#indieweb 2024-02-04

2024-02-04 UTC
geoffo, geoffo_, rvalue, pharalia, ren and gRegor joined the channel
geoffo, tPoltergeist, Nonsvch, ren, gRegor, sebbu2 and [marksuth] joined the channel
This is an interesting framing on data ownership https://mastodon.nl/@matherion/111872838950111317
[preview] [Gjalt-Jorn Peters] This is a brief thread/blog post about ownership of data. I created it because of efficiency (basically, I find myself explaining this a lot). Apparently, there are a lot of misunderstandings around data ownership. Here, I hope to correct some misund... [video]
tPoltergeist and lazcorp joined the channel
Irony that it's posted on someone else's site?
Now that's what I would call a misunderstanding
As of the second paragraphs they're already making provably false assertions like "Data that are not personal data (i.e. that are not about a person) are about the world. All data falls within one of these two categories, and as such, only personal data is somebody’s property. "
That is false. Trivial example: photographs are owned by the photographer even if there is zero personal information in them
tbsp, ren, [20_s_Net], hedy- and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
He's talking about research data
Except the opening sentence literally says "ownership of data", and since the context is the distributed social web (where he chose to post first), that can/should be presumed to be on the same topic as "owning your data"
Also he refers to audio and video recordings and I believe he's wrong there too. Eg video recording rights I *think* are similar to photography ownership rights
geoffo, rvalue, chimo, tPoltergeist, barnaby, Nonsvch, Kyko, bterry, [tantek], gRegor, [snarfed] and [aciccarello] joined the channel
Hello IndieWeb, I'm wondering if I'll finish my IWC SD post today.
Loqi, finish or not?
Cool, I'll do my best
good luck aciccarello++
aciccarello has 3 karma in this channel over the last year (12 in all channels)
gRegorLove_ joined the channel; Kyko left the channel
Oh god Snapchat is using manipulative marketing just got a video from them saying less social media more snap chat like they're pretending to not be prying eyes or something or am I getting the wrong end of the stick as although I do use social media alot I really don't like it
[20_s_Net] I think many people are in the camp of using social media a lot but not really liking it.
I am in that camp.
although it's less and less clear what "social media" means. is IndieWeb social media? no...but maybe yes...? is the fediverse? probably yes, but we like it more? is WhatsApp? it added stories a while ago, and then broadcast "channels" 😆
Oh lines, how blurry are thee.
is Discord?
hence the term "silos" to refer to the real source of problems
On a cheerier note I actually found a video that relates very nicely to the idea for my site may I share it with you all?
a51 and cambridgeport90_ joined the channel
This is a test. Not sure why ident messagtes are generating a no response. Can everybody see this?
And I can't type...
[20_s_Net] sure!
Good. Not sure what the message was,then. Does it matter whether Ident gives a response, or not? (I'm still new to IRC, even though I've been a part of this community for...how many years now?)
cambridgeport90_ feel free to use #indieweb-meta to test IRC channel things rather than this (#indieweb) channel. or the informal #indieweb-chat channel for off the record testing
sivoais joined the channel
[0x3b0b]I forgot that channel existed. Thanks for the reminder!
Nice! I'll be keeping an eye on what you come up with! We need more of those!
geoffo, jeremycherfas and [tw2113] joined the channel