[aciccarello]I just posse'd a couple articles to Medium. I've moved away from it because of the usability issues but I do wonder if it actually helps with discovery or SEO.
[aciccarello]I looked up an older post and it only showed my site's version in Ecosia. I did fine another blog post I had shared to Medium that didn't have my canonical URL...
Menchers, mitchsucksatgame and [contact898] joined the channel
[contact898]when I had a relatively big blog I used the medium repost feature and while I had medium traffic, there were barely any readers going from medium to the blog
synthFound this via ycombinator. Indiekit looks awesome but I do not have experience building applications via node.js and I have little inclination to learn. Any similar projects written in golang, java or python? I would be happy to contribute
[Scout]i'm going on holiday in a week. like a real proper far away place with a pool and all that. like a grown-up. how do i explain to my wife that i'm planning to take my laptop and work on my site a bit?
[Paul_Robert_Ll]https://indiewebguides.org/guide-1/ is precisely the thought I had in mind for my IndieWebCamp project. I wonder, is better to have guides like this on a separate website, or on the wiki (or both)?
gRegorLove the design of that site. I think the thing we run into with separate sites is they're not always kept up to date. I think that site is from 2018, for example.
[Paul_Robert_Ll]Indeed. Perhaps a /guides/ section on the wiki, for which content is more ‘pristine’ shall we say, and which can be linked to from the homepage. And maybe existing equivalent pages could redirect once comparable? Lots of ideas swirling!
[tantek][Paul_Robert_Ll] perhaps a bit meta, but there were other "big" attempts at guides/tutorials, even on the wiki, which subsequently were barely if at all updated
Loqi🎉 Get started on the indieweb by connecting with the IndieWeb community, getting a personal domain, a place for your content, and setting up your home page and other IndieWeb essentials https://indieweb.org/Tutorials
Loqimeta in the IndieWeb may refer to the HTML <meta> tag, the meta discussion channel, the Meta Platforms company (FKA Facebook), or a general expression that something is about something https://indieweb.org/meta
[Joao_Paulo_Pes]Is `/meta` page a thing in the indie web? Like to explain how you build your website? I'm always intrigued about people's workflows. Just published mine at https://pesce.cc/meta and I would love to add links to other people's workflows. Let me know if you have a `/meta` (or similar) page.
LoqiA colophon is a page or section, like a footer, of a site that describes how the site is made, with what tools, supporting what technologies https://indieweb.org/colophon