#indieweb 2024-03-07

2024-03-07 UTC
rvalue, Bitweasil, jacky, burley, Fisher24459951, angelo and bleb joined the channel
@to2ds I don't see how they'd know the dopamine rush isn't there if they haven't tried.
As starrwulfe[d] said, there's a rush to be had in building it.
ren joined the channel
I think that social media dopamine rush is passe anyway. I'm on a forum that has social media features. When the notifications thingy goes off, I check them, see that the notifications are all pushbutton "reactions," get annoyed, and close the tab.
root, digitalrayne, ShinyCyril, ren, burley, geoffo and [Tom_Nowell] joined the channel
↩️ Wow thanks! I think it's a very slightly modified 'minima' theme from Jekyll.
↩️ [jamietanna] Thank you! I really enjoyed your discussions on the Changelog! :D
gxt_ and [tantek] joined the channel
[indienews] New post: "Complex images can paint a thousand words" https://www.lazaruscorporation.co.uk/blogs/artists-notebook/posts/complex-images
lazcorp joined the channel
another nice little feed reader
what is?
oops, forgot to paste the link
burley, a51, [lcs], Guest6 and to2ds joined the channel
@real_devastatia - Have always felt the attention harvesting features on social to be quite cheesy.
That's why webmentions are fascinating since they involve forethought and effort.
oakridge, burley, barnaby, burley_, jacky, AramZS and [Tilley] joined the channel
@to2ds I've developed a reasonable facsimilie of Twitter mention links on my site that notifies mentioned bloggers by e-mail. It meets the basic requirements for mentions: name-dropping and notifying. 😄
In my experience, people are intimidated by the idea of building their own website. It doesn't have to be hard, but it often requires learning a lot, even with a hosted WordPress site. Everyone I've met that is "not good with computers" is so terrified of breaking something that they don't even try. Social media sites reduce the barrier of entry and then proceed to abuse our attention, psychology, and data to keep us there.
I was intimidated by learning JavaScript at first, not gonna lie. But Webmonkey had a tutorial back then that made it very easy to learn. And they had little "Learn HTML" magazines in supermarkets and what-not in the early days.
I registered the domain name for my new community reader today. It's a mockup right now. Still writing the code. https://www.geeklyreader.com/
Geeklyreader is a good name
real_devastatia[d] has 2 karma over the last year
Very cool!
@Tilley Thanks! Inspired by Weekly Reader, obviously, but also the Gaily Oklahoman's spoof of the Daily Oklahoman.
Thanks, capjamesg[d] !
You are welcome! It looks great.
Good information density.
It actually works in the mobile emulator in Firefox, but the text is very tiny.
I was planning to make a static HTML version of my site, but my RSS feed already has minimal HTML that looks good enough in a reader. So I decided to make a reader. lol
burley joined the channel
That has a very high density, but it works
It's a pretty color scheme. I made a 4-column site a long time ago. IIRC correctly, an early version of HTML had a <multicol> tag. Or it may have been an MSIE thing.
The background color my dark mode plugin put on it is pretty. The white background is blinding.
A&LD with dark mode
burley and barnaby joined the channel
directs the <...> talk to #indieweb-dev please! [Joe_Crawford] real_devastatia. Thank you!
bterry, [campegg], selena, burley, jacky, barnaby, rvalue and [aciccarello] joined the channel
It looks like Google is making changes to search that hopefully should reduce the number of zombie sites https://blog.google/products/search/google-search-update-march-2024/
"Expired domains that are purchased and repurposed with the intention of boosting the search ranking of low-quality content are now considered spam."
Not sure how effective they'll be since there would still be links from other sites. But I hope it helps.
also this "We’ll now consider very low-value, third-party content produced primarily for ranking purposes and without close oversight of a website owner to be spam." i'm really curious how they will be able to detect that
to2ds joined the channel
They'll need a human to visit each page to make that determination 😄
So after asking robots to check that humans are humans, robots to check if humans are robots. Nice.
But nothing went wrong with the web :)
amitp joined the channel
"how they will be able to detect that" obviously AI 🙃
sanity check: is it a dumb idea for me to make my own atom feed on top of my existing web site instead of using some standard software (hugo/jekyll/etc) to make a separate blog? I don't know many compatibility issues I'll run into
@bacardi55[m] - 😄
[tantek]: my thoughts exactly
amitp, no quite the opposite. *great* idea to re-use/re-purpose your existing web site. can definitely help explore tips and strategies for doing that in the #indieweb-dev channel if you like!
barnaby and jacky joined the channel
[aciccarello]: Anything that isn't "authoritative" on a single-subject is considered "low-quality" by Google. They should try to build a search engine that can, you know, find things before they worry about spam.
Anyway, that ain't what I came in here to pontificate about. I just dropped my March article for the Carnival. https://devastatia.com/accessibility-you-just-walked-right-past-it
barnaby and amitp joined the channel
tantek: thanks!
[Joe_Crawford], [KevinMarks] and [jamietanna] joined the channel
↩️ Glad to hear that, I feel I didn't do the IndieWeb justice 😅
to2ds, ttybitnik, burley and amitp joined the channel