#indieweb 2024-09-25
2024-09-25 UTC
athan and [0x3b0b] joined the channel
Menchers, rjomara5853 and ajh joined the channel
Menchers and __DuBPiRaTe__ joined the channel
petermolnar "the feed is not linked as is should" sounds less dev-y, there.

petermolnar as for what's the web and what't not: just because something is happening over http I wouldn't say it's web. If it's then presented, readable for a human, then it's web, that would be my split. Anything else is plumbing, and the procotol shouldn't matter, especially becase http isn't a singular protocol either: 1.0, 1.1, 2.0 quic, and so on.

Menchers, ttybitnik, greybeard, oakridge and fabricsheet joined the channel
[KevinMarks] What is womp triangle?

Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "womp triangle" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "womp triangle is ____", a sentence describing the term)

bterry and Menchers joined the channel
lain` and jacky joined the channel
petermolnar re: swf-icky-feeling and "Standards are collaborative, not competitive" from a screenshot - and that's why they're all working on XMPP. Oh, wait.

petermolnar by the way, along the lines of using HTTP underneath, XMPP is web. So is Whatsapp. Right?

jacky joined the channel
Loqi A curlable URL is one where you can use the curl command line tool to request the URL via http(s), and receive back HTML with visible contents https://indieweb.org/curlable

ttybitnik and AramZS joined the channel
[manton] This discussion reminds me of a couple blog posts I wrote 9-10 years ago… I think most of the points from back then are still relevant. https://www.manton.org/2015/09/16/the-web-without.html

AramZS joined the channel
AramZS joined the channel
[Joe_Crawford] Because most in this conversation agree that "the web" is "good" and "useful" it's appealing to try and define what is and is not web. I'm not sure what outside impact it can make though.
[schmarty] this frustration is part of why i'm so grumpy about what I (and others!) see as a name grab for the "Social Web".

[Joe_Crawford] You're certainly not alone if the chatter, blog posts, bsky and fediverse post comment volume is any indication.
[schmarty] sure, ask 10 people what the "social web" is, i'm sure you'll get more than a dozen answers. but these folks have registered a corporation that claims authority. feels bad faith to me.

[Joe_Crawford] If they aim to speak for many people they must reckon with those many people and their responses.
[schmarty] mattl: i don't think that's how mindshare works lol

gRegor joined the channel
[schmarty] mattl: plenty of folks are expressing concerns which, to my knowledge, have not been meaningfully address. meanwhile "just ignore it" could also be read as "let the org say whatever they want without challenging it", which sounds like silencing to me. 😕

Loqi Homebrew Website Club Europe/London is starting soon! Join us! https://events.indieweb.org/2PEAkowQI7hb

_pi_r2_0[d] ^ Discord time is wrong AFAICT
_pi_r2_0[d] [edit] ^ Discord time is wrong AFAICT. We're live.
zicklepop joined the channel
athan, isutton, audy, zicklepop, AramZS, jjuran and barnaby joined the channel
Loqi Homebrew Website Club - Eastern is starting soon! Join us! https://events.indieweb.org/R7Mghtc4oj6J

[Joe_Crawford] ^ Starting it up
catgirlin.space ill join closer to 6 :3
[Joe_Crawford] 👍
AramZS and ttybitnik joined the channel
catgirlin.space hihi (we talk in here if we dont wannya use voice right)
catgirlin.space zoom was being fine and then it dropped out for a bit :( attending while sitting outside was probably not the greatest idea lol...
_pi_r2_0[d] maybe #indieweb-events catgirlin_space0[d]?
AramZS, bret and zicklepop joined the channel