#indieweb 2024-03-08

2024-03-08 UTC
rvalue and burley joined the channel
Hi everyone, discord wants me to post an intro. I moved from irc to discord because … even though I like irc better in theory, I am more likely to actually check discord :( I'm amitp, I am indieweb-curious, came to IndieWeb Summit 2017. Currently trying to set up a custom Atom feed for my web site (redblobgames.com), wanting to blog there instead of using Blogger (simblob.blogspot.com).
oh interesting, the bridge shows the discord username instead of the discord display name
(on the irc side)
Welcome, amitp!
hedy-, gRegor, digitalrayne and geoffo joined the channel
Welcome to the community amitp[d]!
[snarfed] joined the channel
welcome (back) amitp! you're awesome in many ways, we're lucky to have you here
(amitp and I first met in the early 2000s, many years before I arrived here)
ren joined the channel
o/ Hi amitp!
[jeremycherfas], jjuran, [Ana_R], geoffo, teasea, sebbu2, [tantek], [qubyte], barnaby and samboyer joined the channel
Nice! Lots of new blogs to look at!
farseen and [lcs] joined the channel
Very nice
And it reminds me, I really need to figure out how I want to implement webmention, comments etc
to2ds joined the channel
Hi amitp!
geoffo, ttybitnik, rvalue, to2ds, itsfarseen, [Paul_Robert_Ll], AramZS and [schmarty] joined the channel
Hi everyone! Glad to be here again
paotsaq, to2ds, [Tilley], rvalue, jacky and [Joao_Paulo_Pes] joined the channel
hi @redblobgames, just started exploring your site, loving all the interactivity and the depth of the content!
[calumryan] and paulrobertlloyd joined the channel
Heading to the Lord Nelson Inn, should be there in 5 for pre IWC meet-up!
amitp: I made a self-contained RSS feed generator with admin control panel in PHP for a friend's static HTML site that you may be able to adapt fairly quickly. It uses a "scraper" style of extracting an HTML snippet from the page, so you'd have to tweak that specifically for your layout.
This is the feed it generates: https://idelides.xyz/rss/
friendly reminder real_devastatia, would you mind moving this conversation (PHP, RSS) to #indieweb-dev? thanks!
@Loqi That's actually all I had to say about it. lol
to2ds and paulrobertlloyd joined the channel
Myself and Fran in the pub, but leaving soon
gxt_, jacky and barnaby joined the channel
[Paul_Robert_Ll] maybe capjamesg can join you for a pre-event photo!
oh wait that was 2hr ago n.m.
[Paul_Robert_Ll] if you need help setting anything up tomorrow ping me and I’m more than happy to come along early.
Thanks [capjamesg], will do!
capjamesg has 43 karma in this channel over the last year (171 in all channels)
[Joe_Crawford] and [Fran] joined the channel
I'll probably be there closer to 9 as well, happy to help with settings up.
plantroon, [campegg] and jacky joined the channel