standard.
hmm, if it's about David Brooks it's ambiguous, I mean there are multiple people on Wikipedia with that name
0x3b0b my recollection of some of the earliest implementation of "blocking" was 20 years ago in Flickr, which absolutely works the way Derek describes it
rvalue joined the channel
It's worth noting that if I did encounter contexts in which it worked that way before...um...basically the past year, it's entirely possible I just didn't notice.
But I spent years thinking of it as a synonym for "ignore," which I think is probably a little more broadly intuited as one-way.
So between that and the chat+forum focused experience, it's not that the idea of it meaning what he described surprises me; it's the idea of that being presented as the _obviously expected_ meaning that took me by surprise.
what is ignore
friending (AKA add friend or the verb to friend) is a general term applied to the various silo user interactions with sites regarding reciprocal friendship https://indieweb.org/Ignore
friending << "ignore friend request" is a feature on [[Snapchat]] as a way of declining a friend request
ok, I added ""ignore friend request" is a feature on [[Snapchat]] as a way of declining a friend request" to the "See Also" section of /friending https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=92866&oldid=88613
0x3b0b I think that's why a lot of social silos adopted two verbs, mute and block
what is mute
mute is the ability to hide posts in your reader that have specific words, or from particular publishers, sometimes only a specific type or format, optionally with an automatic expiration, after which newer posts are visible again https://indieweb.org/mute
mute is more likely what you may have been thinking as a synonym for "ignore"
It's probably closer in most cases, at least.
tPoltergeist, pharalia, kody, sennomo and geoffo joined the channel
I'm going to work on my first personal site that is basically going to be a blog about getting it setup. Then I'm going to be setting up whatever services I can learn how to self host. I might start with a simple email server on my old laptop.
CRISPR, j12t, ren, tPoltergeist, gRegor, geoffo, gxt, [Al_Abut]1, lazcorp, Nonsvch and [William_Jack_P] joined the channel
hello I am looking to make an indiewb website with a 190's aesthetic (art deco) design but I am unusre what website I should build it on or wether to build from scratch as I am on a very limited budget
my apogiles I miswrote that when trying to type quickly I mean 1920's
[tantek] joined the channel
What is 1990
It looks like we don't have a page for "1990" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "1990 is ____", a sentence describing the term)
I don't understand @loqi
IWSlackGateway and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
The good news is that a lot of 1920s design is out of copyright, the hard part is that deco is a lot of work to draw
Loqi and [20_s_Net] joined the channel
oh, I can't actually draw due to having dyspraxia, so I was going to rely mostly on the public domain
Loqi joined the channel
This site may be some help, they have a lot of template https://www.kittl.com/article/make-art-deco-card-designs
[indienews] New post: "IndieWeb Carnival January 2024: Roundup" https://foreverliketh.is/blog/indieweb-carnival-january-2024-roundup/
Loqi joined the channel
Where would you personally suggest to host this idea?
Loqi and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
Welcome [20_s_Net] I think hosting would depend a lot on whether the website would be static or dynamic, and also how much experience you have with servers, GitHub etc
What is a ssg
A static site generator or SSG is software that developers can use (typically requiring command line access) to setup a personal site that uses a set of text content files typically stored on a server, and transforms them into a set of static HTML files for a website https://indieweb.org/SSG
Some ideas there ^^
to be honest I am just getting my feet wet but I am starting to get very basic knowlege of html
Loqi, IWDiscord, erscheinung[d], ytseboy[d], magikarp_salesma, the_kovah[d], marmadilemanteat, chrisaldrich[d], hidjy[d], skyth3r[d], againstthefuture, yxtbi39pa8cte[d] and Gremblo[d] joined the channel
Well, that’s a great start. Feel free to ask for help.
yes I have been using Neocities
geoffo joined the channel
The github pages example site may be a good place to start https://github.com/indieweb/blank-gh-site
[preview] [indieweb] blank-gh-site: Setup a simple new indieweb site on a domain name in mere minutes with this project.
For how to host a raw html page
[Al_Abut] joined the channel
That’s excellent. No hosting or generators.
[snarfed], rvalue and [tantek] joined the channel
Sorry to ask so many questions but I am new to this
Would this allow for an "unlimited" amount of customisation and where would be a good place to get a domain
gRegor, gxt, mobi and bterry joined the channel
Yes to all the customisation you want. I get domains at http://Hover.com
root joined the channel
Thanks so much
gRegor joined the channel
Hover however does seem to offer prices in American dollars and I am in the UK
I use Namecheap.
I like their service.
And you can be billed in GBP.
root joined the channel
Cool how do you know if a deal is good or not though?
