fury999iowhat if we create fake/spam twitter/instagram/facebook accounts that posts links to cool indie webpages. in this way we can drive more people from walled gardens to a more diverse side of the web.
LoqiA badge (AKA achievement) on the IndieWeb is a post or home page button showing completion of an accomplishment or self-expressed support for a cause, often for finishing a specific task or passing a test like a validator, displayable with a unique code per person or generically with a sticker image; there are prototypes for creating, issuing, and displaying peer-to-peer IndieWeb badges via Webmention https://indieweb.org/badges
LoqiButtons are badges, logos, and banners that you can use to link to indieweb.org and related sites & technologies, and similar images for a handful of sites similarly aligned in principles or development approaches https://indieweb.org/buttons
tPoltergeist, xcv, nurburdy1, sp1ff, AramZS, shortrounddev and nurburdy joined the channel
bacardi55[m]shortrounddev: gemini://gmi.bacardi55.io - I have a separated gemlog and web blog (both are available via gemini, but gemini posts are only listed on my website and require a gemini browser)
bacardi55[m]shortrounddev: Nice start! You may want to follow the gemini specs for generating automatically a gemini feed for your logs (or add an atom feed). A gemini feed is the equivalent of the indie h-feed but for gemini (so much simple and limited - on purpose :))
Loqihey bacardi55[m] shortrounddev, we try to keep jargon (ATOM, specs) out of this channel to make it more inviting to newcomers, can you move this to #indieweb-dev?
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "difference between a blog and a website" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "difference between a blog and a website is ____", a sentence describing the term)
[KevinMarks]There's a whole beer style called "Breakfast Stout" that has coffee in, but that one was very clean. A lot of them also add lactose so they have a latte mouthfeel.
DusteDIt was interesting to listen in to, I've been doing various small web things for many years, but never really talked with anyone about it :) I might join the meeting at some future time, but I prefer writing to speaking when I can ^_^ (though I do enjoy listening to others talk)
[timothy_chambe]"The developer behind the popular Mac and iOS newsreader app https://reeder.app/, Silvio Rizzi, is now working on something of a Reeder replacement. Though Rizzi says Reeder will continue to be supported, the new project aims to offer more than just news feeds. In an https://mastodon.social/@rizzi@gloria.social/111856959379620788 the developer teased plans for an app that’s “not just an RSS reader,” but instead a tool that would al