#indieweb 2024-03-14

2024-03-14 UTC
mitchsucksatgame and [lifeofpablo] joined the channel
Homebrew Website Club - Pacific is starting soon! Join us! https://events.indieweb.org/8RIa9kKqw3YX
bterry and mitchsucksatgame joined the channel
I'm trying to remember/find an indie demo of a photobooth web app that let you add stickers to photos similar to Instagram, does that ring a bell?
Doesn't seem to be on /sticker
[0x3b0b], jacky, mitchsucksatgame, angelo, [aciccarello] and [Al_Abut] joined the channel
[tantek] I know some women that use Nightshade and related tools because they don’t want their profile pics used for nefarious purposes.
bterry, jacky, AramZS, rvalue, mitchsucksatgame, [jeremycherfas], ms_boba[d], [dominik], IWSlackGateway, [Scout], [capjamesg], [qubyte], [Ana_R], [tantek], [Paul_Robert_Ll], [aciccarello], [Murray], [snarfed], [Al_Abut], [KevinMarks], [Joao_Paulo_Pes], [lcs], [contact898], cedric, fury999i-, jgee118692253458, [Tilley], cedric_ and Auctus joined the channel
Anyone have any thoughts on this design choice I'm contemplating making on my website? https://lars-christian.com/notes/48afebd2c2/
I can't decide!
[lcs] I've been wondering about a similar design question on my site. I like how the border wraps up short posts but it feels constraining on articles
Here are a few examples:
jgee118692253458 joined the channel
Yeah that's exactly my feelings as well! It looks great the way you're doing it with your posts, but I also feel that it's constraining in a way that's hard to define and explain beyond some vague notion.
I'm sure someone well versed in design can explain it.
FWIW, I do like those borders on short content, I like them a lot less on longer content - but that's just me :]
Ezri7 joined the channel
Thanks, I agree. Wish I could express why, because visually I'm convinced it "looks" better even with longer content.
mitchsucksatgame joined the channel
I think I'd like to drop the borders eventually for all post kinds but I'd need to figure out how to clearly separate the author/responses section.
gRegor joined the channel
you could try a slightly different background shade. or put the non-content sections in a box, but that might be tricky to not be too distracting/dominating on short posts
mauromotion joined the channel
Yeah I tried that [sknebel] and I thought the outcome was, exactly like you said, that the "fluff" ended up dominating the content.
Let us know when you're experimenting with it [aciccarello] I want to see what you end up with
It'll probably be a while. I could easily get sucked into another hole if I start changing things. I'm changing too much already. 😅
lazcorp joined the channel
tantek - re. Nightshade - I'll probably start using it if/when they make it available for Linux - it's Windows/Mac only at the moment (or was the last time I looked)
[contact898] joined the channel
I like wrapping smaller bits of content too. I think it helps focus your eyes and attention. It can also be useful on longer content if it's really subtle. Also, never underestimate the power of a well placed `<hr>`
Or even a really subtle gradient
Though webkit and everything else display gradients different and that's annoying
Good points [Tilley]
I guess the conclusion is continue to experiment and see what works best
I have good ideas on occasion
[Ana_R] joined the channel
That poll made me stop on my tracks so I wrote this https://ohhelloana.blog/just-get-a-website/
rvalue joined the channel
[Ana_R] has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (5 in all channels)
Guest6 joined the channel
I did a write-up on my decision tree implementation (tech questions can be in #dev, design talk / this pattern for the IndieWeb here): https://jamesg.blog/2024/03/14/decision-tree-vision/
[preview] Designing an interactive decision tree for vision model deployments
Good post Ana_R++
Ana_R has 3 karma in this channel over the last year (6 in all channels)
[Scout], inky and sebbu joined the channel
i just found this interesting event. i hope it's okay to put here? surely anything to do with wikidata relates to indieweb or at least will be of interest to indiewebbers? feel free to redirect me 🙂
> The aim of the event is to provide an opportunity for researchers, activists, and artists investigating or applying queer approaches to data and technology to meet in an open and inclusive venue, share their latest work, and engage in fruitful discussion.