It depends what TLD (i.e. .com, .co.uk, etc.) you are using.
But I don't like paying more than 20 pounds a year for a domain.
I don't really mind I was looking at .bar not because it's a business website but because it fits with the themeing
The prices can vary wildly for domains.
It depends if you are looking for something that's a common word vs. something more obscure.
jonnybarnes joined the channel
£1.41 for a year for 1920's.click
Oh wait no actually £1.51
I followed all the instrucions and now it says there're a problem when I try to go to the domain?
What is the problem?
It looks like we don't have a page for "problem" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "problem is ____", a sentence describing the term)
Ignore Loqi there haha.
Did you get an error message [20_s_Net]?
my bad I think I figured it out I didn't realise the username has to be the same as the website name and tried to make the website name super long
but having said that it's still saying this site can't be reached
it says dns adress can not be found
could the asposhtre be causing the problem?
Ah, I don't think you can have apostrophes in a domain name.
ah right
well I changed it to deconet
it's working slightly better however 404
*There isn't a GitHub Pages site here.*
If you're trying to publish one, https://help.github.com/pages/ to learn how to set up *GitHub Pages* for your repository, organization, or user account.
oops I didn't mean to link
I get an error 404
Have you configured your site in GitHub pages?
you're right I didn't
do I need to fork it again or something?
Go to your repository settings.
Then click Pages.
Then choose to deploy with GitHub Pages.
The page should refresh then you should be asked to type in your domain name.
GitHub will get your site ready and set up HTTPS.
This process can take a few minutes.
tPoltergeist joined the channel
every domain I enter doesn't work for some reason I haven't got a custom one but it won't even let me use a github one?
fixed it it wasn't liking the fact I was using my real name wich I didn't particualry want to do anyway
well I had it up my mum noticed some spelling mistakes and now I am trying to figure out how to correct them?
gRegor joined the channel
You don’t need a custom one.
Let me see if I can find the instructions.
Let me know if that helps ^
well the thing is I had it working before the spellings I made it none public in order to correct the spellings and now I can't get it back up for some reason?
ah I figured it out I was using the wrong link
Good to hear you figured it out!
Nice work!
[20_s_Net] has 1 karma over the last year
And welcome to the IndieWeb community!
my website still looks like the template it was based on though how does one go about customising do I just add to the origianal index.html file?
and thank you for all you're time
Yeah! You can change the index.html as you want.
Add new text, remove things, add new HTML elements and styles.
Do what you want to make it your own!
No worries. We're here to help!
cambridgeport90 joined the channel
• for some resaon I have two little anomiles on the website this appears at the bottom of all the text } < but it's not in the code
gRegorLove_ joined the channel
ok I fixed that but I am sturggling to make an image background and just add code from other sources in genral
MDN is a great place to look for resources for beginning.
may I add you as a colaboarater to my actual github respositrey if that's not against the rules?
There are no rules! You're best asking questions here so you can learn yourself though 😄
• I ask because I now some how have this //HTML //CSS #bg { position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; /* Preserve aspet ratio */ min-width: 100%; min-height: 100%; }
at the bottom of my site and I can't find it in the code
I understand
If you share your website URL we can take a look at the code there (all HTML documents are public on the web!)!
Sorry, that's not right. I meant that you can inspect HTML documents in your browser, so if you share your URL we can do that and take a look.
[preview] Genre Fluid The Musical Maitre D
Did you edit the right file in your repository?
yes index.html
Are you saying that code is in your GitHub repository or it isn't but it appears on the page?
If the code isn't in your GitHub repository, it might be coming from a browser extension.
I'm saying one line of code has come up but apart from that and the code is deffinently in the respoisitory sorry that sounded less passive agressive in my head
Haha no worries. Coding can be a bit frustrating at times.
ah I just refreshed it at the glitch went
sometimes the old methods work the best
It might be a bit far ahead but you can look at others' CSS rules for inspiration.
Feel free to copy anything you like.
yes might be a litter far ahead at the moment
but this is acctually quite good fun
You made a website!
It's a big deal!
yeah I just managed to embed a youtube playlist boo yeah
CRISPR joined the channel
how can one add multiple pages with like a context menu?
sorry I mean drowdown or header menu type thing?
Dropdowns take some time to make.
The first step is to make a plain list with links. That will help you learn the markup you'd need later on for a dropdown.
[20_s_Net], capjamesg: I don't mean to be a bother, but header, markup seems like a better conversation for #indieweb-dev
True Loqi!
Yes indeed.
[20_s_Net] Let's continue the discussion in #indieweb-dev.
tbsp and Halian joined the channel