#indieweb 2024-05-14

2024-05-14 UTC
ttybitnik, bterry, beanbrain, cambridgeport90, geoffo and jeremycherfas joined the channel
That was a solid long read, thanks [KevinMarks]. I’m not active on Bluesky but this makes me want to dig into it more and see why he thinks it aligns better with his Protocols Not Platforms approach better than Activitypub.
TheGr8Whoopdini joined the channel
testing 1 2 3
morgan joined the channel
My big mission today is build webpages on my website that will reduce the amount of times I reference or use Linkedin
I have new coworkers and I want to drop in occasional links and facts to help them get a sense of who I am, but dont want to link to the creepy surveillance capitalism blue site lol
[aciccarello] joined the channel
What is a resume?
A resumé or curriculum vitae (CV) is a document that represents a person's background and skills, commonly used to secure employment https://indieweb.org/resume
Yeah, LinkedIn is a strange social network to me.
Its the surveillance aspect of it
cant visit someones profile without know if there is an arbitrary attempt to get them to subscribe to see who viewed their profile
just simple acts of sharing information monetized
It's also pretty insidious how, as a platform, it perpetuates and reinforces that rah-rah HR-department pageantry
Everybody pretending like employment isn't about making money to live
There is that, but its not even particularly good at the rah rah stuff unless you have a fascination with dredging the sea floor
I dont know if I will delete my account, and I understand anyone who has to use it for work, but building my own website is helping me divorce from linkedin
This may sound ranty but I am very upbeat
TheGr8Whoopdini joined the channel
Eleventy is fun so far, I might watch some of their conference
I treat LinkedIn as just another POSSE destination
I like that I know the audience I have there so it's very clear which of my posts I should syndicate there
It was super important to me for a while because when I had no google presence Linkedin always has a really strong SEO presence out the gate
so like I wanted to control that real estate or whatever
I just have been on a habit of checking it in recent years, its doing less for me, and not enjoying it
If I have a notable post Id probably still share it there
When I had a similar feeling about Twitter in 2020 I build my own twitter clone mostly a fork but it was fun https://github.com/airbr/messageplatform
built* -- I feel like this eleventy site is a good feeling in a similar way
LinkedIn is very earnest and not toxic, so that’s a positive, but yeah the crowd is definitely toastmasters: success theater for the remedial
[0x3b0b] and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
[snarfed] I have noticed we talk more about AI now. I am happy to make sure we nudge any off topic discussion to chat.
I think there are many relevant discussions to be had and we should make room for those, but the IndieWeb is ultimately a place to chat about the (personal) web — that’s what brings us together.
rvalue, geoffo and rdg joined the channel
just wanted to thank everyone who completed the survey for my project (about Social Media + the Indieweb)!! A lot of really thoughtful responses
I'll share with you guys the project after I finish!
Not sure about the titling yet, but it'll be a pretty website showing how the everyday person can learn more or join the Indieweb (currently thinking along the lines of "An Indie Guide to the IndieWeb")
cophee++ amazing!
cophee has 3 karma in this channel over the last year (4 in all channels)
I think I missed the survey, could you share the link here again or is it too late?
[tantek]: Not too late!!!
I just started reading through the results hehe
[tantek] joined the channel
Thank you!
yar, oodani, b0 and [qubyte] joined the channel
Oh, I nearly missed this. Filled in 👍
[qubyte]: Thank you!!
I opened it on my mobile and it didn't show icons, and translated all the UI / alt text to non-trivial German (more than I could understand). Google--
Google has -1 karma in this channel over the last year (0 in all channels)
now trying it on laptop
looks like the UI elements are still being auto-translated
so annoying
GoogleForms-- should really respect the language headers I send or at least include a prompt my preferred language (via the header) to switch to that language, if it's going to try to be "smart" by involuntarily making assumptions about my IP address
GoogleForms has -1 karma over the last year
[Jo] joined the channel
FYI in case it helps anyone else (e.g. at btconf in DUS answering this survey), if you see "Zurück" and "Weiter" in the UI at the bottom of the form, they mean "Back" and "Continue" in that context (e.g. not "further" as Google Translate says in isolation for the latter)
rainystorm, gRegorLove_ and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
Current talk at btconf, Channeling Chaos: Role of the Artist in the Age of AI, making me think about blogging a satire counterpart to all the "managers can just use AI (co-pilot) to code instead of hiring engineers"
Guest6 joined the channel
Something like: "Modest proposal: make your next CEO hire an AI CEO" with pitches based on how CEO salaries are the highest labor expense of any startup, thus VCs can save money by using an AI CEO", and create an AI CEO indieweb blog accordingly
yar joined the channel
Similarly, technical co-founders can cheaply create an AI CEO (with their own blog obviously) instead of the hassle of finding a human they can trust to co-found a startup (and have to give up 50% or more equity to)
Progress on the design!!!
Will do the writing part + design for individual pages tomorrow
+ coding
[tantek]: Oh goodness that must be frustrating
yar and Salt joined the channel
Oh that looks great, cophee++
cophee has 4 karma in this channel over the last year (5 in all channels)
Though, I will say that I didn't notice the white-on-grey text (I'm guessing its some kind of ticker banner?) for some time; contrast is very hard to tell apart on my pretty colour-accurate monitor 😄
[Murray]: yup!! just in the background
I think it might look a bit busy with it being legible but lemme try it out
Will send through a couple of iterations!
I mean, if it isn't meant to be legible, perhaps it would better be replaced with a pattern of some kind?
[Paul_Robert_Ll] joined the channel
Very cool cophee++ I’ve done something similar for Indiekit with the floating shapes: https://getindiekit.com/opengraph-image.png its a fun way to play with the identity and introduce something fun!
[Murray]: Maybe something like this?
[Paul_Robert_Ll]: Awesome!!!!
I love the triangle being IndieKit + integrated with IndieWeb
so clever
I'll be honest, aesthetically, I preferred it before 😄 but this is definitely more readable and accessible! (and I still think it looks great 😊)
[Murray]: 😆 I suppose maybe we can stick with the white one (+ have it more legible in a subpage)
or maybe not have it at all 🤔
White space kinda looks good too
ocra8 and [campegg] joined the channel
Agreed 🙂
[Murray]: settled! Thank you for your feedback 😄
[Joel_Auterson], Halian, rvalue, nertzy, joshproehl, beanbrain and ocra8 joined the channel
The AI CEO reminds me of the fictional male exec that a startup founded by 2 women created to email customers so they listened to the pitches and stopped trying to hit on them.
Oh, it was for subcontractors
gavi, ttybitnik, [Joe_Crawford], [snarfed], beanbrain, barnaby and [Al_Abut] joined the channel
[KevinMarks]: Appalling that they had to resort to that 😦
jeremycherfas, sadome and gerben joined the channel
What do you guys think is the easiest way for a non technical person to join in the IndieWeb at the moment?
I’m thinking it might be Wordpress since they can do it for free (to see what it’s like), pretty much no code, and is already a known name.
Micro.blog and Known are probably even easier but pricing could deter casual users.
Would like to hear thoughts though!
gerben joined the channel
I think it’s better to lure people in for free before they jump into rabbit holes and learn about other options
wing_wingpang_com_[d] "owning your domain" pretty much opens https://indieweb.org/ though, and owning a domain ain't free?
fmlatghor joined the channel