#indieweb 2024-02-07

2024-02-07 UTC
tbsp, burley and nurburdy joined the channel
Loqi, maybe you should move this to indieweb dev (prototype, IDE, version control). :-D
rvalue and tbsp joined the channel
haha should Loqi answer "what is" questions in the appropriate channel? 😂
"Loqi: that seems to be a question better suited for #indieweb-dev, I'll answer you in that channel instead"
that would both be amazing, and Loqi should add an entry somewhere to dfns that need dejargoning
nurburdy, burley, blodulv, IWSlackGateway, [aaronpk], CRISPR, [snarfed], AramZS, [0x3b0b], Menchers, [tantek], geoffo, asarandi and Guest14 joined the channel
hey bantai log
elvish bhaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
berry joined the channel
tbbrown, banane, tPoltergeist, kleb, geoffo, mogwai_, mahboubine and Guest6 joined the channel
Does ownyourswarm also send a map image via Micropub? Or is it up to the receiver to create a map if desired?
tPoltergeist joined the channel
The latter
mahboubine and tPoltergeist joined the channel
tPoltergeist and mahboubine joined the channel
truethomas, tPoltergeist, burley and burley_ joined the channel
an idea struck my mind
what if we create fake/spam twitter/instagram/facebook accounts that posts links to cool indie webpages. in this way we can drive more people from walled gardens to a more diverse side of the web.
there can be multiple such accounts each for specific niche posting related webpages
Welcome fury999io
I don't think that's a very good idea and it hardly seeems worth it. Why not post links from your own accounts on those silos?
jeremycherfas, creating multiple accounts covering specific niches can be more effective
Do you have your own website? My most IndieWeb is stream.jeremycherfas.net
that sounds like the definition of spam and will likely get those account shut down very quickly
tPoltergeist joined the channel
has anyone here used bridgy?
Yes, many, not me, although you are likely to get better help in #dev
I am already using it, no problems at the moment
the maintainer is incredibly helpful
bterry joined the channel
snarfed has 36 karma in this channel over the last year (121 in all channels)
Snarfed is very helpful indeed, and very active here.
tPoltergeist joined the channel
> Do you have your own website?
jeremycherfas, fury999io.vern.cc
Thanks. Looks interesting.
I see you like badges.
What is badges
A badge (AKA achievement) on the IndieWeb is a post or home page button showing completion of an accomplishment or self-expressed support for a cause, often for finishing a specific task or passing a test like a validator, displayable with a unique code per person or generically with a sticker image; there are prototypes for creating, issuing, and displaying peer-to-peer IndieWeb badges via Webmention https://indieweb.org/badges
nurburdy joined the channel
What are buttons
Buttons are badges, logos, and banners that you can use to link to indieweb.org and related sites & technologies, and similar images for a handful of sites similarly aligned in principles or development approaches https://indieweb.org/buttons
tPoltergeist, xcv, nurburdy1, sp1ff, AramZS, shortrounddev and nurburdy joined the channel
Anyone here into gemini protocol?
moose333, kleb, [tantek], IWSlackGateway, [aaronpk] and [snarfed] joined the channel
shortrounddev: I do have a capsule there, yes
nurburdy1 joined the channel
bacardi55[m]: What's your capsule? Mine's gemini://shortround.space/
shortrounddev: gemini://gmi.bacardi55.io - I have a separated gemlog and web blog (both are available via gemini, but gemini posts are only listed on my website and require a gemini browser)
shortrounddev: Nice start! You may want to follow the gemini specs for generating automatically a gemini feed for your logs (or add an atom feed). A gemini feed is the equivalent of the indie h-feed but for gemini (so much simple and limited - on purpose :))
bacardi55[m]: I do have some code for generating the atom food, but idk how compliant it is
hey bacardi55[m] shortrounddev, we try to keep jargon (ATOM, specs) out of this channel to make it more inviting to newcomers, can you move this to #indieweb-dev?
okie dokie!
burley and wasp joined the channel
anyone running servers at home? how much does it cost to run? (power consumption)
lazcorp joined the channel
power should be negligible, raspberry pis can run on single digit watts, right?