> The Wikidata Gender Diversity project (http://wigedi.com) is delighted to present *Queer Data Days*, a two-day virtual event hosted on the Zoom platform.
> During the event, speakers with different backgrounds — both academic and non-academic — will share short papers on a broad range of topics including queer data, queer identities, queer language, data justice and power, queer design, and queer communities on digital platforms.
[Riccardo_Cambi] joined the channel
👋 I just wanted to say! I had the best time at the IndieWebCamp (Brighton) last Saturday and came home with a lot of ideas and energy. I'm sure one of these days I'll even break the barrier and finally (re)publish the site 😏
You're an amazing community.
gRegor, darylsun, alecjonathon, Schnouki, lane, raghavgururajan, vikanezrimaya, shreyasminocha, ancarda, capjamesg, sm2n, toastal, victorneo, paulgrmn, srushe, eb_, suki and [Paul_Robert_Ll] joined the channel
Yay!! Thanks for coming. As to republishing your site… DO IT!
[Riccardo_Cambi] Thank you for coming to the event!
It was great to meet you!
cedric_ joined the channel
↩️ just a little more tinkering... 😄
a51 and mahboubine joined the channel
Late to the colophon party, but here’s mine. I might be slightly stretching the terminology though. Mostly I wrote it as an antidote to the _about my site_ posts I keep writing. https://qubyte.codes/colophon
bterry, [Joe_Crawford], [schmarty] and [Murray] joined the channel
qubyte++ very cool; I'm still amazed at how much you have running through Netlify functions 😄
qubyte has 3 karma over the last year
AramZS, gRegor, bterry1, Achylles, bleb and bleb_ joined the channel
qubyte++ great philosophy and the loved the whole website! very inspirational
qubyte has 4 karma over the last year
[Ana_R] has 4 karma in this channel over the last year (7 in all channels)
[Ana_R]++ great post!
what is advocacy
Advocacy are efforts to help and empower others by sharing knowledge, ideas and solutions with them, in particular about how you find the IndieWeb useful for yourself, and being able to answer questions like how would I use a personal site? https://indieweb.org/advocacy
[indienews] New post: "You don't have to be a “content creator” to have a website." https://ohhelloana.blog/just-get-a-website/ (from https://aaronparecki.com/2024/03/14/4/)
[Ana_R] capjamesg, do we need a "100 reasons to have a website" post? 🤝
[benatwork] joined the channel
[Ana_R] You are at the top of Hacker News.
I hope people are nice 😁
I would love to find 100 reasons! 😄
fury999io joined the channel
The comments look positive!
We spoke about that last night at HWC Europe: a blog post with 100 reasons why you should have a personal website.
[qubyte] joined the channel
Thanks folks. One thing I will say about netlify… stick to the well trodden paths. I’ve had nasty issues with their edge functions and server caching behaviour. Basic build plugins and functions are great for dynamic stuff like micropub and webmentions. For _anything_ header related, you’re better off compiling a `_headers` file at build time.
(sorry, that’s probably more for dev than here)
Also [Ana_R]++ it’s a good post (I shared it on mastodon and it’s getting lots of likes and boosts there, even though nobody really knows me).
Hmm. Did I not do that right?
I do not understand Loqi. Is there a Loqi behaviours cheatsheet somewhere?
qubyte++ for asking for a Loqi cheatsheet
qubyte has 5 karma over the last year
What is Loqi?
Loqi is a friendly and useful bot/digital therapist present in the IndieWeb discussion channels https://indieweb.org/Loqi
You need to do ++ at the start or end of a message. Like:
[Ana_R] has 5 karma in this channel over the last year (8 in all channels)
Ah! Thank you both!
or: [qubyte]++
[qubyte] has 6 karma over the last year
slow down!
