#indieweb 2024-03-15
2024-03-15 UTC
santi, gxt_, jacky, mitchsucksatgame, root, ren, claudine, geoffo, timdream, reidrac and to2ds joined the channel
revi joined the channel
[David_Peach] 100% this. I've forked [pfefferle]'s autonomie and am slowly making alterations. Personal websites really are the best.
[pfefferle] joined the channel
[pfefferle] Let me know if I can help

[contact898] i'm now at 40 ideas for the « 100 blog post ideas for your personal site » and I think this is when it starts getting hard
[David_Peach] ↩️ Thanks will do.
mauromotion joined the channel
[contact898] joined the channel
[contact898] i'm at 75 now so i'm still hopeful 😁
gRegor and to2ds joined the channel
[contact898] i may or may not have gone very low effort on a few of them
[contact898] write about music / a movie / a podcast / a tv show / a book / a news outlet you enjoy is 6 items…
[contact898] No. 60?
[contact898] ohh okay!
[contact898] If you have some, feel free to share
[contact898] I'm almost there! 92! 😄
[contact898] ohhh great one
[Ana_R] Write about your recurring dreams
[Ana_R] Write about what would you do if you weren't in your current career path/job
[contact898] i love that one
[contact898] 97 😛
[contact898] already in there haha
[Ana_R] Write about the films you think you should re-watch at different stages of your life.
[contact898] aaaaaand that's 101
[contact898] woops
geoffo joined the channel
[contact898] thank you both for all the ideas!!
[contact898] Now I'll sort them by categories and then I can post
[contact898] ohhh maybe that's why i have such vivid dreams
[contact898] it's because i'm french…
teasea_, claudine and ren joined the channel
[contact898] there we go! https://alexsirac.com/101-blog-posts-ideas-for-your-personal-website/
ren joined the channel
[contact898] urgh. indienews still doesn't recognize my webmentions for some reason
[David_Peach] ↩️ i just replied from my site - hopefully it works :crossed_fingers:
aamirred joined the channel; aamirred left the channel
[contact898] i received all your webmentions, thanks everyone 💙
[David_Peach] ↩️ couldyou reply to mine / like it to test my own pls
[David_Peach] 😄
[contact898] ↩️ well it looks like i can't _send_ webmentions but i'll try, gimme a sec
to2ds joined the channel
[contact898] ↩️ https://davidpeach.me/2024/03/15/52090/
[contact898] ↩️ oops
[contact898] ↩️ https://alexsirac.com/testing-webmentions/
[contact898] haha happy as well!
Loqi [preview] [David Peach] Nice one! Might have to give it a go myself 😀

ren joined the channel
[David_Peach] ↩️ amazing - it came through
[David_Peach] ↩️ i dont get an avatar on it but that could be my setup dunno.
[contact898] ah i'm glad you got it! doesn't solve my issue with indienews but as long as real people get the webmentions that'swhat matters
[contact898] and yeah the avatar thing seems to be a common issuewith several people using the indieweb plugin for wordpress :(
[David_Peach] ↩️ ty. it hasnt come through just yet
[David_Peach] ↩️ its through ty
ren, reidrac and jacky joined the channel
jacky interesting: an AP-powered wiki? https://ibis.wiki/article/Announcing_Ibis,_the_federated_Wikipedia_Alternative@ibis.wiki

jacky joined the channel
bterry, geoffo and to2ds joined the channel
[contact898] i'd really rather have a http://fandom.com alternative, which is the exact same thing but without wikipedia's history and rigor and community
[contact898] so, so many
[contact898] 100 photos / images
[contact898] 100 reasons to blog
[contact898] 100 webmentions to send
[contact898] 100 personal web-related events you could attend
[Murray] joined the channel
Loqi 💯 A 100 days project in the IndieWeb community is representative of challenges to do or make something and post about it on your own site with some regularity (every day) and/or total completion number (like 100 posts) over a period of time like that same number of days or within a (calendar) year https://indieweb.org/100_days

[Joe_Crawford], [Scout] and [Tilley] joined the channel
[David_Peach] "100 list ideas for lists of 100 things"
[contact898] hahaha
[KevinMarks] and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
[jeremycherfas] I don’t know about cheese, but 1mg of melatonin a night offers me the most vivid dreams.

jacky, [tantek], [dominik], rvalue, gRegor, [aciccarello], angelo, [Paul_Robert_Ll] and to2ds joined the channel
[qubyte] joined the channel
[contact898] it sounds awesome!
jmjl joined the channel
[tantek] if I ever take a leave/sabbatical from work, I think I may attempt the meta of 100 days of 100 days idea. Though I feel I'd have to do A LOT of tooling improvements to get efficient enough at the necessary actions to hit the peak (100 things in a day on your 100th day of the meta 100 days project).

[campegg] joined the channel
redblobgames 100 days of cheese sounds appealing
[bjoern] joined the channel
cedric joined the channel
[contact898] the doctor said I should avoid dairy for a few weeks. not only am I injured but I can't even eat cheese... my life is hell
[contact898] (it's not true, it's Ramadan, the best time to not eat cheese because there are a billion delicious things to eat that you can't easily find otherwise)
btrem and [Fran] joined the channel
btrem I added the h-entry logo from https://indieweb.org/h-entry to the SuperTinyIcons repo: https://github.com/edent/SuperTinyIcons/pull/790. Slightly modified to make it super tiny. ;-)
geoffo joined the channel
ConatusPrinciple and jacky joined the channel
[tantek] yo someone IndieNews capjamesg's https://jamesg.blog/2024/03/10/100-more-personal-website-ideas/ and [contact898]’s 101 things to post about post! https://alexsirac.com/101-blog-posts-ideas-for-your-personal-website/

geoffo joined the channel
Loqi [indienews] New post: "100 (more) things you can do with your personal website" https://jamesg.blog/2024/03/10/100-more-personal-website-ideas/ (from https://aaronparecki.com/2024/03/15/7/)

Loqi [indienews] New post: "101 blog posts ideas for your personal website" https://alexsirac.com/101-blog-posts-ideas-for-your-personal-website/ (from https://aaronparecki.com/2024/03/15/8/)

bterry1 and jacky joined the channel
claudinec Yes, though I've spent more time in the last few months tinkering with the plumbing instead of finishing any of many draft posts. https://www.claudinec.net/

jacky joined the channel
capjamesg This may be of interest to a few people: https://www.napowrimo.net/

redblobgames Welcome, claudinec! Also, woot, 1990s