maybe => #indieweb-dev
sigh that makes me look at our page for rpi and realize I have to record another dead domain
[Joe_Crawford] and New-ish joined the channel
so many "Welcome to nginx!" pages in the Internet Archive
AramZS, xcv, [KevinMarks], rvalue, bret, nurburdy, burley, gRegor, btrem, shortrounddev, [aciccarello], lazcorp and New-ish joined the channel
capjamesg has 32 karma in this channel over the last year (144 in all channels)
[The_Frederatio] joined the channel
I know it's not entirely essential, but I am struggling to RSVP to day's London event?
I'm struggling with it
I will listen along while I get ready for football 🙂
Ps capjamesg[d] wrong time to raise this, but noticed your search engine is returning 502 error - didn’t know if you’re aware
[The_Frederatio] You don't need to RSVP. You can just show up!
burley and [Jo] joined the channel
The easiest way is to log in with indieauth and click rspv i find
tbbrown joined the channel
gotta head, was great to see your faces and hear you all speak - hope to join one that's not on a Weds evening! ⚽
Thank you for joining _tommys[d] !
We sometimes have meetups on weekends, too!
Stay tuned on events.indieweb.org.
love this question
tbbrown joined the channel
what is the difference between a blog and a website
It looks like we don't have a page for "difference between a blog and a website" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "difference between a blog and a website is ____", a sentence describing the term)
tbbrown joined the channel
homebrew website club has turned into homebrew coffee club 😂
burley joined the channel
It's a bit late for coffee in UTC, though I could go for a cold brew porter https://untp.beer/766e253345
There's a whole beer style called "Breakfast Stout" that has coffee in, but that one was very clean. A lot of them also add lactose so they have a latte mouthfeel.
tbbrown and burley joined the channel
I had some mic trouble, just listening in, might join next time, James
I can't seem to find a chat :)
in the meeting, sry about that
No worries.
Thank you for joining, DusteD!
capjamesg has 33 karma in this channel over the last year (145 in all channels)
gives a bow
It was interesting to listen in to, I've been doing various small web things for many years, but never really talked with anyone about it :) I might join the meeting at some future time, but I prefer writing to speaking when I can ^_^ (though I do enjoy listening to others talk)
burley joined the channel
Oh hi dusted i was kicked too soon, i already said it in #indieweb-chat now but it's cool your site works over gopher !!
DusteD I _love_ your website!
You're more than welcome to listen in!
Also your paintings are so cool
Thank you [Jo] ! ^_^
DusteD Have you come across rubenerd.com?
I don't think I have, I'll check it out ^_^
I think you'd like his content.
A lot of retrocomputing.
Nice, must admit I'm a fan of that :D
If I haven't mentioned it I'm at jamesg.blog.
Thanks, I'll have a look at that too!
Im dead.garden, or diptera.casa over gemini, gopher and finger (though admittedly the latter 2 also work with dead.garden)
With all the amazing TLDs we have, it's surprising there's no .txt or .text, I'd love to have plain.txt :P
One day...
oh! A gameboy advance! Loved mine!
Yay i love mine too im gonna put an isp display in it tho bc its sooo dark
That's a worthwhile upgrade I think!
pharalia and [capjamesg] joined the channel
burley, lazcorp and AramZS joined the channel
MollyWhite has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (2 in all channels)
MollyWhite++ nailed it
dadofapollo, burley, AramZS and [timothy_chambe] joined the channel
This is new to me and like Tapestry is another multi-format for open content reading:
"The developer behind the popular Mac and iOS newsreader app https://reeder.app/, Silvio Rizzi, is now working on something of a Reeder replacement. Though Rizzi says Reeder will continue to be supported, the new project aims to offer more than just news feeds. In an https://mastodon.social/@rizzi@gloria.social/111856959379620788 the developer teased plans for an app that’s “not just an RSS reader,” but instead a tool that would al
you to access content from across sources, like “podcasts, YouTube, Mastodon, and more,” he said.
And a number of other indieweb platforms get mentioned most notably micro-dot-blog, [manton] -->