#indieweb 2024-03-11
2024-03-11 UTC
rvalue, AramZS_, jacky, Guest69, [Joe_Crawford], gRegor, barnaby and [aciccarello] joined the channel; Guest69 left the channel
[aciccarello] I've never seen this before. A site's terms and conditions makes restrictions on who can link to the site. That doesn't seem enforceable.... https://www.artbycaroljean.com/terms-conditions/
angelo joined the channel
[aciccarello] I was about to add a post linking to the site but I think I'd rather not if that's the tone they set.
root, [lcs], [qubyte], rvalue and rocto joined the channel
[lcs] That's the... strangest thing I've read all week.
[lcs] Seems like a waste of words to write something so entirely unenforcable and, frankly, entirely at odds with the spirit of the medium you're using
[contact898] huh
[contact898] reminds me of https://bikobatanari.art/posts/2023/east-west-website-culture
[contact898] one thing that i've wondered a lot about is dead links
[contact898] i used a really good blog post as a source for my writing for an upcoming article, but the blog was then taken down. i don't know if it's classic link rot or if the author doesn't stand by their words anymore and i'm afraid that quoting them (using an internet archive link) would not make them happy. on the other hand, it's a great post, it's not like i'm going to link it to dunk on it by digging someone's past
[lcs] I think that's a great consideration. Generally, I wouldn't link to an off-site archived version of a post on a personal site, even if it's a good one.
[lcs] I would think they've probably deleted it for a reason.
[Ana_R] Yeah, In those situations I personally wouldn't link it. If it was really important to the story I was sharing, I think I would say something like "I once read this take x" and go from there. But not mentioning author/origin.
[Ana_R] I feel for the art folks 😕 the linking thing can't technically be enforced but i'm sure there was a painful experience behind that decision and attempt to control.
[Ana_R] I would like to share my art experiments on my blog but I don't understand copyright enough to protect myself.
[contact898] for a single post same, but the entire blog went down which is why i had more of an ethical dilemma. thanks for your opinions, i'll remove it! 🙂
[contact898] [Ana_R] i'd say creative commons licenses are pretty cool because they're understandable by humans and pretty modular (you can allow what you want). https://chooser-beta.creativecommons.org/ they also have a « chooser » that helps you figure out what you want from your license, i love that tool.
[contact898] (I personally am a big CC-BY person, meaning everyone can use as long as they say the original content is by me. but if you don't care about being reused on wikipedia (i do, for my photos), then you might be interested in adding the non-commercial clause too, which says anyone can use as long as they say the original content is by you, _and_ they don't make money with it.)
[Ana_R] Thank you [contact898]! I will have a look!
[contact898] i want to post a nice guide to creative commons one of these days, preferably that adds something to what they already put on their website. not sure how i'll do that, but i'll try 😄
lazcorp joined the channel
lazcorp I use a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license on the *text* of my blogposts (with the additional note that "Images, videos, or other media used in this blog post, whether as creative works discussed by the text or for illustrative purposes, are not covered by this license and may be subject to different licenses or restrictions - please contact the copyright holder.")

jjuran joined the channel
geoffo, rvalue and silvr64x joined the channel
[Ana_R] lazcorp++ thank you! that is good to know!
[Ana_R] also thanks Alex++ and capjamesg++ for the chooser link! really helpful!
mitchsucksatgame joined the channel
aldur, geoffo, mitchsucksatgame, lojik and a51 joined the channel
barnaby, ren, mahboubine, [Scout], nertzy, lazcorp and [jacky] joined the channel
gruetzhaxe_, ttybitnik, jacky, [snarfed], AramZS and gxt_ joined the channel
[Joe_Crawford] what is Sacramento?
Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "Sacramento" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Sacramento is ____", a sentence describing the term)

[Joe_Crawford] Sacramento is a city in California that will host an IndieWebCamp in 2024.
[tantek], lazcorp, aldur and sennomo joined the channel
a51 joined the channel
[Joe_Crawford] ↩️ “Act as if” they say.
aldur joined the channel
Loqi [indienews] New post: "Indie webbing" https://adactio.com/journal/20968 (from https://aaronparecki.com/2024/03/11/10/)

BigShip, jacky, gruetzhaxe_, sennomo, lazcorp, rvalue, sennomo_ and [daveletorey] joined the channel
[daveletorey] Thanks to everyone at #indieWebCampBrighton both in person and online I felt welcomed and had the best
[daveletorey] ↩️ Time
[contact898] joined the channel
[Scout] ↩️ me too! what a great weekend and community. and good meeting you :)
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
sennomo, petermolnar and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] An interesting data point about identity on Mastodon and related platforms: https://mastodon.social/@J12t@social.coop/112078481644721993

bterry joined the channel
[tantek] speaking of identity, direct link to that post rather than in a "viewer" on masto .social: https://social.coop/@J12t/112078480397199442

[aciccarello] So many pain points the fedi community needs to figure out
barnaby, [KevinMarks], barnabywalters, [benatwork], CRISPR, [Tilley] and [Ana_R] joined the channel
[Joe_Crawford] Short answer: yes. Long answer: a guestbook https://artlung.com/guestbook/ updated my contact page with a form http://artlung.com/contact/ I gave my blogroll its own page (with opml export) and I downloaded an archive of all my facebook posts because I was frustrated not to have photos of some of my cosplay in my site. I am rather torn at how I'll end up doing the Facebook import bit. It may be too heavy, and the contents might be wrong
[Joe_Crawford] for the blog as such. Oh and the cosplay page: https://artlung.com/cosplay/
[Joe_Crawford] Bloroll is at https://artlung.com/blogroll/
vete joined the channel
vete so... what is indieweb?
[Joe_Crawford] what is indieweb?
Loqi The IndieWeb is a community of independent & personal websites connected by simple standards, based on the principles of: owning your domain & using it as your primary identity, publishing on your own site (optionally syndicating elsewhere), and owning your data https://indieweb.org/IndieWeb

vete oh sweet
vete i knew it had something to do with hosting, but didn't know it was like this
vete awesome.
[manton], alephalpha0, barnaby, gruetzhaxe, ConatusPrinciple, typeswitch, angelo_, inky, rvalue and mitchsucksatgame joined the channel
typeswitch left the channel
[tantek] [snarfed] it's a feature: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exposure_therapy

barnaby joined the channel
jacky joined the channel
[tantek] [snarfed] assuming you show the precise follower count anyway, people may notice when it goes down, and that might make them MORE anxious like awwww WHO unfollowed me?!? The uncertainty can *add* to the anxiety whereas once it's demystified, much of the impact is gone, oh it's just that one specific person or account that I've never heard of, whatever, cool.

ttybitnik joined the channel