[contact898]I absolutely hate that. I hide my follower counts from myself as much as possible and would be depressed for several hours when I used to check and notice an unfollow. (This also goes into the "I have a dopamine problem and social media has ruined my formative years" folder.)
[contact898]i know some people find it useful but for the depressed and extremely online people out there: if you're going to keep it please make it opt-in
[tantek]Agreed the features should be coupled. If you show one then show the other. Perhaps at least an easy option to hide or maybe blur follower counts so you don't see every little blip up or down? Does make me wonder if people would find themselves drawn to then checking followings lists
mitchsucksatgame, [lcs], Fisher244599510 and barnaby joined the channel
[Murray]Yeah, I'd second the opt-in preference for showing unfollows. I can't think a single positive to knowing that (for me) π I don't really make note of my follower count, so I would never notice it go down, but if I saw that someone had unfollowed me I think that would only result in an overall negative experience, so would definitely prefer to just not know π
geoffo, gRegor, gRegorLove_, Guest6 and Osogrup joined the channel
[contact898]i'm on the train to paris and coming back home on thursday. as usual when i go to paris my schedule is PACKED but i'm really excited! (also, i never stay long enough to see all my friends, having moved away only less than a year ago, which makes me a bit sad.)
mauromotiona brief introduction: I'm a former motion designer living in London UK. During the pandemic I had too much time on my hand and I realised I needed a change of career/industry. I've always been into open source technologies and always been a nerd at heart. I finally decided to learn programming and now, a year after, I'm deep into the various Harvard's CS50 courses, in a path towards web
mauromotionI've been following the indieweb scene ever since I found about it a few years ago, and one of the main motivations I have to learn web dev is to be able to implement the needed technologies into my personal website to be part of the indieweb movement.
[contact898]I've always been into open source technologies and always been a nerd at heart. I finally decided to learn programming and now, a year after, I'm deep into the various Harvard's CS50 course -> oh hey cool! I'm at week 6 (python) of the basic course!
Loqi㪠Join the #indieweb discussion via the web, Slack, IRC, or Discord clients now with additional channels for dev, wordpress, and meta specific chat! https://indieweb.org/discuss
mauromotionI might move to Discord, but I don't like it, matrix would be better. I wanted to give a shot at the old good IRC :), but I can feel the (UX) pain now lol
conatusprincipleHi everyone, Discord wants me to post a short introduction so here it goes: Guy in his 40s from Norway, disillusioned with the web of the last 10++ years. I had a website and blog during the late 90s and early 2000s and I have been wanting to get back intro blogging. Excited about the indieweb and a free and open web in general. Putting together this through micro.blog at the moment, small and humble steps: https://conatusprinciple.
mmmotionI'm gonna do a complete overall soon (tm), as I'm learning a lot while studying compsci and web development. For the last few years I've been using this jekyll template on github pages, served me well, but I want to do a complete overhaul in the next few months
joxefHas anyone here started off with WordPress then eventually moved their site over to their own one built from scratch? π€ I'm thinking of doing that. Maybe this would be better placed in dev chat.
[aciccarello]I've definitely seen people post about switching off WordPress though I'm not sure what's involved. I'll ping #indieweb-dev if I find any examples.
[Ros]Iβm a little late to the party but Iβd just like to say thank you again to [qubyte] and [Paul_Robert_Ll] for organising the Indie Web Camp in Brighton and of course to [Jeremy_Keith] for also organising and telling me about it and [tantek] I know you so diligently typed up our notes which are so helpful to me now.
[Ros]As a newbie getting into coding, Iβm *so* impressed with the events that run in Brighton. I do realise this is not typical and that I should make the most of it while I can. This community is just incredibly generous and creative -Iβm so glad to have stumbled my way in here! Iβll see more of you in the chat, and βrss-ingβ on your sites. I should have my first site, coded by scratch, up next week when Iβm back! :partying_face: