#indieweb 2024-05-13

2024-05-13 UTC
because you don't usually see ghosts :)
morgan joined the channel
I joined today because I am a strong digital gardening mode, and also logging out of/ greyscaling a bunch of web stuff to find a better life setup inline with indieweb ideals
I really enjoyed the Make a website in an hour event a while ago
ren, barru81 and sadome joined the channel
Morgan Hello!
We have a page on digital gardening that may be inspiring!
What is a digital garden?
🌱🪴 A digital garden is a particular practice of creating & growing an online and public IndieWeb presence that focuses more on topics & relationships than a timeline like blogs, has content of different levels of development, is imperfect and often a playground for experimentation, learning, revising, iteration, and growth for diverse content, perhaps interlinked with other digital gardens https://indieweb.org/digital_garden
Auctus joined the channel
what is greyscaling
It looks like we don't have a page for "greyscaling" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "greyscaling is ____", a sentence describing the term)
Auctus joined the channel
what is visibility
Micropub extensions are Micropub protocol-related features that are proposed, prototyped, or implemented in Micropub clients and servers beyond the official Micropub specification https://indieweb.org/visibility
^ that should be a user-centric page that includes the Micropub extension for Visibility in a section
that /visiblity that is
instead of being a redirect to a section
so we can document things like different user concepts of visibility and what icons to use for each
[pfefferle], [byJP], win0err, [tantek], OLGA27, GuestZero, [Jo], Guest6, Loqi, Halian, rvalue, gRegorLove_, [Joel_Auterson], mfgfmc, [Paul_Robert_Ll], beanbrain and bterry joined the channel
What is Squarespace
Squarespace is a content hosting service (paid) that provides services such as blogging and domain hosting https://indieweb.org/Squarespace
Is being taken private (by private equity) an indicator of less or more longevity? https://techcrunch.com/2024/05/13/permira-is-taking-squarespace-private-in-6-6-billion-deal/
Private equity 😬
[dominik] joined the channel
Yeah, that's not a good sign
well it could either mean nothing, or it could mean a lot of changes coming soon
[Joe_Crawford] joined the channel
I wonder if it's a data grab for training LLMs and other machine learning models
aren't their websites largely public data?
(also, steady trickle of AI debate here for a while now. I do get that it's related to indieweb sites, but often it's more tech politics than indieweb-relevant, maybe it's time to start gently nudging some of that debate to #indieweb-chat?)
pcarrier, no, their websites are largely public scripts, per js;dr
[snarfed] I think as long as it's focused on how it impacts our own personal website publishing, access controls, blocking or allowing, licensing of our content, then it feels very much on topic
aldur joined the channel
And the (increasing) delta between what silos allow you to do or block or not with your content vs on your own site
right. sometimes it is focused on that! but sometimes it's definitely not. and we've seemed to welcome most or all of it so far, maybe because the people who are more vocal tend to agree on anti-AI
anyway, not a big deal, just registering my vote
[schmarty] joined the channel
i find the AI relevant. particularly as i see folks choosing to make more stuff non-public to prevent it being scooped up as training data. i feel a lot of helplessness about it for my site.
useful! definitely understood. thanks!
GuestZero joined the channel
[schmarty] has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (24 in all channels)
What is the algorithm?
An algorithm in general is a series of steps used to to automatically perform computations and other operations to produce a result; on the IndieWeb many standards have user-centric algorithms for peer to peer site interactions; social media silos have user-exploitative algorithms for advertising and reinforcing addictive behaviors https://indieweb.org/algorithm
Ooooh I just thought of a "feature" of being ignored (not promoted) by / into the various "algorithmic feeds", you avoid being made the "main character" of Twitter or whatever silo, because your posts are not being shown to random people who don't follow you!
You might ask, how do I get ignored (not promoted) by "algorithmic feeds"?
The beauty is, if you're practicing POSSE in its ideal form, you're already doing it!
Specifically, if you include an original post permalink in your POSSE copies, you will be heavily penalized (deprioritized) by the algorithmic feeds!
(Being inspired by Maggie Appleton's talk at #btconf)
Also, on some silos, you can limit replies to posts to only accounts which you follow, which will further greatly slow down and even block the ability for random accounts to reply to you and elevate your post in algorithmic feeds
[Murray], win0err, GuestZero, GuestZero_, ocra8, bterry, fluffy and box464 joined the channel
GuestZero, [Al_Abut] and [snarfed] joined the channel
interesting new (to me at least) webmention logo on https://wordpress.org/plugins/webmention/ ! cc [pfefferle]. I tried Google image searching for it but couldn't find it anywhere else
GuestZero joined the channel
↩️ Added this weekend at IWC. The other plugins have updated icons and banners too (some have yet to update). Based on the new building block icons.
↩️ awesome!
bterry, ShockTohp, sadome, bret and Halian joined the channel
geoffo and cambridgeport90 joined the channel