#indieweb 2024-03-18

2024-03-18 UTC
rvalue, [Joe_Crawford], geoffo, Halian and [snarfed] joined the channel
https://mozilla.social/@mozilla/112095207133579776 🎉 ...and I've confirmed that Bridgy Fed now works with mozilla.social ok!
schelcj joined the channel
rvalue, digitalrayne_, [Fran], geoffo, dmowitz, tbsp, a51, bterry, ttybitnik, jacky and shoesNsocks joined the channel
[preview] [Terence Eden’s Blog] .well-known/avatar https://shkspr.mobi/blog/2024/03/well-known-avatar/ Hot on the heels of a post I wrote 4 years ago, wouldn't it be useful to have a well-known URl for user avatar images? When I sign up to a web service, I don't want to faff arou...
[Scout] and [aciccarello] joined the channel
=> #indieweb-dev
[Murray], a51 and gruetzhaxe joined the channel
[contact898] joined the channel
same! definitely doing it next year
rvalue, [schmarty] and gRegor joined the channel
Does anyone use any terms beyond "blogroll" for a list of people/places/things you follow? Specifically looking for a term that goes beyond "blogs", if such a thing exists
"Friends" "recommended reading" "recommended" "cool people"
Yeah, they're all too specific 😄 (well, recommended isn't, I suppose). Some of those things wouldn't be people at all, nor reading. Clicking around the wiki, I've found "following". Not sure I'm a fan of the implications of that term, but maybe it fits. Will consider "recommended" too 🤔
[campegg] joined the channel
[Murray]if you're after a word without the value connotations of "following" or "recommended", [benatwork] uses "sources" (see https://sources.werd.io/)—contextually, it might be a slightly different to what you're looking for, though
Hmm, it's definitely not a bad suggestion, thanks. I think I need to try and work through this some more to see which one sticks 😄
[KevinMarks] and [qubyte] joined the channel
↩️ « things you might enjoy » :p
#indieweb-chat doesn’t let me see anything on discord
The chat clears if you aren't active in it.
It isn't logged anywhere across Discord or IRC. Slack has a limited log I think but it expires.
capjamesg[d]: Makes sense
I’ve always thought that the “blog” in blogroll is because it hangs off a blog, not that everything in it is also a blog. Mine includes a bookstore, some artists without blogs, instagram accounts, some video channels.
Interesting, hadn't thought of it like that
TIl "bleg": 'An entry in a blog requesting information or contributions. A portmanteau of "blog" and "beg."' Haha (from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glossary_of_blogging#B)
[lcs] joined the channel
on a related note, [manton] recently announced adding blogrolls to http://micro.blog (and used that term): https://www.manton.org/2024/03/11/recommendations-and-blogrolls.html
bret and a51 joined the channel
I used to use the term "affinity pool", but just stuck with /following: https://nicks.im/b/i0
[edit] I used to use the term "affinity pool", but just stuck with /following: https://nicks.im/b/i0
[preview] [Nick Simson] Following
[preview] [Nick Simson] Following
jamey joined the channel
[contact898] funny you should say that: if I ever get around to making the equivalent of a "blogroll" I was going to use the URL `/stuff/i-like` or `/stuff/you-might-like` 😄 but this is not for a title, more of a discussion point. Nice idea though
ttybitnik, jamey_, [tantek] and [capjamesg] joined the channel
been tumbling around the personal web and found this about page https://noelle.dev/meta/about/ that gives a good counterargument to "cool URLs don't change"
[Ros] joined the channel
↩️ Every 4 weeks, is that right? (I’m keen!)
↩️ [Ros] Every week!
↩️ Feel free to join us! No RSVP necessary!
hmm, I'm not seeing it jacky. I see the admintax criticism of WordPress, and social media struggles, but am not seeing the precise argument against "cool URLs don't change"