No you speed up Loqi!
I’ll let Loqi cool off and try again later. Slow web.
jacky, [campegg] and to2ds joined the channel
Loqi has 5 karma in this channel over the last year (13 in all channels)
I think I might do 100 blog posts to write on your blog that aren't about having a portfolio or good SEO
angelo_, gruetzhaxe, gRegor, [tantek], [benji], fluxie31, tjwds7, srijan_, benji-, Dystopia-, oxtyped and alephalpha0 joined the channel
Welcome [Joschi_Kuphal]++
[Joschi_Kuphal] has 1 karma over the last year
[contact898]++ brilliant!
[contact898] has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (3 in all channels)
[Joschi_Kuphal] joined the channel
↩️ after 10 years i finally gave in and installed the slack app :D (for certain projects that make it unavoidable)
what is what to blog
A post is either a piece of content or the act of publishing that content (usually in a way that is shared) https://indieweb.org/what_to_blog
[Joschi_Kuphal] has 2 karma over the last year
!tell [qubyte] tried to webmention your colophon at https://pesce.cc/colophon using the form at the end of your page, but received a "Not found!" page afterwards. not sure if it worked, so may this message serve as an oldschool webmention
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[Joao_Paulo_Pes] Interesting! Thanks for letting me know. I’ll dig and see what I broke…
I'm feeling the itch to make a shared website that I don't have time to build. How do I stop myself?
[aciccarello] What is the webiste about?
I keep thinking about this one https://www.ciccarello.me/posts/2024/02/14/plant-blog/ but I know it'd be a huge time sink
Good for you capjamesg. You do start up a lot of projects so I'm glad you're prioritizing.
I wonder what you'll do with those subdomains? Can you easily redirect them to the spring cleaning post so it's clear what happened to them?
[Joao_Paulo_Pes] there were like a thousand things wrong with my webmention endpoint. I’d wondered why it’d gone so quiet! It works for your colophon now. All it does is create an issue. My volume is so low (obviously 🤦) that I just do basic automated checks, and manually add them to posts. https://github.com/qubyte/qubyte-codes/issues/949
[aciccarello] The full list is now gone. I deleted the old server.
And I'm going to let most of my domains lapse. I turned off renewals for them.
That's true, you had lots of domains too. I'm trying to force myself to use subdomains first until I really commit to a project.
[qubyte] That's a creative solution
Yes. I have 15-20 that I am not renewing. I'm keeping five.
Wow 20+ is a lot!
Everything from teal.garden to soundbites.wtf to blogofthe.day.
(The digital garden I never started, a project I can't remember, and a site that chooses a random blog to highlight each day.)
I managed to get myself down to 3 domains at the end of last year.
This colophon is beautiful [Joao_Paulo_Pes].
Good to know it’s not just me rolling my own generator (I suspect it is many here).
[qubyte] thanks! next step: functions for webmentions, posse etc. your code will definitely be used as an inspiration for that
ren, rjomara5, inky, ConatusPrinciple, lazcorp and [snarfed] joined the channel
wow, fascinating to see GitHub issues used as a webmention store and UX! https://github.com/qubyte/qubyte-codes/issues?q=is%3Aissue+new+webmention
(may be heading toward #indieweb-dev territory)
Heh. The reason for that is that I was already using using the GitHub content API to add things from my micropub endpoints. This seemed like a natural quick solution.
jacky, [David_Peach] and Ezri4 joined the channel
Yes, these do sound like tools/libraries perhaps better for #indieweb-dev
On a more visual related topic, IWS participant just did a major update of her website and it's beautiful: https://www.arianalutterman.net/
[lutternoodle] has 1 karma over the last year
I’m just impressed we didn’t get busted by Loqi.
Nice! And great chat nickname too, haha
Wow that's nice!
teasea and ttybitnik joined the channel